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  1. I once read a user post on here that, though they agree with gun laws, they felt every LGBT person should at least know how to use a gun and have some sort of weapon for protection if something were to ever happen, and each passing day I find that post more and more true, despite initially finding it silly.
  2. Seems to be a great alternative to Twitter and it's gaining ALOT of traction / #1 in the app stores. Post your HIVE accounts! Mines: itsleec
  3. Basically meaning that any data generated by TikTok (including your precise location data) can be shared with TikTok's staff in China, and any government agencies they work with. Personally I wouldn't have this app on my phone.
  4. If you die and thats pretty much it. No afterlife no reincarnation etc, would you be upset? I mean once you are dead im sure it will feel as it did before u were even born, like nothing. You wont care. Should churches, mosques etc be sued for scamming people if this is the case?
  5. How expensive is “Avatar: The Way of Water”? Early reports have claimed the production budget alone was in the $250 million range, but director James Cameron isn’t willing to give a hard number just yet. The only answer Cameron would give about the sequel’s budget when asked by GQ magazine was the following: “Very ******* [expensive].” Cameron apparently told Disney and 20th Century Studios executives that his sequel budget was so high it represented “the worst business case in movie history.” According to the director’s estimates, “you have to be the third or fourth highest-grossing film in history. That’s your threshold. That’s your break even.”
  6. Is there any single individual - outside of world governments, elite and entire groups of people - that has caused you the most pain/heartbreak, out of all these souls out here, in your own personal life? Name them here. Let's discuss these vermin here!
  7. Which invention is better ? The Internet ? (1983) Telephone ? (1849)
  8. Likingstars

    Anyone here from Baltimore?

    Hi fellow ATRL, Anyone here from Baltimore? I might need to move to the city next year for a month to work on a project with John Hopkins hospital. The thing is that I don’t have a car so I have to rent a place nearby. Is the area around John Hopkins safe to walk around or use public transportation? How about nearby area like Fells Point, Harbor East…? Would really appreciate your help.
  9. Its popularity has never been the highest among other plataforms, current generation doesnt even use it, it’s literally the battlefield for extreme right and extreme left every single day. On top of it, elon is now running it and it seems it’s getting worse. Imo , we should just have ig and tik tok
  10. Which cuisine one gets the boot for not being good or not as good as the others? Feeling messy today
  11. I haven’t had many, but currently I’m in an Uber on my way to meet up with some people and the smell in this Kia Sportage is making me SO nauseous—even WITH the window down. It smells like a fish market with used gym socks in here. I’m on my way to this wine tasting and I don’t know if I can stomach it now, but I can’t go back because I’m already suited up What are some of your stories?
  12. I usually search Nicole Scherzinger in here to see if there is any discussion or new threads about her. And thanks to her I learned there is an artist called Nicole Dollengager thought it was a nickname for scherzinger . And sometimes I search about old 2000s stars like Fergie and Gwen or some local artist to see anyone in atrl knows them. So who do you write on the search bar and why? I know a fanbase that search Britney more than their faves
  13. here a palestinian family begging the israeli soldiers to help them after their house was raided by 50 settlers, the soldiers ignored them
  14. https://www.semafor.com/newsletter/11/18/2022/semafor-principals-changing-of-the-guard
  15. I will be supporting World Cup finalists CROATIA this year. What about you?
  16. Ecuador all the way. All ATRL should support the Ecuadorian team
  17. Hey guys I was wondering if you've done an online course to get a certification (let's say Microsoft Excel), what's the best option among the three mentioned? They're not proctored I know but it'll be somewhat of good value/nice little thing to put on a resume. Thanks!
  18. Not only is it taking away their childhood by having them work long hours, but they're also in an industry with a lot of shady characters. Paedophilia and drugs run rampant. The people you hear about most when it comes to drugs and paedophilia, that's only the tip of the iceberg, imagine how much more of that is going on in the industry and we just don't hear about it. Why would anyone want their kids to be surrounded by stuff like that? It's totally irresponsible.
  19. Well have you ever had a dream about one of your past lives is this a thing that can even happen do you believe in it
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