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  1. He's certainly easier to look at than Trump.
  2. Which actor and/or character had the most iconic transformation (2 Personas)? What's your ranking based on the movies of the main characters living the double life as famous celebrities (socialites or pop stars)? White Chicks Marlon Wayans (as Marcus Copeland) Marlon Wayans in the center in pink (as socialite Tiffany Wilson) Shawn Wayans in the right side (as Kevin Copeland) Shawn Wayans (as socialite Brittany Wilson) Hannah Montana: The Movie MIley Cyrus (as Miley Stewart and pop star Hannah Montana) Monte Carlo Selena Gomez (as Grace Bennett and socialite Cordelia Winthrop-Scott) The Lizzie McGuire Movie Hilary Duff (as Lizzie McGuire and pop star Isabella Parigi)
  3. I know ATRL is not the best place to post this. but it's anonymous enough. And I just want at least one person to read my story. It can't be someone I know in real life. It'd be extremely hard to tell them. So... whatever This friday, I'll finally get to see my fave live for the first and possibly the last time. I live in a country where not many foreign artists come, so I was quite surprised and amused. I was sure she was never gonna come here, so I always considered it a delusional dream. But it seems it will come true, if everything goes well. The thing is, in 2021. Many events occurred which literally left me traumatized, in my own house. Everything was falling apart, and I had to cry myself to sleep hoping next day would be better, but it rarely happened. And it got worse everytime. My emotions started to fade away from my body and I became lifeless. I had constant headaches, it was hard to even get out of my bed, I could barely do the things I loved to do, I had long and tiring rage episodes which left me exhausted and hopeless, I didn't know what to do. I realized I've always been surrounded by violence, vile people. Things got to the point where my mind was completely fixated on stuff happening at home. I couldn't be at home for obvious reasons, and I couldn't be outside because I didn't want to return. I was afraid of returning and finding the same situation again, and again, and again. I was 17 at the time btw, still living with my parents... Now two years have passed and although things have gotten a little better, I feel like I'll be forever diseased by those events. I saw a dozen psychologists, took various types of med, went to uni, tried to do new things, but I was always at the verge of things falling down again. I was hospitalized for a week last year and diagnosed with AS (aspergers) months after. I wasn't surprised, it kind of made sense, but I couldn't help but feel angry towards the world. How come I'm gay, neurodivergent, introverted, barely smart, not talented in arts, not talented in sports, not pretty and was born in a third world country and bullied in school. It's so damn unfair. I feel unable to finish this semester, things have gotten bad again, except for the concert, which I'm grateful for. But I'm thinking about finishing it all for once afterwards. It'd break my heart to leave my mom, my sister, my dog, my best friend... everything, but I don't know if I can't take this anymore. Such a long text, but thank you if you read it all.
  4. LGBT allied Dianne Feinstein announced in 1978 the death of Harvey Milk, California’s first openly gay man to be elected to public office, and San Francisco mayor George Moscone. Feinstein was the San Francisco Board Of Supervisors President and became the Acting Mayor when Moscone was pronounced death.
  5. Johnny (Avan Jogia) and Clyde (Ajani Russell) are two serial killers who are madly in love and on an endless crime spree. They have their sights set on robbing a prosperous casino - owned by crime boss Alana (Megan Fox) and guarded by a demonic slayer that she commands. Late 2022
  6. hausofdave

