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  1. It's over for Ronald, he can't win if he can't even beat Trump for his home state.
  2. https://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-china-america-pressure-interview/
  4. Fewer than 400,000 babies were born in Italy last year, the lowest number since the 1861 unification of the country, highlighting worsening demographic dynamics in an economy beset by high levels of public debt. Just 393,000 babies were born in Italy in 2022, the national statistics agency Istat said on Friday, down about 1.8 per cent from the 400,249 born in 2021. The decline came despite the introduction of a financial incentive scheme aimed at encouraging more women to have children. The scheme, crafted by former prime minister Mario Draghi’s government in 2021, provides families with monthly financial allowances ranging from €50 to €175 for every newborn child. Those payments continue until the child is either economically independent or reaches 21. https://www.irishtimes.com/world/europe/2023/04/07/italian-births-drop-to-lowest-level-since-countrys-unification/
  5. It's obfuscated by Biden finding a mealy-mouthed way to say that "blanket bans on trans kids aren't okay, but targeted bans are permissible." And yes, this also means that a trans child being on puberty blockers likely won't matter.
  6. Owens’s husband reached out to the interior designer David Netto after the couple saw his work in one of their friends’ homes in Nashville. Farmer filled out the contact form on Netto’s website. “My husband wrote the most polite email because he’s always polite, he’s very English,” Owens told me. “We didn’t know if we could afford a designer or anything.” Netto responded, “Dear George, thank you for your inquiry. I’d rather get beat in the ass with a wooden plank than ever go near either of you. Kind regards, David.” Owens said the response floored her. “If a white conservative male had written that email to an outspoken Black liberal, he would’ve lost everything,” she said. “They would’ve said it was like Jim Crow.” Reached for comment, Netto pointed out that he’d only addressed Farmer, a white man like himself, and said “It’s not a race thing, it’s a terrorism/amorality thing.” https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/04/candace-owens-interview
  7. The new James Webb Telescope Near-Infrared Camera has been put to good use. They have also recently shared images of Neptune captured in a similar fashion to Uranus.
  8. Despite randomly deciding to label NPR as US stated-backed media, a deep dive into Twitter has shown that they are no longer doing the same for Russian and Chinese state controlled media. Elon Musk continuing to simp for fascist dictatorships as he tries his hand at forcing Twitter into becoming the next 4chan
  9. Update: https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1654068905286021128?s=20 Thread embedded in the above tweet
  10. I don't see what's the point of this? Why get ur airpods case to controls your music player when you have your phone?
  11. YouTube prankster shot and wounded by target of practical joke A popular US YouTube creator who prides himself on making videos in which he displays odd behavior to put people off intends to keep at it, even after one of his targets allegedly shot him nearly to death. The man, identified as 31-year-old Alan Colie, pulled a gun out and shot Cook in the stomach, investigators allege. Cook, 21, survived the wound and had to undergo surgery after first responders brought him to a hospital in critical condition. “I was playing a … simple … joke, and this guy didn’t take it very well,” Cook told WUSA from his hospital bed. Cook said the man who shot him “didn’t say anything” before firing on him, which authorities said also caused a panic among mall-goers. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/05/youtube-prankster-tanner-cook-classified-goons
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