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  1. 2 years ago I started working for the coolest company in my country. Many people want to get there, a competition of 2000 applications for 1 position. To put it briefly, a year later I was promoted, but there was such a strong overload of responsibilities that I burned out very quickly. Holidays and weekends stopped helping me, I lost interest in music, sports, and even stopped communicating with friends. My responsibilities included being a business analyst, UX designer, product and project manager, and event organizer. Yesterday our team returned from a foreign team building, which I completely organized on my last breath – everyone was happy. Today I want to talk to the head of our division about the fact that I have burned out a lot and I am no longer interested in doing what I am doing now. I don't even have the strength to complete all current affairs. If you were a manager, what can you offer your employee in such a situation? I'm a little desperate, I didn't even get help from a psychotherapist.
  2. "Youth-obsessed tech tycoon Bryan Johnson touts ‘***** rejuvenation therapy’ Bryan Johnson, the 45-year-old tech bro known for his obsessive anti-aging regimen, revealed this week that he has “started ***** rejuvenation therapy” as part of a $2 million-per-year effort to reverse his biological clock. Johnson, who refers to his elaborate biohacking campaign as “Project Blueprint,” said he will be receiving “focused shockwave therapy” three times per week to see if he notices improvements in his love life. The total of six treatments will “cost $1-2K,” he added"
  3. What have your DMV experiences been like. Have you gone through the suspended license moment? Or paid a hefty ticket/fine. Last time I had to deal with returning my Florida plates / license when I moved to California and didn't know I HAD to return them upon moving. OOP. Nothing came of that though. I do see a letter from the Cali DMV in my ' incoming mail ' alerts and lowkey idk what I would've done to get a letter at this point. Pray for me ya'll I may be commuting to work lol.
  4. Mackenzie Shirilla was accused of deliberately slamming her car at 100 mph into a brick wall that killed her 20-year-old boyfriend Dominic Russo and his 19-year-old friend Davion Flanagan. Prosecutors say Shirilla was on a "mission of death" and methodically planned a murder-suicide
  5. I really wanna be empathetic because this is literally mental illness, beyond the parasocial relationships...but this is a grown-ass adult with kids who left her husband for an online stranger pretending to be the actor who plays her fave racist character from a Netlflix show?
  6. Get your anger out bby's I personally hate what this world has become The system just seems terribly unsustainable
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/@slayu.babcia/video/7262031533286919457 She was STUNNING.
  8. Posting this on behalf of @Distance "So basically I am a Pakistani gay guy. I came out to my family cause they were forcing me to marry a girl (arranged marriages are super common in Pakistan). When I came out, they beat me up and literally wanted and tried to kill me. So I ran away. I left my country and came to Italy ( where I currently am). When I reached there I heard there is a shortage in refugee camps so government is not taking new refugees in camps right away. They are making us beg and wait weeks atleast so we have to sleep on streets. I "tried" to apply for asylum in a small City Grosseto but they just kept giving me dates and still I have not been able to apply asylum. I think coming to this city was a mistake. Maybe I should try it in another city/region? Maybe in a bigger and more liberal city where I will have more chances of winning asylum? Or should I just try and go to another neighboring country to apply for asylum? Italian and European atrls I am asking for your guidance. I am desperate for your help ❤️."
  9. I chose 5 of their best known movies in the poll but even if you've only seen one of each, you pretty much already get their style of both pretty easily. Whose films do you prefer?
  10. ATRL hunties have you tried these? Are they good?
  11. The way that Twitter replies are full of people using these awful ass gifs everyday When will it stop
  12. Darkgalord

    Is this woman everything?

