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  1. rn for me it's Jack/Natasha
  2. Im from central Europe and Im wondering if this is an American thing bc I dont know anyone whos NB nor have I read about NB locals online. Im from a city with 2 million people and its odd theres no NB here when in America theyre everywhere.
  3. I love it. I also love to dip it with gravy. How about you?
  4. Do you think people will talk about her like we talk about Marilyn Monroe today and will be as impactful ?
  5. Since all the talk about whether or not it's okay to have a racist boyfriend and not get criticized. Let's ask the people actually affected by it and see some thoughts from Gays of Color. Straights can answer this too matter of fact. POC folks morally do you think you could date a man whose into racial degradation porn. Do you think you could remain besties if you found out that your friend enjoys and watches that sort of thing. Do you think you could remain besties if their partner watches it but they don't care. Do you think that those who engage in that sort of thing should be exempt from criticism or any consequences because it's "their life". Are people who do this owed access to POCs emotional energy and physical bodies? Just wanted to see some thoughts and in comparison to others.
  6. We often discuss Israel's controversial policies towards Palestine, and there's no doubt that the actions and repercussions of these policies should be criticized when necessary. However, I wonder if we are also giving due attention to the actions of the US. The US, throughout its history, has been involved in numerous controversial foreign interventions, some of which have led to significant humanitarian crises and protracted conflicts. For instance, the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, Afghanistan war, and interventions in Central and South America have had devastating consequences like the destabilization of governments and the killing of millions of innocents, the US has taken way more lives than Israel ever did. Just look at the numbers. Since 2001, the US interventions in the middle east have killed over 335,000 innocent civilians (report by Brown University's Costs of War). While Israel between 2008 and 2021 has killed over 4,000 Palestinian civilians. There are numerous instances where the US has been accused of war crimes or violating international law, from drone strikes that have killed and still kills nowadays civilians in the Middle East (https://atrl.net/forums/topic/440240-biden-admin-drone-strike-kills-innocent-syrian-shepherd-orphaning-10-children/) to the treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. Both of them are abusive countries that use their power to commit war crimes against poorer and weaker countries, but the US does it at a bigger scale. So why does the US often evade the same level of scrutiny and criticism? Why no one is calling to boycott the US like some do with Israel. It's ikely tied to its global political power, influence over international media narratives, and historical alliances. Do you consider the US to be as bad or worse than Israel? Is Israel over-hated or is the US is getting a free pass? Do you think that critizising artists for perfoming in Israel is hypocritical considering the US' actions are just as bad?
  7. How expensive is “Avatar: The Way of Water”? Early reports have claimed the production budget alone was in the $250 million range, but director James Cameron isn’t willing to give a hard number just yet. The only answer Cameron would give about the sequel’s budget when asked by GQ magazine was the following: “Very ******* [expensive].” Cameron apparently told Disney and 20th Century Studios executives that his sequel budget was so high it represented “the worst business case in movie history.” According to the director’s estimates, “you have to be the third or fourth highest-grossing film in history. That’s your threshold. That’s your break even.”
  8. What if you had a kid who was great at singing, dancing and performing in general and wanted to seriously pursue a music career? Would you support them or kill their dream? Would you travel to a big city to try and sign your kid? Become a gay momager or would you not be involved etc? I think I would force them to go to college and after that they can do whatever the F they want but low key I REALLY need them to have a degree to fall back on if the music doesn't workout. That said, once they are like 16 they technically can do whatever the heck they want so ultimately I would have no say I guess.
  9. They object to fur due to the harm it causes animals, yet regularly consume products from industries, like meat, dairy, and eggs. The meat and dairy industry are way worse than the fur industry in every single way: A higher number of Animals suffer more and longer, they are bred only to be killed, live on **** conditions throughout all their lives and have a highly negative environmental impact. BuT FuR is a LuXuRy WhILe FoOd is a NeCesSiTy!!! LIES. A healthy vegan diet is possible, rendering animal product consumption a choice rather than a requirement. Non-vegans who advocate against the use of fur are hypocrites. Do you agree?
  10. I can think of Iggy Azalea who changed her chin and nose at the peak of her popularity, sure there were other things at play but maybe the people became used to her looking like before and they needed to be reintroduced to the new Iggy. Maybe Adele too, sure, she also started changing her image into a more elitist way with the star-studded live special at the peak of the gp being sick of rich people. the pixelated to be loved self-recorded living room performance didn't do much, and lets not even start with her residency.
  11. You can just go through the replies and quote tweets, I’ll not post it cause they’re too harsh. Her own followers turned out on her. Apparently the boyfriend is some kind of Christian nationalist too. This is a reminder that right-wing whites will use POC for clout, but never fully accept them.
  12. People caught transporting illegal immigrants to Florida now get a felony Illegal immigrants working at a job with more than 25 people have to quit because they have to verify citizen status Healthcare workers at hospitals also ask for immigration status Seems like a extremely polarizing move on Desantis's part but unfortunately Hispanics voted for him last cycle. Cubans in particular at a 70 to 30 split. Will this have repercussions?
  13. They' re calling it one of his best movies. According to most is Leonardo di Caprio best performance ever so he became a serious contender for his second oscar. The movie is described as a macabre epic western about greedy and evil whites against natives. Probably It will be really hard to find a stronger contender this year to almost every Oscar including best picture and director.
  14. Post your fav iconic moments here!
  15. GentleDance

    Do we have Free Will?

    Free will as in the idea that in this present moment, several futures are possible and your free will plays a role in selecting which future will become reality. Free will seems to be incompatible with the laws of nature according to present data, there's discussion about free will in neurology, the discussion being do we subconsciously make decisions before we become consciously aware of having made one. Research at least suggests that our conscious self does not initiate all behavior. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience_of_free_will#Free_will_as_illusion According to physics, all the laws of nature that we know so far work with differential equations, these laws have the common propriety that if you have an initial condition at one moment in time (for example the exact details of the particles in your brain and all your brain's input) you can calculate what happens at any other moment in time from those initial conditions, meaning that the history of the universe and everything single detail was determined already at the big bang, we're just watching it play out. Do you think we as humans have free will?
  16. There is room for everyone obv but surely there must be traits you dont like in men?? Personally I find long hair on men not hot, I hate it. Also skinny men are unattractive to me. How about you?
  17. Do you have a dog in your life ATRL?
  18. Marvel Said Quality is Coming Back Now people can stop blaming Rick & Morty writers
  19. I've been kinda obsessed with it lately. Putting it on almost everything I eat.
  20. Margot Robbie is reportedly the Next Top billed actress offered the Role
  21. I frequently see this discussion come up time and again in gay spaces when people refer to a gay couple as "boyfriend twins". I don't really see what the issue is though? They're not actually related and a lot of people find people with similar features to them attractive. I feel like straight people do this a lot too, but it's just more obvious when both partners are the same gender. So what do you think ATRL? Do you think it's strange to date people who look similar to you?
  22. Undoubtedly the hottest talk show hosts on American television. Which one is hotter? Jimmy or Andy I want them both.
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