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  1. Spectacular series that I just finished watching. I honestly think that if we knew what we know about the Universe today before religions were created, we would have never created religions. There's enough in science to make it all mindblowing. It's crazy to imagine how ginormous the Universe is and how Life happened out of sheer luck. Earth was supposed to be a completely barren planet.
  2. Bloodflowers.

    Thoughts on maggots?

    NSFW video, but basically maggots can save life. Would you let maggots eat your dead flesh in order for you to survive while you're still alive of course?
  3. I mean, I really wonder what these Elon Musks and Ben Shapiros of the world think is gonna happen in the future. The megatrends are clear: younger generations increasingly identify as LGBTQ, support for gay marriage is going up every year, and church attendance is falling/people are becoming more atheist/agnostic. I guess they want everyone to be straight, cis and religious. But that's not gonna happen. That ship has sailed.
  4. That dude is exactly what i picture a lot of you to act and look like. I still cant believe 20 and 30 something GROWN gay men are able to put down women all the time, without a warning from the mods.
  5. When was the last time you were scared to die because of anxiety or because of anything else ? (You ate something you're allergic to...) And why ?
  6. Which ones do you prefer? For me: 2D Disney > Dreamworks 3D Dreamworks > Disney > Pixar.
  7. This barely gets any coverage in global or Israeli Hebrew media because it doesn't help the 'only democracy in the Middle East' but props to them serving:
  8. It's official.. LGBT community can now practice freedom of self-expression in Qatar.
  9. Basically what the title says. Months ago my explore tab on IG was a nice balance of fitness posts and meme pages. Aside from some map accounts. I've been using twitter more and more these days and left IG as my secondary app to entertain. Now it seems like the explore tab is trying to figure out how to catch my attention and its full of (hot) dudes accounts. I don't really want to open it in public. How can I reset that?
  10. I have been to Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, Miley Cyrus, Flo Rida, Nelly, and Demi Lovato so 6 concerts.
  11. What star sign was your fav born under. Note to Lana stans: She isn’t a Gemini, she’s a 0 degree Cancer.
  12. should I change my bored Hayley avi to a new pic of Queen Hayley Williams?
  13. Has anyone tried/bought a Meta Quest 2? If so, what did you think? I'm curious and it seems like Apple won't release a VR headset for a while and when they do it will be crazy expensive.
  14. Source Scenes from the 15 year old's funeral Just a sad day all around, so much unnecessary tragedy.
  15. I scrobble 67 songs per day on average according to my Library data, what about you? https://www.last.fm/user/iAvrilFan1/library
  16. If you’re an American who celebrates Thanksgiving, do you help your family/friends/host prepare for it? Do you cook something or help set the table or do you help clean up at the end? I’ll be going over to my parents house to help make the pumpkin pie we’ll be eating.
  17. I had my fair share of roommates. Some were thermostats controller and doesn't clean or take out trash as usual.
  18. So much for Sony needing that Gamepass competitor...or how the price increase for their games would backfire, lmao.
  19. deadline.com This is a HUGE deal for the movie. The first Avatar grossed over 260M back in 2009 when Hollywood was barely releasing movies in China. This movie will not only debut in China, it will do so at the same time as the WW release
  20. Cristina Scuccia famously competed in The Voice Italy as a nun. These days she is looking completely different. https://www.wantedinrome.com/news/italys-singing-nun-suor-cristina-casts-off-her-veil.html
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