    95th Academy Awards

  7. Michael196

    Taylor Swift Heardle

    https://taylor-swift-heardle.glitch.me if the song is unavailable then use a vpn past songs:
  8. Hey ATRLs, i need help. So i'm (25) and have a new boyfriend (27), we've been making out since June and we're oficially boyfriends since the end of September. We started making out 3 days after he ended a 2 years old relationship where they lived together, he was the one that ended it. It was a very toxic but close relationship. When we were just making out, his Ex made several efforts for them to get back in the relationship, it didn't work. They had a "one night relapse" when they're over for just like 2 weeks and that was it, my now boyfriend told me some weeks after that this had happened. I didn't mind cuz at that time i was also going out with other people, since it was just our beggining and i knew his relationship was very recent i didn't want to rush things so we stayed like 2 months together but making out with other people and then we changed to just us, boyfriends. His Ex always made efforts to be very present, since they've lived together at one point of their relationship, he always went there after they were already over to see their pet that was very very sick (he's better now, thankfully), or created excuses that he needed to go there to get some fortinures to his new place and etc, he was always around him, and when they were together, he always talked about how much he loved him, wanted to get back and etc. But then he tried to force kiss my "at that time, close to being a boyfriend" man and with that act my now bf decided they shouldn't see each other at all cuz his ex wasn't respecting that they were over -- that was like 2 weeks before we got official. They've stopped seeing each other completely, so it has been more than 2 months. Now, his ex moved to another city and i accidently read a text of him in a group chat with his closest friends that since his ex moved he's feeling more and more that this is it, they're over and he's been sometimes thinking the "what if", since his ex tried to get back with him so many times. He says in the text that he doesn't regret being over, he knows that it was the best for him, but that he can't help it but having the "what if" feeling. I find it disrespectful since we're together. Since his ex moved to a far away city, he has been mistaking our names too, something that had never happened before. So it's 100% clear that his ex is on his mind. What should i do? It's such a ****** up situation cuz he literally "chose me" when he had everything to get back with his ex, and now that his ex is far away he has been thinking of his ex constantly. I should trust that this is just a phase since his ex is now far away and it's a human feeling and that it will pass or should i have a hard conversation with him that will maybe even led us to an end? i really need help, i'm so confused. He always showed his commitment with me, his family absolute loves me, he makes several love statements but it's so weird to be with someone whey you've literally read that he's with the "what if" feeling. My friend that lives far away from me thinks i should end things but other friend that also knows the situation and see us every weekend feels that he really likes me and she thinks it's just a phase and it's human and i should keep going cuz when he could chose his ex he chose me and now it's just a self-sabotage by my boyfriend, since he can't have it anymore he's feeling the "what if", a self-sabotage mindsent but that it will pass. what should i do ughhh
  9. Biggie

    Contexto (Word Game)

    https://contexto.me/ Find the secret word. You have unlimited guesses. The words were sorted by an artificial intelligence algorithm according to how similar they were to the secret word. After submitting a word, you will see its position. The secret word is number 1. The algorithm analyzed thousands of texts. It uses the context in which words are used to calculate the similarity between them.
  10. This has gone viral on Twitter recently, showing the evolution of whales throughout history. What are your thoughts on this?
  11. Inspired by this tweet that I saw earlier. I thought it was a very interesting question.
  12. So who here has a vegetable garden? What kind of stuff do you like to grow or what does well in your area? I'm growing in about 700 sf (60m2) of space in southern Ontario. I've been starting to take pictures of each of my harvests since late August, which I've found is a fun and practical way to track how the garden is progressing through the season.
  13. While the likes of turkey and Santa are holiday favs ms redface is the only one to make the promotion to a permanent emote. Did you see it coming she is so iconic she even has a spin-off for another holiday season
  14. I had a list with AMC a-list pre pandemic where you pay 21 bux month and can see 3 films a week but after I tried the Regal unlimited and its like a dollar cheaper but you can see unlimited movies and food discounts . I must say it's nice to see everything that's out in a weekend (I can really do 3 movies a day at most) but it feels a bit like where I used to work for them and could see whatever I wanted for free. Beats sitting at the apt all the time lol. Have yall gotten a movie pass before?
  15. THE GUARDIAN: Netflix accidentally posts guidelines for cracking down on password sharing “For a brief time yesterday, a help center article containing information that is only applicable to Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru went live in other countries. We have since updated it.” Although Netflix has yet to unveil its plans to tackle account sharing worldwide, the trial is the closest indication to what a global approach might look like. Netflix, which has 230 million subscribers worldwide, said last month that account sharing “undermines our long-term ability to invest in and improve Netflix”. It said more than 100m households were sharing accounts and that in the first three months of 2023 it expected to roll out paid sharing in other countries. “As we roll out paid sharing, members in many countries will also have the option to pay extra if they want to share Netflix with people they don’t live with,” the company said. Netflix said it recognised that restrictions on account sharing would be “a change for members who share their account more broadly”.
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