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  1. wehavetostan

    Would You Still See Wicked?

    Wicked: Part One and Wicked: Part Two are scheduled to be released on November 27, 2024 and November 25, 2025, respectively. Although still over a year away, the relationship between the co-stars Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater has been all over the news. The question remains how the films will be impacted by the controversy. Of course, ATRL does not represent the opinion of the GP, but it would be interesting to see how the relationship has affected some moviegoers’ opinion.
  2. Do y’all have any popular foods/snacks in you country that outsiders would fine weird or disgusting? I didn’t know non Americans thought Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches were an ‘American’ thing
  3. The movie has a very modern feel, and its portrayal of homosexuality is both nuanced and serious. I was genuinely amazed by it, and the fact that it was made in the 80s adds to its greatness. As a teenager, I remember watching gay media from the 2000s/early 2010s, which often had limited and superficial depictions of what it means to be gay. It's incredible to think that a movie from the 80s handled the subject so much better.
  4. What's your favourite fanfiction stories? I'm referring to movies/TV shows here not the lies ATRL tell about their faves.
  5. ? How would you react if 4 years ago you were told that there would be a global pandemic that changed everything, a full blown war in Europe, artificial intelligence taking over everything earlier than expected, officials admitting that aliens are real, much worsening global warming? What is next?
  6. Would you rather 1 billion dollars but 1 million cats will die or nothing and the cats are saved?
  7. What member(s) would you like to go on a date?
  8. come on clowns let's be vulnerable... here's mine... Being bombarded with all that TikTok Beyonce concert stuff made me kinda like Renaissance... and I ooop.
  9. There's a really strange exclusive attitude that people with iPhones have toward non-iPhone users (which is propagated by Apple themselves as a business strategy). Back in the very early 2010s, being an iPhone user came with somewhat of an elite status. Now that they're far more accessible, this attitude has stuck. It's one thing that green texts have limited interactive capability, but I know a lot of people that will straight up refuse to talk to someone or interact with them via phone unless the text comes back blue. This attitude is dramatic and extremely weird in my opinion. I can't explain why, but it's odd how some seem to legitimately feel better about themselves because they are using an iPhone.
  10. Trigger Warning: R-word ; Substance Abuse I was roommates with someone I'll call Mark. I considered Mark my best friend for about four years. It wasn't until I started to live with him to know how bad his mental health was, how untreated it was, and how Mark will probably forever continue to abuse painkillers, benzos, nicotine, and alcohol. Mark was r-worded by his ex-boyfriend, and I know I am so naive for staying in this friendship (we were friends in my college/young adult years), because the first day Mark and I met, he brought up his ex. And then somewhere down the pipeline, Mark revealed that his ex-boyfriend roofied his drink while they were boyfriends, and not only did his ex r-word him but another man. On numerous occasions when Mark was blacked out on alcohol, he admitted he has a problem with abusing painkillers/opioids and that he's still in love with his ex-boyfriend-- the same man who r-worded him. And the worst part is, his ex-boyfriend is in a committed, monogamous relationship with his partner. So you're not only dating someone who committed a violent crime, but you're also dating someone unfaithful to their S/O. How did Mark's love life affect my relationship with him? On a day where Mark and I were supposed to talk about a disagreement we had, Mark got very cryptic and noncommittal in his text messages, and my boyfriend pulls up Mark's snap story of Mark partying with his ex-boyfriend. I was so confused, mad, and upset-- strangely, not for my sake, but for his. Me being his friend, I thought Mark was going to turn his life around, work on himself, and when he's ready to date, date men that will respect and love him for who he truly is. Mark also mentioned he may have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder; however, I'm not sure exactly what BPD is. My ex-roommate has mood swings, gets irritated very easily (for example, he yelled and didn't talk to me for 2 days because of a ketchup stain on his couch that I offered to clean and spot treat), he is paranoid about everything (for example, I couldn't be seen by the other tenants since I was technically not on the lease-- thank God; I had to hide my dispensary bags despite being a legit medical cannabis patient in a state where cannabis is legal on the state level for adult use; I had to use the hand towel to wipe the bathroom sink every time I used it). Also, Mark has a tendency to be selfish. When I told him I was getting him 2 boxes of his favorite coffee brand, he goes "don't touch my couch. It's worth 3,000 dollars." And it wasn't until the end of the day until he "thanked" me for his coffee. Mark also made me pay a maintenance fee for an oven because apparently I "used too much oil when cooking" when I have used maybe 5 different ovens, and not a single one broke with my cooking. Mark's appliances are also old and break easily. He told me how mad he was at me, and I apologized and said I'd pay for the fee and I did right away. It all registered, and I'm like, the guy I thought that was fun and zany at parties turned out to be a cowardly, rude person, who drowns his sorrows with controlled prescription medications, cannabis, alcohol, and nicotine. The last straw: when I told Mark I'd take the rest of my clothes out, he told me to "please" wait because he had a guy "coming over." I told him, with all due respect, I deserve to get my stuff out of there when I want to since I paid my rent for this month, and Mark snaps at me and says "technically, nothing is in your name. This is not your property. Not trying to be a d-word, but you can change your address anywhere." I keep it cordial, because I'm smart enough to know, even with an address change to my new apartment, I'm going to have mail coming to his mailbox. It's just a lot to process-- any advice for healing? This is someone I thought was my best friend, and it seems like Mark just took advantage of me because he knew I was financially stable, I have a car, I have a medical card, and I have a prescription for a medication he would ask for (stupid me, thinking he would take it as-needed and responsibly). Mark was also cut off of controlled substances. Believe me, ATRL: I learned my lesson, and once I know all my mail from that apartment has been given to me, Mark and I are no longer going to be on speaking terms.
  11. In a car accident? sickness? How?
  12. I want to take French classes. I have looked for places near me and not a single school teaches french. I still want to learn even if online. Are there any websites that different languages online? Have you tried them? Are they legit? Do they work? Share your experiences
  13. The sales of physical media, including Blu-Ray and DVDs, have been in decline for years, following the increased popularity of streaming services and a shift to digital movie releases. Recently, Disney announced it was closing down its Movie Club program in Canada following a shift in consumer patterns to watching films on digital and Disney+. And now, according to Digital Bits, multiple industry, distributor, and retailer sources, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment will be pulling out of distributing physical discs in Australia. Many movie fans are unhappy with this news, especially with a growing trend of streaming services like Disney+ making changes or removing content without notice. Disney has been releasing fewer of its films and shows on physical media over the past few years. Australian film collectors will still be able to import films from global retailers, but this will result in much higher costs due to international shipping etc. This full pull out of physical media is not for U.S./Canada... yet. The concern is that doing this in other countries is basically the test ground for eventually doing it... everywhere else. “Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 3” is set to be the last physical release in Australia, which arrives in stores in August. Previously released titles will continue to be on sale, but as stock is reduced, these may become unavailable over time. The irony is that a few months back, Bob Iger talked about ramping up physical releases. This is the opposite. This is basically the doomsday scenario becoming real. No more physical releases and having to rely on streamers and VOD which just pulls the content whenever they feel like it.
  14. Although they have the biggest box office Smash and top movies on Demand. It seems they are failing far worse then competitors on Streaming
  15. mercurialworld

