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  1. Take that, bigots. Here's the link if the tweet embed doesn't work. https://mobile.twitter.com/fasc1nate/status/1583547802306908160?s=20&t=XWipwwuyHtkhprpKkcbolA
  2. From The Star: What do you think? Would you order cannabis through Uber Eats if it was available in your city?
  3. Btw I got 2 WP's for this thread lol (Reason: "We've noticed a history of anti-Muslim threads and comments coming from your account.") On Monday, a Dearborn Public Schools board meeting in Michigan was shut down as hundreds of Muslims protested the use of LGBTQ books. They held up signs in Arabic & English referencing they are in the majority & that homosexuality is sin
  4. She also urged other "independent minded Democrats" to leave the party. https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1579788950696185859
  5. Im at loss for words. Jail for all of them. Reminds me when back then when white people use to kill Chinese people cause they thought they were Japanese.
  6. OUCH. A new meme out of China, ‘suitcase bowling’, is taking over the Internet! Two people at the top of the escalator tried to send their bag down on its own. However it did NOT stay upright – tossing itself down and rapidly gaining momentum until a woman – who sees it coming and tries to outrun it – gets knocked down. The bowling victim, taken away on a stretcher at the end of the video, reportedly received minor injuries and has since recovered fully. This all happened in Zhejiang province, China although more specifics, including where this happened, aren’t clear. Here’s the original video shared by Chinese state media, which has racked up over 10M views across all platforms: Viral edits: @Walk_Away21 @The Witch @Bloodflowers. @AintNoOtherMe @EnigmaticAndroid @mellenthin @starsailor
  7. This was tweeted today and already millions of views on the video. Sanna Marin is like that main pop girl of politics rn, at least in Europe. You might have seen the videos of her partying with friends. Now she said the way out of this conflict is that Russia leaves Ukraine.
  8. Right-wing political commentator Matt Walsh is currently trending on Twitter after a rant of his was leaked onto Twitter, where he's advocating for the concept of child marriage and impregnating 16-year-old girls because that when girls are their "most fertile". Matt Walsh previously made headlines in February this year for scamming transgender people to appear in his documentary "What is a Woman?", that was meant to mock and dehumanize them. This is not the first time he advocated for pedophilia and child abuse:
  9. nadiamendell

    Biden CONFIRMS He Will Run in 2024

    https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-tells-al-sharpton-will-run-president-2024-rcna50556?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma Well...
  10. He is so full of sh**. Most people voted no in his silly little poll, to reject his conditions for peace. And Musk asking Ukraine to stay neutral absolutely takes away from their sovereign autonomy! Make no mistake, these are pro-Russian terms for peace.
  11. anti-bitch

