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  1. It's ironic how Russians say that they are protecting the children. Very similar to the GOP in the US. Russia calls it propaganda, GOP calls it indoctrination. Meta owns Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. (Reuters) - A Russian court on Tuesday fined Meta Platforms Inc. 4 million roubles ($54,030) for failing to delete posts that contained what it calls “LGBT propaganda”, the Interfax news agency reported. A 2013 Russian law, decried by Western countries as state-enforced bigotry, bans the “promotion of non-traditional sexual relations to minors”. Meta did not immediately respond to a request for comment. ($1 = 74.0330 roubles) https://www.reuters.com/article/russia-meta/russia-fines-meta-platforms-over-lgbt-propaganda-ifax-says-idUSR4N2WG007
  2. x The service had 150,000 subscribers, but only 10,000 people were using it.
  3. Now some context: As a response for a COVID wave Chinese authorities have locked down 26 million Shanghai residents. These protests in particular are the result of people being kicked out of their homes so that the authorities could turn said homes into COVID quarantine quarters forcefully. I don’t think I remember any case of Chinese people taking the very dangerous (under the Chinese communist party rule) choice of protesting and clashing with police to this level. Do you think this will further develop? Will authorities compromise? Or will they crack down even harder on free speech and protests?
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