    Have you ever had to call 911?

    There was an incident at my workplace last week, and without going into further detail, I had to call 911. It was my first time calling, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Thankfully the situation resolved without incident while on the phone with them, but it was low-key daunting even dialling those numbers into my phone even though no one was hurt in the end. A little ironic because I was joking about calling 911 with someone else earlier on in the day Have you ever had to dial into 911, or the emergency services in your country? What was the experience like? Did things turn out okay?
  16. Two movies generally deemed as awful but also films that are so bad, they're BRILLIANT. Which is the better movie? or I (amongst several other gay men) LOVE both of these movies so much, they're both unintentionally hilarious. Which is the better movie of these two?
  17. Year of Shadow

    Disney+ Loses Subscribers

    2nd quarter in a row. 2023Q1: Lost 2.4M 2023Q2: Lost 4M https://www.statista.com/statistics/1095372/disney-plus-number-of-subscribers-us/ So what's the plan Mickey Mouse
  18. Say what you want about Selena's pre Revival and after Revival live performances. But during Revival era she's had a bunch of good ones. From my pov this performance is so good cuz it's so unique as a popstar. It's almost like if an indie popstar went mainstream, the whisper singing voice, the stage presence without even needing to move, the charisma. She made the stage feel filled just with her whisper voice and the way she interpreted the song. She's proved herself to be such an unique popstar in performances like this, i can't see no one else doing what she did here with the sexy vibe + whisper voice + charisma. Do u agree?
  19. This is probably the best upgrade that ATRL had in YEARS. What is the best feature for you? Especially for the girls with ATRL+
  20. So a while back there was a chris pratt lookalike I was seeing and long story short he broke my heart because I wasn't masc enough for him ... this isn't the only reason I wanted to become masc but it was the last straw. and so I confided in one of my straight friends who suggested I start taking testosterone supplements. He's a gym rat and said taking them made him feel more confident, masculine, energetic etc. So I started taking testosterone daily and after some days I could feel it working but not in the way I expected... It made me horny ALL THE TIME. And you guys already know I'm a h*oe but this was something else. I could have sex with 3 guys from grindr, one after the other and still not be satisfied, scrolling all day/night on the app and other apps for something kinkier or more extreme. I was going to drug fuelled sex parties every other week (which always end in drama). Cancelling plans with family and important work stuff to meet up with guys. I was turning into a sex fiend. As for becoming more masc - I was only seeing results when I was high/drunk, I'd be growling and flexing my muscles for no reason But sober me was still the same, somewhere between masc and fem. So anyway it was becoming a huge distraction sex-wise so when I ran out of testosterone 2 weeks ago, I didn't order more and now I've gone from 110% sex drive to like 5%. My grindr and snapchat has been blowing up with notifications and I don't even care to check them. So now I've gone from one extreme to the other. So does anyone else have experiences with Testosterone? What did you use it for? Did it work?
  21. Angelo

    Quordle & Octordle

    Daily Quordle #28 6️⃣8️⃣ 3️⃣7️⃣ quordle.com ⬜⬜⬜⬜? ⬜⬜⬜⬜? ??⬜?⬜ ⬜??⬜⬜ ⬜?⬜?⬜ ⬜?⬜⬜⬜ ????⬜ ⬜⬜⬜?? ⬜???? ⬜⬜⬜?⬜ ????? ⬜⬜⬜?⬜ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬜⬜⬜⬜? ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ????? ⬜⬜⬜⬜? ⬜?⬜⬜⬜ ⬜?⬜⬜? ⬜⬜⬜?⬜ ????? ?⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬜⬜⬜⬜? ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬜⬜⬜⬜? ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ????? I got lucky ?
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