    Ukraine officially applies for NATO

    No more beating around the bush
  12. greeneyedsoul

    Russia Annexes 4 Ukrainian Territories

    The Russian president is continuing to defend what he is doing in Ukraine - the annexation of four areas of the country - saying they are Russian territory and blaming the West for trying to subdue Russia. This speech – in St George’s Hall in the Kremlin - follows so-called "referendums" in Russian-held Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. The West condemned them as shams held under gunpoint and what Putin has just announced is illegal under international law. President Putin says he wants everyone in Kyiv and the West to hear that those in the Donbas region will become Russian citizens forever, he says. Kyiv authorities should "take this expression of will with great respect". This is the only way to peace, he says, and Russia will protect its land with all means Russia has "to provide safe living for our people". Russia will rebuild the ruins in towns and villages and develop infrastructure and health care and education. Source: BBC
  13. This is from an independent Russian pollster called Levada. Mind you that the poll respondents were interviewed in their homes so there could be an element of not wanting to speak out against the war in fear of legal ramifications. EIther way, especially the Russian boomers support the "operation", but then again they watch more TV than young people which means more exposure to state propaganda. "The prevailing feelings about the partial mobilization announced in the Russian Federation are “anxiety, fear, horror” (47%), “shock” (23%), “pride for Russia” (23%) and “anger, indignation” (13%). Only 9% of respondents said they were indifferent." "The highest level of support for the actions of the Russian armed forces in Ukraine is still observed among the older age group - 81% support; the smallest is characteristic of young respondents (18–24): among them, 55% of respondents express support." "In September, the share of those who believe that the “special military operation” is progressing successfully has decreased. If in May there were 73% of such people, then in September - 53%: 9% believe that it is progressing very successfully, 44% - which is rather successful. About a third (31%) are of the opinion that the "special operation" is not successful." https://www.levada.ru/2022/09/29/konflikt-s-ukrainoj-sentyabr-2022-goda/
  14. They are trying to gaslight the world into thinking that Russia is not behind the pipeline sabotage. MOSCOW, September 28. /TASS/. Russia intends to convene a United Nations Security Council session in connection with the provocations against the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel on Wednesday. "Russia is planning to call for an official meeting of the UN Security Council over the provocations against the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 pipelines," Zakharova said. https://tass.com/politics/1514819 UNITED NATIONS, September 28. /TASS/. An emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council concerning acts of sabotage against the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines is scheduled for Friday, September 30, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said on Wednesday. https://tass.com/politics/1514847 Zakharova also insinuated that the US might be behind the sabotage. “On February 7, 2022, Joe Biden said that Nord Stream would be finished if Russia invaded Ukraine,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on social media, posting a video of Biden saying “we will bring an end” to Nord Stream 2 if Russian tanks cross Ukraine’s border. “Biden is obliged to answer the question of whether the US carried out its threat,” Zakharova added. https://english.alarabiya.net/business/energy/2022/09/28/Biden-is-obliged-to-answer-if-US-is-behind-Nord-Stream-gas-leaks-Moscow
  15. The next few days are gonna be absolute chaos in Russia This is from Meduza. It's an independent Russian news website based in Latvia (because independent media is banned in Russia). The Russian authorities are going to close the borders for men of mobilization age, a source close to the Presidential Administration (AP) of the Russian Federation told Meduza. According to him, the most likely date for the introduction of the ban is September 28. The second source, also close to the Presidential Administration, says that this will happen "after the referendums" that are held in the self-proclaimed DPR, LPR and in the occupied territories of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine. They will end on the evening of September 27th. The interlocutor noted that there would be a semblance of "exit visas": in order to leave Russia, men would have to obtain permission from the military registration and enlistment office. https://meduza.io/news/2022/09/25/istochniki-meduzy-soobschili-chto-muzhchinam-mobilizatsionnogo-vozrasta-posle-referendumov-zapretyat-vyezzhat-iz-rossii
  16. anti-bitch

    Italian parliamentary elections

    "Almost 51 million Italians have the right to vote until 23:00 (21:00 GMT); 2.6 million are first-time voters and another 4.7 million are abroad." "Giorgia Meloni leads the far-right Brothers of Italy party and is aiming to become the country's first female prime minister allied with two other parties on the right. She has softened her image and resents being linked to Italy's fascist past. She backs Western sanctions on Russia and has toned down rhetoric on Europe. But she still embraces an old slogan adopted by the fascists - "God, fatherland and family" - she has spoken out against the "LGBT lobby" and called for a naval blockade of Libya to halt migration." "The EU agreed to send Italy an eye-watering €200bn (£178bn) in post-Covid recovery grants and loans but that is conditional on reforms agreed by the outgoing unity government of Mario Draghi. Giorgia Meloni has called for the plan to be revised and has talked of doing more to "defend" Italy's national interests in the EU. No wonder many of Europe's leaders are watching this vote closely." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63022408
  17. This is from the Finnish border today. I kinda feel bad for the first guy especially, and to anyone who wants no part in Putin's war really. And here's something from the Georgian border (the country). It's sad how the last guy said that everything he worked for in life for 30 years in Russia was all in vain.
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