    This woman is very popular on tiktok, she basically records people reacting to her Beauty, looks, outfits while walking in the streets. Some of the reactions are hilarious. She's so extra but absolutely gorgeous IMO.
  13. in a main or featured role... *** already did it twice, do you want a third appearance?
  14. I always have some friends or family member asking me for money. I have a problem with that because they never ask someone in their circle close to them for money. The only time they speak to me when they are wanting something. They have a problem with asking their close friends for money but with me they don't have a problem with it. Why is that? I'm well taking care of and pay my bills on time. But I just don't want people to text me or call me asking me to borrow some money.
  15. I've been thinking about this a lot recently. Can you recall a moment in your life when a gut feeling tried to steer you away from something, ringing alarm bells that all wasn't right? Yet, against your intuition, you proceeded, only to find yourself in a situation tinged with negativity?
  16. Today, I had the day off and went to my mothers house to cut her lawn. Now, her new neighbor she’s had loads of problems with. She has 2 giant pit bulls, one who constantly was getting into her yard, and actually attacked 1 of my cousins dogs when she brought it over for the holidays last year. Her my mom constantly go at it, and my mother demanded something be done, so this lady threw a bunch of **** on my moms fence, making it look all ghetto and raggedy. My mom has been demanding she pay for a new fence, and this lady said “she’s too broke” but then proceeded to buy a new pool…. Anyway, today I was cutting my moms lawn, the annoying pits were barking at me, and the big one got out from underneath the fence and charged at me, doing everything it can to attack me, while I just swung my lawnmower at it. I fell down and was able to push the lawnmower at it, and then sprinted inside. My neighbor who seen everything called the police.
  17. So, in the past week we learned that there's pretty much no doubt, aliens are real, they're here. We have global military recordings of UFOs performing things we thought were physically impossible. The amount of recordings of these types from the military are probably in the thousands. Here are some of the overviews: It seems like time and time again, the aliens that are roaming around earth are generally not trying to hurt us. It seems almost like we're a giant experiment in which they mostly only observe. They seem interested in our technological capabilities, not because they are impressed, but because they're checking our progress. There have also been many reports about them intervening with nuclear launches (US and Russia) and plants. So it seems that although they don't want to intervene, but perhaps we would've really have destroyed earth if it weren't for them. So based on these facts, how do you guys feel about the possibility of aliens genetically engineering the common ancestor of chimps and humans to evolve into the homo genus, eventually creating the homo sapien? Cuz then that would explain why they don't want us to destroy ourselves and why, whenever people who've been "abducted" describe how aliens look like, they always say they look similar to humans, moreso than any other animal on earth. Perhaps they spliced their own genes into that ancestor. I for one kind of feel a bit of relief that we have something that is actually protecting us from complete and total destruction. I'm interested in if aliens will ever consider us worthy of joining the galactic/universal society. I imagine the requirements would be to hold a certain level of technological prowess and a certain level of benevolence so we can be trusted with an indescribable amount of universal knowledge and technology. My mind is so ready to discover the truth about everything!
  18. That just makes u feel worse not better lol. What kind of advice is that. It sinks u deeper into sadness depression
  19. So I recently started sharing my art. When you start sharing your art or any part of your life, you notice the friends who support your art or at least show an interest in what you’re doing and consequently, you then notice the few who don’t care at all. There’s this one friend who I’ve known since kindergarten. We’re in our 20s now. She and my other friends have started to see a different side to her these past few years. She got married and I officiated her wedding (mind you, I had to pay for the certification on my own at a time in my life when I was incredibly broke and had a lot of anxiety about it) and she was so unappreciative, didn’t thank me, posted a bunch of wedding photos and tagged everyone except for me (I only officiated cuz she didn’t know what to do with a gay male friend and didn’t want me in her wedding), she sometimes makes sly comments that I always wrote off as jokes that didn’t land well but I’m realizing now were likely shady. She met a nice (conservative) man who lives in a small hick town back in 2019 and immediately moved there with him and has been a lil different ever since. Anyway- now that I’ve started sharing my art across social platforms, which sounds frivolous but is a big deal to me- she’s the only friend of mine who doesn’t show any sort of support. Hasn’t reached out. Hasn’t showed any interest and I’ve only noticed this because she’s the only other one of my friends who is an artist. She is an art major, in fact, so it definitely feels shady that she can’t even acknowledge my art when I’ve made it clear how much it means to me and I’d think of all people in my life she’d understand. I’m not asking if I should cut her off cuz I can figure that out on my own. But is this something any of you would be a little wary of or am I reading into it too much?
  20. Better Mistakes

    Why are we expected to "come out"?

    Watched Heartstopper and loved the entire series and it really struck a chord with me and had me reflecting. It got me thinking, why are we expected to "come out" regarding our sexuality/ identity? Why does it have to be a thing as opposed to it just being nonchalant in passing like "so, this is my bf/gf..." / "I'm seeing xxxxxx"? Anyway, some other think pieces from the series: In one scene, Nick says to Coach Singh, “None of the guys know about me,” (his relationship with Charlie/ bisexuality) to which she replies, “Well, you don’t owe them that information, okay?” And also:
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