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  1. This **** is happening too often and should be illegal
  2. GraceRandolph

    Do You Guys Have Stretch Marks?

    They look so ugly on me. I'm so sick of having them.
  3. Ended my first relationship today, we were together for almost a year. Feeling lots of things, any tips on how to handle all of this?
  4. Every day I see gay people on Twitter posting things like "Maybe gays don't deserve rights" or "This is why God hates f******" with a picture of some guys wearing speedos in a beach or something like thatLike can this trend die already...
  5. The Slayer

    What is your star sign?

    I'm bored. What is your star sign? I'm a Scorpio
  6. Lady Gaga should go with: Lady Rock
  7. mercurialworld

    Should I drop my two besties?

    Hi! So randomly today my friends starting degrading me because they don't think my LinkedIn is professional, specifically the photo of me on it. Their issue was that I am apparently 1. catfishing (photo is old, I work remote so I don't care) and 2. I am lying about my current position (I am working a part-time contract position with a prestigious company). One of them berated me and repeatedly implied that I was lying about this position, and I told him I don't need to prove anything to him. He told me "Good luck finding a real job" and his gf/my actual bestie told us to stop fighting, which I was not anyway, she messaged me in private and told me it was tough love, which I'm more inclined it's calling me a liar and whatever. This actually made me cry and start shaking in anger as I worked my ass off for this while still in university and to be discredited by my "best" "friends" is not ******* cute. Am I doing myself a disservice to myself? Should I try to make him apologize? Would you drop your best friend for 11 years for this reason?
  8. A lot of these gays get wallet raped by these straight guys promising them the moon the stars and the earth.
  9. Ticketmaster has been the topic of conversation these last two years with their handling of tours with a big demand and how they have opted for the Verified Fan method, which actual verified fans seem to hate. At the end, it seems to be completely random and not even getting the chance of buying tickets can be unfair. Today codes were sent out for Olivia Rodrigo's GUTS world tour and almost my whole tl was waitlisted. Should ticketmaster just remove this feature and continue selling tickets as they used to? Should they keep this method for really high demand tours? Should they be more transparent with its functioning? Or should it require actual "proof" of being a fan through streaming, buying, interaction with the celebrities on social media for like half the tickets?... I want to hear your thoughts.
  10. I was talking about this with a friend and she said that by 25 you have a lot of life experience and plenty of people to date so going after someone who just finished high school would be creepy. Thoughts?
  11. I’m 28 years old but it makes me really upset that so many older people talk so poorly of younger people’s work ethic. I would say they’re specifically talking about late milennials and Gen Z in their critique. What they don’t realize is that younger people are fully willing to work hard, and do work harder than they realize. I think what they’re not understanding is WHY younger people have pulled back on working extra when it’s not needed. This is just my personal theory, but feel free to respond, I would like a discussion below: I believe younger people came to the realization a lot of the way the work world is set up is completely ****** up and that the top % of earners take a larger slice of the pie than they should. Wages stagnated relatively in relation to inflation and everything in life is more unaffordable. Less younger people are having children because it’s less feasible and more difficult. Basically, younger people are well aware that the system is RIGGED and this is their way of responding; they’re not giving any more to the system than what is required of them because no matter how hard they work - they know they’re getting an unfair slice of the pie regardless. Why give extra to a system that doesn’t serve you like it served prior generations? I understand why they are responding the way that they are. I don’t think it’s a question of what they’re capable of but moreso older people are totally misunderstanding why young people are pulling back. Anyways this is all just my personal thoughts - what do you think? Did both sides make a point?
  12. The average american household contains 100,000 things, but what is your favorite item? What makes it special?
  13. I am traveling from across the world for it & staying with a friend there which is why I chose Pittsburgh, but I am a little scared of seatgeek/vividseats.... Help me out :(
  14. I get it. It sounds silly, unfeasible and juvenile. And this might be my 1642354th time opening a thread about a hypothetical LGBT country. But ask yourself this. Are you comfortable being at the whims of the current status quo and with the way things move in wavelengths in history? Are you really counting on the uptick in fascism to boil over after a few years, or even a decade, so things can move back to where we were hoping to head in the early 10s-2015? I'm not saying all LGBT individuals in the world, have to migrate en-masse to a hypothetical LGBT country, but I just can't help but think that we, as the most oppressed group on this planet, need a home base, a LITERAL safe space that we can retreat to if things take a turn for the worst (a la Handmaid's Tale). Plus there are plenty of anti-LGBT countries who may most-likely never progress and displaced LGBT individuals from these hellholes could definitely find a home in this country in the event that their plea for asylum in a typical western country doesn't go through for some reason. Another thing I may add is that I'm aware of the division within the "community." I know that plenty of us have to contend with racism, biphobia and transphobia from our own. All of us, including myself, have had to be held to task for perpetuating all these negative isms, even if it was unintentionally, or subconsciously, at one point. But in this scenario, any sort of visible discrimination of any kind, would met be with a three-strike followed a simple deportation, just to ensure that there'd be no corruption. The founders of this country would most-definitely have to be people from various parts of the diaspora. In other words, NO cis-white gays elites allowed So with that being said. Please ONLY chime in if you have any sort of ideas, even if they're small scale proposals, that can move this conversation forward. I, myself, don't have any connections to anybody (who is higher up in any sector to possibly get this to materialize) but I just thought maybe that I'd keep this idea alive in the minds of ATRLers and who knows, maybe one of you could, one day, become a massive proponent and a key player in gettting this done. And the way I see it, if we get nuked (or Tulsa bombed) trying, I feel like it would have been well-worth the attempt . So what do you think? Again please only post if you believe this could happen & is a necessity. Where do you see this hypothetical country being? How long do you think it would take for this idea to materialize? Post your ideas of an LGBT country here!
  15. The quote rts and replies… oh he’s taking it.
  16. When everyone starts to clap and shout every two seconds? Like during the Avengers and Spider man films? example As a European the second hand embarrassment is strong What you think sistrens, discuss
  17. Mine was Chad Michael Murray And Jesse Metcalfe Who was yours?
  18. https://nypost.com/2023/09/16/woman-spreads-brothers-ashes-in-packed-club-pool-in-ibiza-wtf/ What do you think about this ?
  19. I am currently reading the second book and I enjoy the story so far. Why do they take so long to make a movie? It’s been years, is it still in the works or they gave up on the idea?
  20. You can have 2 sexy boyfriends for you and they will take care of you every day and night. Which team would you choose ? Team 1 : Team 2 : Team 3 : Team 4 : Which team would you choose ?
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