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  1. So this is a part 2 of my thread on ghosting/being ghosted. So a hottie who ghosted you for filth months ago, is under a new profile. It kills you but he's in your top 3 all-time best hookups (UNDISPUTABLE & you shall DEAL). He taps first & you're looking like "Wait a damn minute. This profile pic looks familiar." Then before you can even grasp, you have 4 unread notifications followed by album recieved. You see the exact same face, exact same ass/D pics etc. Yup it's this loser again You're single. You're horny. Everyone else in your vicinity is NOT It (like it is 80% of the time, what's new )? He's hosting @ a hotel 2km away. You can try to pull a reverse uno card after you're both done, but he most-likely wouldn't care. What are you saying now?
  2. If y'all want to read the article [UPDATE]
  3. Have you ever said "no" to your boss calling you to replace an absent worker ? I only said "no" 2 times in 3 years and each time I refused, i felt so guilty... What about you ?
  4. Hey. Would you say once a day, once a week, once in a blue moon, etc,.
  5. So I have a roommate, and according to him he's straight, I know I shouldn't speculate about other people's sexual orientation and I know the music that you listen to isn't an indicator about what you like, but he literally listens to A LOT of pop girls, yesterday while he was showering he was listening to Cher, Sia, Ariana and Rihanna, other times I've "catched" him listening to Gaga, Adele, among others. Also I've catched him staring at me while I'm shirtless around the house could it be that he isn't as straight as he says he is? He has a girlfriend currently tho what do you think girls?
  6. Starring the first openly gay lead characters on US Broadcast television, this iconique show helped change the general public's view regarding LGBTQ+ rights, (despite still perpetuating some stereotypes) and opened doors for gay centric tv shows that premiered after. Karen & Jack still the best characters though.
  7. If someone with a transmissible STI knowingly has sex and infects other people without disclosing their status beforehand, do you consider it sexual assault? Or just a dick move?
  8. A new UN report has found almost 90% of men and women hold some sort of bias against females. The "Gender Social Norms" index analysed biases in areas such as politics and education in 75 countries. Globally, close to 50% of men said they had more right to a job than women. Almost a third of respondents thought it was acceptable for men to hit their partners. There are no countries in the world with gender equality, the study found. Zimbabwe had the highest amount of bias with only 0.27% of people reporting no gender bias at all. At the other end of the scale was Andorra where 72% of people reported no bias. In Zimbabwe, 96% of people expressed a bias against women's physical integrity - a measure covering support for violence against women and opposition to reproductive rights. In the Philippines, 91% of people held views that were detrimental to women's physical integrity. Reform and repression go hand in hand in Saudi Arabia Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51751915
  9. Here's Jewish newspaper The Forward reporting on Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old man who fought with the Nazis in the First Ukrainian Division (i.e. 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS). Zelenskyy joins Canadian ovation for veteran who fought with Nazis – The Forward While mainstream news reports failed to mention this fact, AP confirmed that the man was indeed recognized (see fourth photo's caption). Zelenskyy speaks before Canadian Parliament in his campaign to shore up support for Ukraine | AP News Why is this okay?
  10. Take Me Apart

    Anyone else miss Bktidalwave

    All this Doja talk made me miss our Brooklyn Princess, I hope she's having fun with Whitney in heaven like she said.
  11. tili33

    Usher debuts bussy...

    what in the call me by your name is going on that album cover....?
  12. Is that supposed to be funny or.. I'll never understand people replying to polls and threads saying that. Like wow cool you're lazy AND uneducated? Winning I guess
  13. This is one of the best ones yet. The more I watch this video, the more things I see https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86ax6p7/
  14. réveuse

    What is your MBTI type?

    https://sakinorva.net/functions I got ESFJ.
  15. You're cursed, you have to be stuck forever in one decade (at the end of the decade it will begin again with the same events, same news...) And obviously, if you choose 1990s, bye bye your iphones, bye bye streaming platforms, you will have access to this decade's (1990s) technology. And you will remember 2023, when you got stuck in the decade you choose you dont forget about your live from before you got stuck, you will remember 2023, 2022... So if you choose the 90s you will live from 1990 to 1999 and then after december 31 1999, you will go to January 01 1990 again Oh and you will be 20 years old at the begginning of the decade and 29 at the end and when it begin again you will again have 20 years old again and the friends you made will forget you obviously because we went back in time. You have 2 choice : Would you prefer be stuck in the 1990s or in the 2000s ? 1990s : 2000s : Which decade would you choose to be stuck in forever ?
  16. I've noticed in a lot of threads people are so obsessed with being stick-skinny. I rather people eat enough, get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and that they're mentally and physically okay. Yes, being overweight/obese can pose medical problems, but so can being too underweight. There are other factors that can potentially contribute to weight gain, like stress, hormones, medication changes, and/or chronic pain. Also, why judge people who are overweight or underweight? If you are not a certain pant size, should you just be bullied online for not fitting into a pant size? Does your worth diminish because you're not a Twink like Troye Sivan? I really think we can do better. I know ATRL doesn't have to be serious all the time, but at the end of day, we're still people and we should look out for each other being an LGBTQ+ community, where the straights (some of you are, and you are wonderful) are not exactly our best friends. I know I might've made hiccups and insensitive comments on here, and if I personally offended any of you, or I was in the wrong-- for that, I'm deeply sorry, and I'm still trying to learn and grow. I think we should stop trying to chase a certain body type or waistline, appreciate the bodies we have currently, and just try to be as healthy and happy as we can possibly be!
  17. maxipads, arianators, little jepsens and other ATRL friends! what do you do when you get sick and have to stay at home to heal? I'm currently in this bish and I'm BORED! I left my Nintendo at other place any tips/tricks/ideas/stories?
  18. I’m so tired of being myself. I feel like my whole life my personality never connected with others easily and my innate interests were at odds with those around me. I started getting less interested in pop culture by the time I was like 13, and now that I’m older I feel as though making friends or forming relationships is such a struggle. I’m gay, vegan, and an introvert and struggle so much to “fit in” for lack of a better word, and feel awkward in most scenarios to the point that I don’t put myself out there. I don’t know what to do short of changing everything about who I am.
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