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  1. I’m struggling right now. What has helped you?
  2. GraceRandolph

    Vegan Facts VS. Carnist Opinions

    What are some misnomers and red herrings that the pro-animal exploitation side of the argument uses to mischaracterize the pro-animal liberation segment of society?
  3. I had a friend who was experiencing health issues and complaining about his dating life, I told him he should lose weight to improve both and he got mad at me and said that was a fatphobic thing to say . I mean, objectively losing weight would help with both of those problems. I don't understand how it's fatphobic to state the obvious.
  4. https://returntonow.net/2016/04/16/jarawas/#google_vignette “They left Africa 70,000 years ago. They are [among] the most ancient people in the world. There are no more than 400 of them. Up til now, they had managed to shelter themselves from the madness of our world.” The Jarawa have been living with almost no contact from our world for at least 35,000 years, the documentary claims. But they now face extinction. “We live really quietly in the forest, and we are happy,” a Jarawa man says in the film. “Here, there is everything we need. The trees are full of fruits, and the flowers are magnificent … We can find everything we need in the jungle.” “We don’t like people from the outside,” another tribesman adds. “They are bad. These people have only bad things to bring us … They give us tobacco [and alcohol] and they teach us how to chew, and it’s not good for us.” “This is where we want to live,” a Jarawa woman says. “Our life is here, nowhere else. We cannot love your world … Your world is bad for us. We don’t like it. There are too many people. Too much noise. No peace. In the other world, it smells bad … Here it is more beautiful. Living here is more peaceful.
  5. 1. Strange World (Walt Disney Animation) Total Loss: -152.4 million 2. Amsterdam (New Regency/Disney) Total Loss: -108.4 million 3. Lightyear (Pixar/Disney) Total Loss: -106 million 4. Devotion (Black Label Media/Sony) Total Loss: -89.2 million 5. Babylon (Paramount) Total Loss: -87.4 million https://deadline.com/2023/04/biggest-box-office-bombs-2022-lowest-grossing-movies-1235325138/
  6. 😍 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrBiC5HKUXC/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  7. Those statues were found in Greek colonies in southern Italy 2500 years ago. Do you agree with their choice.
  8. From Samsung to kdrama kpop kbeauty and kimchi to soju. Is South Korea Asia's #1 it girl officially? It used to be Sony sushi anime JRPGs in the 90s and 2000s.
  9. I just feel like society has been majorly gaslighting anything that's remotely LGBT, and any sort of homophobia/transphobia these days, is seen as a heroic defiant front to "save values & free speech" and is treated as a "middle finger to the oppressive woke regime" that is "hellbent on brainwashing and confusing children." Seeing videos like the one below makes me feel very unsettled. It feels like all those alt-right TikTokers have finally won, and they've been successfully able to flip the narrative, on a mass scale, on how people view the LGBT. And mind you, this protest, over a drag show being held at a high-school, is happening in...of all places...TORONTO . And the protesters are being marveled in the comment section as "heroes for standing up to the "radical gender ideology." Where do we go from here? How do we steer the narrative and combat this gaslighting going on, without making it seem like we're "brainwashing" and "shoving things down people's throats?" It honestly feels like we don't have much time left & we gotta devise some clever and tactical plans as a group. This might sound controversial but I, for one, feel as though we need to scale back on our presence in the media, a LITTLE bit for now at least, and ONLY our mature and QUALITY representatives, that are interested in protecting our image, should take the biggest platforms given to us & lead the way for us. The WHOLE reason why we're in our "backlash" era as a collective, is because people "are tired of seeing wokeness everywhere," which I don't necessarily agree with obviously. Also, I think companies need to drop the rainbow flags being excessively plastered all over their logos during pride as I notice this reading off more & more, by the short-spanned dimwits of the GP at least, as the "evil corporate trying to militantly spread the LGBT agenda." Nobody's going to change their world view because CitiBank's logo is rainbow-colored in June. Let's face it . Having less of a presence, in this way, would also ensure that other marginalized groups wouldn't complain about the LGBT's increased backing from corporations compared to theirs. And I say this as a black queer individual. Corporate pride support is not even genuine anyway & its all mainly for profits. Also, people like Dylan Mulvaney need to NOT be featured as the new face of Bud Light . Like str8 sports fans are going to eat this up & feel more tender towards the trans community as a result. What did they think was going to happen ? She doesn't even have any sort of brand that even remotely caters to the demographic that buys Bud Light too at that. This is why people think we're "pushing our ideologies" on them.
  10. If there's one thing conservatives excel at, it's alienating people and sounding insane
  11. Who do you think is the hottest male Cullen in the Twilight Saga? 1. Carlisle Cullen 2. Edward Cullen 3. Emmett Cullen 4. Jasper Hale Discuss.
  12. - Milo was known as the gay conservative then got canceled by the right for endorsing pedophilia then "saw the light" and became straight and now lives in Tennessee & hopes to spread the word of Christian nationalism but he gets dragged and discarded in this insane debate w Destiny
  13. There's been a lot of discussion online about digital nomads, people working in one country but living in another. Usually people moving from a rich but expensive country (most often the US) and moving to a less affluent country. Popular places include Mexico, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Portugal and Spain. A lot of these countries initially welcomed digital nomads to bring more money in but an influx has led to increases in prices in some areas and frustration from locals especially as many nomads don't learn the language or partake in the local culture. I even saw some people calling it a new form of colonialism. What do the ATRL girlies think?
  14. It seems like turning a horror movie franchise into a series is the new it thing nowadays. Which one of these confirmed upcoming shows are you most excited for? P.S. There's rumours of a new Scream series from the current creators but it's not yet confirmed.
  15. Paramount is selling both BET and VH1, and before the networks are sold are moving some of their shows that they want to keep to MTV. RIP VH1 Deadline.com
  16. UPDATE 2: --------------------------------- UPDATE: ----------------------------------------- RIP HBO Max: Warner Bros. Discovery to unveil new streaming service tomorrow - HBO Max - 2020 - 2023
  17. zasderfght

    Anyone miss their old body?

    Hello! I'm in my late 20s, and I miss when I used to be 180 pounds. For reference, I'm 6'1, and I miss not having a belly and fitting very easily into size 36/38 pants. I felt so much sexier. I am on medication that causes weight gain, and I have endured a lot of stress in the past year, so I shouldn't give myself too much crap. I do have a gym membership, and I know how to eat properly, but dang it, some foods just taste so good and life can be stressful as it is. I'm not looking for sympathy, but I'm genuinely wondering if anyone misses their old body. I'm also wondering if this is a thing you think about as you get older.
  18. tili33

    are you mentally ill?

    depression goes up and down for me, how are you doing?
  19. So, tl;dr is that a couple of former associates of mine are contributing to sponsor a trip for a friend as a gift, and since he loves beaches we decided on TL as the location. This person is generally introverted, but open to some form of exploration (we hope. If he sits in the hotel all damn day... ) So as a part of this gift we are also presenting individually a sort of "<insert name of individuals from the gifting group> reccomends:" type things. But a lot of the touristy things online feel very meh, he can google those too. Thought of asking if anyone's visited, and knows some hidden gems? Shops, bars, beaches, even temples etc.?
  20. I remember this was a popular right-wing talking point a few years back. Conservatives and Republicans claimed that Gen Z were shaping up to become the most conservative generation in decades and rejected all the progressive and liberal ideas of Millennials. As we all know now, it turned out that Gen Z became an even more liberal and accepting version of Millennials, especially about LGBTQ issues. I love how conservatives took the L and pretend this theory never happened.
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