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  1. The quote rts and replies… oh he’s taking it.
  2. When everyone starts to clap and shout every two seconds? Like during the Avengers and Spider man films? example As a European the second hand embarrassment is strong What you think sistrens, discuss
  3. Mine was Chad Michael Murray And Jesse Metcalfe Who was yours?
  4. https://nypost.com/2023/09/16/woman-spreads-brothers-ashes-in-packed-club-pool-in-ibiza-wtf/ What do you think about this ?
  5. I am currently reading the second book and I enjoy the story so far. Why do they take so long to make a movie? It’s been years, is it still in the works or they gave up on the idea?
  6. You can have 2 sexy boyfriends for you and they will take care of you every day and night. Which team would you choose ? Team 1 : Team 2 : Team 3 : Team 4 : Which team would you choose ?
  7. Symmetra

    Would you get cryofroze?

    Would you get cryofroze if you had the option to be woken up at a later date in time?
  8. Taylor is actually huge right now in Brazil. Yeah she always been very local and reliant on fanbase, but the past year(s) she really is becoming quite big here as well.
  9. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7Rc3sE/ This is so great for fast food workers in CA. I know of plenty of people who work as managers and crew members and can still barley afford to live a life. $20 might not be enough in CA, but it's better than $12 an hour. https://www.kcra.com/article/california-fast-food-workers-minimum-wage-deal/45088093
  10. What do you think? We all hate being ghosted but are guilty of doing the ghosting at one point in time. Would it really be daunting for us to face that one dude who said hi a few weeks ago and tapped again just this Saturday and say "Hey sorry not interested anymore?" Now this isn't at all insinuating that we should respond to all "Hey Sup?"s. This is focused moreso on people who one has already been with but had a wicked post nut clarity in which they just knew it would always be a one time thing . Is this a reasonable thing we as a community should start to adapt some more? Is it as simple as three or five words? Or is it asking too much and we should just get accustomed to no closure?
  11. What's the highest floor you've ever been on in life? I've only been as high as the observation level of CN Tower tbh. The glass floor view tho
  12. Some days I’m bored of being stuck in the house but have no motivation to do anything productive. I just get in my car and drive for miles around my city listening to Music. it’s mainly on my off days from work. But sometimes I drive like 50 miles to another town, with no real destination. By the time I find a restaurant or something to do I’m tired and just drive back home. 🤦‍♀️ it’s a waste of gas but it makes time go by. Maybe I need a vacation or friends. But my safe pace is my car and playlist of 2000’s pop music. anybody relate or am I Insane?
  13. We all have our faves and enjoy their music so how much you spent the most on a ticket to attend their concert?
  14. I feel bad for the little girls that share classrooms with boys like this.
  15. Hey. Let's say mods did an experiment where they create an AI that is able to scrape ATRL for data, and then it starts to post and be active on here. What do you think the AI will do? Do you think it could affortlessly be able to clock all of us with receipts from across the web?
  16. I don’t get any on my pc because I have adblock but on my phone I keep getting Loewe Perfume ads I’m a perfume nerd but I kinda don’t care for Loewe Sometimes I get german ads as well even though I don’t speak it What about u
  17. We could send messages with our voices too and not only in writing. Would you be here for that ?
  18. I only have 7 people who share their location with me and vice versa: my mom, sister, cousin, best friend, and 3 other friends.
  19. The Witcher's Anya Chalotra has been reported to join netflix's one piece as the fan favourite character Nico Robin, the show is renewed for 2nd season and will immediately start filming early this december.
  20. As US and NATO forces withdrew from conflict-ravaged Afghanistan following two decades of war, fighters from the Islamic fundamentalist group made lightning advances, conquering the entire nation in a matter of weeks. The Taliban has now been in power there for two years. As global interest in the war-torn country diminishes, many Afghans feel abandoned. Since the Taliban retook control they have imposed draconian restrictions on society, especially women and girls. Despite initial promises to respect women's rights under Sharia, or Islamic law, the Taliban have since imposed draconian restrictions on women and girls. Most of them are barred from participating in public life, educational institutions and the labor market. Women's freedom of movement has also been severely restricted. Yet, in an interview with DW's Biresh Banerjee, Taliban spokesperson Suhai Shaheen claimed women had made progress in the country. Shaheen insisted, incorrectly, that the Taliban have not denied education rights to women. He also said that the Taliban are supporting women's progress by allowing them to study nursing and to specialize as doctors. His argument ignores the fact that such diktats take away women's autonomy. Women are also only allowed to be in medical fields so that they do not have to be treated by male medical staff. Shaheen restated the Taliban's promise that schools and universities will be reopened to girls and women. He could not specify when this would happen. But, he said, "there is a committee set up to create an Islamic environment for that." Women in Afghanistan, human rights activists as well as the United Nations vehemently disagree with these claims, and have found chronic discrimination against women in the country. The US gave a total of $18.6 billion of equipment to the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) from 2005 to August 2021, according to the report. Of that total, equipment worth $7.12 billion remained in Afghanistan after the US withdrawal was completed on August 30, 2021. It included aircraft, air-to-ground munitions, military vehicles, weapons, communications equipment and other materials, according to the DoD report. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/27/politics/afghan-weapons-left-behind/index.html#:~:text=Of that total%2C equipment worth,according to the DoD report.
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