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  1. Berlusconi is one of the most corrupt politicians of all time, lmao. "Putin was pushed by the Russian population, by his party and by his ministers to invent this special operation," he said. "The troops were supposed to enter, reach Kyiv in a week, replace the Zelensky government with decent people and a week later come back," Mr Berlusconi added. "Instead they found an unexpected resistance, which was then fed by arms of all kinds from the West." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63005402
  2. Super Bowl Halftime Show: Apple Music Named Presenting Sponsor of NFL Event source
  3. He's such a Putin's lapdog, it's unbelievable. "BUDAPEST, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told his ruling Fidesz party that sanctions against Russia imposed by the European Union should be scrapped, the pro-government daily Magyar Nemzet reported late on Wednesday. Government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs confirmed the comments in an emailed reply to Reuters. Orban, a harsh critic of EU sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, made the remarks at a closed-door meeting of his party members on Wednesday, before the start of the autumn political season." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungary-pm-orban-says-eus-russia-sanctions-should-be-scrapped-report-2022-09-22/
  4. greeneyedsoul

    Croatia Debuts Demographic Collapse

    In 10 years since the previous census Croatia's population has decreased by 413,056 inhabitants or 9.64%. Census 2011 vs. 2021 Population 2011: 4,284,889 2021: 3,871,833 Nationality 2011 Croats - 3,874,321 - 90.42% Serbs - 186,633 - 4.36% Bosniaks - 31.479 - 0.73% Roma - 16,975 - 0.40% 2021 Croats - 3,567,614 - 91.63% Serbs - 123,892 - 3.2% Bosniaks - 24,131 - 0.62% Roma - 17,980 - 0.46% Religion 2011 Catholicism - 3,697,143 - 86,28% Christian Orthodoxy: 190,146 - 4.44% Islam - 62,977 - 1,47% 2021 Catholicism - 3,057,735 - 78,97% Christian Orthodoxy: 128,395 - 3.32% Islam - 50,981 - 1,47% 600k catholics less. https://hr.n1info.com/english/news/2021-census-shares-of-ethnic-croats-and-atheists-increase/ @Komet blu @Bloodflowers. @Pop @Hurem
  5. They are going to countries where they don't need a visa to enter. "All flights from Russia to neighbouring countries sold out on Wednesday as Russians sought to flee a partial mobilisation order drafting 300,000 reservists into the army announced by Vladimir Putin. Russian news outlet RBC reported that there were no seats available on flights to destinations that do not require a visa until Friday. Fears that men of fighting age would not be allowed to leave the country began to spread as the Russian president ordered the call-up, which followed the announcement of referendums to pave the way for the formal annexation of swathes of Ukraine. Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov refused to say whether Russia would close its borders for those who are subject to mobilisation." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/09/21/ukraine-news-russia-war-putin-counter-offensive-mobilisation/
  6. Horrible. Truly horrible. This needs to stop. "A 22-year-old woman has died in an Iranian hospital days after being detained by the regime’s morality police for allegedly not complying with the country’s hijab regulations. Mahsa Amini was travelling with her family from Iran’s western province of Kurdistan to the capital, Tehran, to visit relatives when she was reportedly arrested for failing to meet the country’s strict rules on women’s dress."
  7. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2022/sep/06/nicola-sturgeon-announces-rent-freeze-for-tenants-in-scortland https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-62820909.amp
  8. Russia may face a longer and deeper recession as the impact of US and European sanctions spreads, handicapping sectors that the country has relied on for years to power its economy, according to an internal report prepared for the government. The document, the result of months of work by officials and experts trying to assess the true impact of Russia’s economic isolation due to President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, paints a far more dire picture than officials usually do in their upbeat public pronouncements. Bloomberg viewed a copy of the report, drafted for a closed-door meeting of top officials on Aug. 30. People familiar with the deliberations confirmed its authenticity. Two of the three scenarios in the report show the contraction accelerating next year, with the economy returning to the prewar level only at the end of the decade or later. The “inertial” one sees the economy bottoming out next year 8.3% below the 2021 level, while the “stress” scenario puts the low in 2024 at 11.9% under last year’s level. Beyond the restrictions themselves, which cover about a quarter of imports and exports, the report details how Russia now faces a “blockade” that “has affected practically all forms of transport,” further cutting off the country’s economy. Technological and financial curbs add to the pressure. The report estimates as many as 200,000 IT specialists may leave the country by 2025, the first official forecast of the widening brain drain. Europe’s plans to stop importing Russian oil products -- about 55% of exports went there last year -- could trigger sharp cuts in production leaving the domestic market short of fuel, as well. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-05/russia-risks-bigger-longer-sanctions-hit-internal-report-warns
  9. Dear ATRL, Our friend Joyride (now his username is The Kick) needs your help again. He is in debt due to complications and he cannot afford chemo. Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/joaquinignaciod Original (first) thread - https://atrl.net/forums/topic/412541-urgent-help-needed-fellow-atrler-joyride-needs-your-help-fight-off-cancer/ I'm bumping and editing this thread because I can't make topics on ATRL and I have no other options. I did contact a mod and I was given their permission to do this. P.S. I apologize for the grammar errors. English is not my first language.
  10. Israeli military admits Shireen Abu Akleh likely killed by Israeli fire, but won't charge soldiers Full article : https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/05/middleeast/idf-shireen-abu-akleh-investigation-intl/index.html
  11. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/08/gop-candidate-said-totally-just-stone-gay-people-death/
  12. WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A respected Polish scientific institute has classified domestic cats as an “invasive alien species,” citing the damage they cause to birds and other wildlife. Some cat lovers have reacted emotionally to this month’s decision and put the key scientist behind it on the defensive. https://apnews.com/article/science-poland-wildlife-cats-birds-b942a55135832d085375de73c9cc2e23 Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of vertebrates, says Peter Marra, director of the Georgetown Environment Initiative. “The fact that they’ve caused these extinctions is bad enough…. [Additionally] we know that they have a significant impact on populations globally, whether they’re threatened or not,” he says. https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/animals/2020/09/the-232-animals-in-this-photo-were-killed-by-house-cats-in-just-one-year/amp Hopefully they take us out next
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