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  1. Bloodflowers.

    Anyone here wearing glasses?

    I am getting my first glasses next week. I wonder if anyone on ATRL also wears them and what is the experience like?
  2. I've always heard about it as meme and never paid attention to it, but this month my emotions have been very unstable and my anxiety through the roof for no specific reason, and lot of people who i've talked to have felt the same. A friend told me that it's because of Mercury Retrogade (until next week apparently) so now I'm starting to believe in it. What about you sisters?
  3. Hallucinogen

    Why do older people stare?

    I swear, no one looks you in your face more than an older person does! Just walking on the street and the energy is so rude. maybe you just stop caring as you age? for context I live in New York City but this is probably everywhere honey!
  4. As you can see by the ATRL payola, tonight starts first semi-finale of Eurovision. Do you care? Does it bother you? Are you curious to check it out? Are you a fan? Discuss!
  5. 22M in 4 months. 5M ahead of what Sword/Shield had sold at the same point
  6. This is the same girl that said slavery had benefits for slaves btw. does she deserve mercy? Or is it too late for 2nd chances?
  7. Hey all! In the late 2000's - early 2010's there was a pop/rock duo that consisted of a female singer, an Amy Lee type, who had a cute male guitarist with brown hair and he would draw little stripes on one of his cheeks, kinda like Dva from Overwatch, haha. They mostly did covers I believe, probably based in the US. Very Warped Tour core. Does this ring any bells? It's been bugging me all day. Please help.
  8. Like the idea that if you are a bottom you have to be the woman, and if you are a top the man. If you are a bottom you only give hear not receive, and tops only get and not give. That’s bottoms have to be submissive and top’s dominant. Im seeming this more with younger gays. And this thinking is rather messed up. And women in particular hate these roles. So why do some gay men want to feel like they’re in the 1950s?
  9. Congrats to her on her 2nd Emmy. “These leads! They’re trying to murder me.” Emmy winner Jennifer Coolidge has her sights on her second consecutive statuette for her turn as Tanya in HBO’s hit black-comedy series “The White Lotus.” Coolidge has chosen to submit herself into the supporting drama actress category for this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards, Variety has learned exclusively. She picked up her first career Emmy for supporting actress (limited) for her standout turn in the first season, which netted 20 nominations, winning 10, including outstanding limited series. Although initially marketed as a limited series, the show was renewed for a second season which saw Tanya returning to a new location, Sicily. This triggered the Television Academy to no longer allow the “Lotus” to submit as a limited show, with HBO and creators opting for the drama races.
  10. Inspired by certain viral tweet comparing certain cartoon moms
  11. Space Cowboy

    How often do you use chatGPT?

    I’ve found myself to be using chatGPT on a daily basis. Not only for homework, but for writing mails, messages to friends, advice, recommendations, getting good arguments to win discussions, tweets, basically everything. I don’t know how I survived without it for so long
  12. Guardians 1 - $773,350,147 Guardians 2 - $863,756,051 The Lego Movie - $468,266,122 Jurassic World - $1,671,537,444 Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom - $1,310,466,296 Jurassic World Dominion - $1,001,978,080 Super Mario Bros - $1,100,000,000 Guardians 3 - $282,100,000 (so far) Not including the Avengers movies Well Atrl, is Chris Pratt a Hollywood Darling? A box office mega magnet? Discuss
  13. When she left Spice Girls the hype around her was huge, the three years before she started flopping were massive for her, during that time she has scored more #1s than any of the members. However her third album suddenly flopped and therefore she quit music (bar a few unsuccessful comebacks). Why did she flop and could not repeak?
  14. Even as a non-fan I cannot deny the impact she has in the music industry, but will there ever come a time where she has to face any challenge in her career? I’m tired of her entirely calculated approach to music, there’s never anything unique or interesting personally. She’s a GP darling and her music definitely has its place, but will she ever a see a day where she actually fails commercially. It seems that every extremely successful artist has at least one album like that in their discography except her. And I’m not counting Evermore era as a flop either, because Taylor has never truly flopped.
  15. Year of Shadow


    Welcome to the official ATRL base of the best hero of all time, Blue Justice (trademark pending).
  16. I've noticed that people are quite openly classist and even proudly so, and they face very little backlash. Obviously racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism etc are all still alive and well but I feel like they are more taboo and people have to be more covert about it. For example you can't be openly racist in a place of work or you'll probably face some kind of consequences. But if you were to make a joke about working class people or poorer people, lots of people wouldn't bat an eyelid.
  17. this baguette is now a straighette! He says that Islam and allah have changed his life around completely. THis video has been viewed over 6.8 million times in just three weeks! Thoughts?
  18. I mean... what is he afraid of? He will have to eventually debate Republican nominee and I was told Biden's Democratic nominees RJK and Marianne Williamson are a long shot at winning the primary nomination, so clearly he is capable of defending his positions and easily solidify his positions since he has been a great president so far and the debates only can empower his campaign and inspire bigger number of voters to go out and vote for him
  19. The Royal Family have been facing plummeting popularity and their approval is at an all time low with younger generations. Many are critical of their wealth; saying it has been built upon both colonisation and the exploitation of many nations with people of colour. The effects of this are still being played out today across the world. Additionally, many nations in the commonwealth are questioning the relevancy of having a head of state that lives in a castle on the other side of the world. On the other hand, pro-monarchists argue they provide many British people with pride and bring a sense of patriotism to many. They do a lot of advocacy for global health and charitable causes and it is said they bring in tourism dollars for the British economy. In other territories in the commonwealth, it is argued they provide a stable head of state that isn't politicised and that this can help ensure a more stable form of government in the form of a constitutional monarchy. King Charles III may officially take the throne today, but is it time the GP took the crown back from him? What are your thoughts? ***PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU VOTE IN THE RIGHT CATEGORY*** I'm particularly interested in separating the views of ATRLers living in the UK and in commonwealth nations. To ensure everyone else isn't left out, I'll make a category for y'all too but please be respectful and vote as accurately as you can.
  20. It’s my bf’s bday party tonight, recommend fun pop songs I should add to the parTy playlist
  21. One of my friends is getting a gastric bypass soon and is really unsure about what to expect. Has anyone else here had any kind of weight loss surgery/know anyone who has and is willing to share their experience?
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