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  1. Angelo

    Your Karma stories…

    I got involved in a car crash years ago but I wasn’t injured. My Aunt called me after she found out and said “I always pray before driving that’s why the Lord always protects us on the road. You should pray too”. A week later she crashed her car and needed to replace her whole bumper and lights.
  2. Which software, company, or website did you use? btw the last day to file your taxes is on Tuesday April 18th.
  3. Americans: if Americans crumbles for good, where do you plan on moving to?
  4. For those who don’t know, many Men were accusing her of not wanting to return as Kimberly in the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Special reunion this year💀😆
  5. I try to be tolerant of other views, but lately whenever veganism, or animal rights gets brought up online it seems like the anti-vegan and pro-animal exploitation side of the argument resorts to insults. A group of vegan protesters pouring milk in a grocery store got smeared relentlessly, and people in the comments across the internet went on and on about how they were destroying property and making the lives of the workers harder, and other activism should be done instead. I recently saw a thread about vegan activists with pamphlets and signs about harsh realities of the dairy industry on Reddit, and quickly fell down a disgusting “Anti-Vegan” subreddit which focused only on hating vegans for our compassion and lifestyle choice. The commenters went on about how they want to knee them in the face, insult them, and ironically even pour milk on them. Other vegan activists get personally harassed for our appearance whether it be slim or fat, or muscular. Why is there such hostility towards those who only want animals to live in peace?
  6. Many of our acclaimed and loved thespians have gone to perform nude or full frontal nude scenes in their films as part of their creative decision to embody and fully live in their characters. By showing skin, they are showing vulnerability as well in their performance. Some of our best actors of our generation like Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep have decided to strip down and show their raw form to really get into the psyche of their character and help them expose their character in more ways than one. Some actors have also gone nude to subconsciously get acclaim ala Michael Fassbender full frontal nude scene in Shame or Ana De Armas almost fully nude performance throughout Blonde. if you were an actor, would you consider performing in a fully nude or explicit sex scene and weaponize your sexuality? For the experience? For the fame? For the acclaim? Why or why not?
  7. I was shunned by my family and long time best friends just because I am no longer a member of the religious organization (cult) they belong in. It's been more than a year now since I've heard from my mom and siblings and sometimes it makes me sad but thankfully I have a partner and a dog who make me happy all the time. But imagine those ex-members who live on their own without any kind of support and communication from their family and friends. Some of these ex-communicated members took their own lives for they can't bear the mental burden they experience from shunning. So, should religion that practice shunning be banned especially in liberal countries? Discuss.
  8. I feel like every time I see something that "surprises" me I just give this weird, shocked look that for some reasons others don't
  9. There's something about him that I find really attractive. Do you agree?
  10. so for some backstory basically me and my friend are both 20 and she's been dating this guy for maybe a little over a year now. he's a little older than us, I think he's either 26/27. so the issue is that he keeps cheating on her and she just won't leave. it's not like she doesn't want to leave him or that she can't, cause she can. it's just that after every confrontation he comes up with some BS excuse or he even downright starts crying, like bawling his eyes. I've witnessed that with my own 2 eyes. he mostly cheats on her by sexting other women and exchanging nudes with them. he has also physically cheated atleast 3 times, it could be more. it has come to a point that I just find the whole situation extremely annoying and I just start losing respect for my friend. she's a nice girl and all, but I just find her stupid and I feel bad because while we're not besties or anything but we've known each other since high school and we are close-ish friends and I don't want to end a friendship over her just being stupid and "in love". basically would I be an ******* if I just cut contact with her or atleast just stop communicating with her that frequently. we go to the same university and we are in different majors so it won't be that hard to avoid her. and before anyone asks, no I don't think her boyfriend is abusive, I've asked her and she firmly denied it. her excuse for not leaving him is that 1) he's hot 2) he's kinda rich, not like rich rich, but he has a well paying job 3) when he doesn't cheat he is very nice to her.
  11. smoore95GAGA

    A quick observation

    Just listen to the openings of each: Thoughts?
  12. Digital blackface involves White people play-acting at being Black, says Lauren Michele Jackson, an author and cultural critic, in an essay for Teen Vogue. Jackson says the Internet thrives on White people laughing at exaggerated displays of Blackness, reflecting a tendency among some to see “Black people as walking hyperbole.” Discuss
  13. Have you ever had a mental breakdown at work ? Have you ever cried at work ?
  14. I’m currently rewatching Making a Murderer and more or less completely forgot about the Steven Avery case over the years. I’ve been looking online and his attorney is still fighting for an evidentiary hearing. imo he didn’t do it. The state owes him a very large amount of money if he ever gets out and have done everything in their power to prevent an hearing where actual evidence is brought forward by a capable lawyer. But what does atrl think?
  15. So theres this girl who become very popular on social media like tiktok and youtube, she is "JustPearlyThings" and her content is hateful against lgbtq people and even women. Heres a few example. Could yall report her 3 channels (JustPearlyThings, JustPearlTalk and Pearl Daily) on Youtube. Honestly her content is so stupid and trash.
  16. I know a lot of people on this forum are gay men but hypothetically, if you had a partner or surrogate mother and you found out the baby had a disability would you want to keep them? Personally I think it would depend on the disability but I wouldn't judge anyone for their decision. Having a disabled child can come with a financial and emotional burden that many would not be able to support. Better to not have a child than for them to grow up being resented.
  17. I'm still amazed that we have been able to use ATRL lately without 503's interfering seems like so long ago when it began I barely remember ATRL without the 503 errors. I'm still expecting them to reappear. Would you believe someone if they said we'd be using ATRL without 503's?
  18. Update #2: Shazam 2 plummets 70% to $9M in second weekend at the box office: 1. John Wick 4: $70M 2. Shazam 2: U$ 9.05M (-70%) 3. Scream 6: 9M (-48%) https://deadline.com/2023/03/box-office-john-wick-chapter-4-keanu-reeves-1235309015/ ------------------------------ Update #1: Zachary Levi's Shazam 2 BOMBS at the box office with $30M domestic opening, $65M WW. -------------------
  19. ? Broccoli, bell peppers and potatoes
  20. Distantconstellation

    LinkedIn is so fake..

    All those corporate cliches and fake positivity drive me crazy. The corporate world is so hollow.
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