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  1. Somehow I was more depressed during my education years yet I had not that much to do? And sometimes I think how amazing would it be to go back to high school or uni. They always warned us - you're gonna wish those days never ended...
  2. I hope you are all well today. I have been struggling to pay off credit card debt and was wondering if anyone here is in a similar position and what you are doing to pay it off. I applied for a balance transfer credit card but I wasn't approved for the amount I needed. I applied for a loan to consolidate my cc debt but if there any other resources that anyone can think of, please do share. I am embarrassed that I put myself in this position but I acknowledge my mistakes and would like to hear from others, if comfortable. Thanks.
  3. The Complicated Reality of Being a Black Taylor Swift Fan I just wanted to share this to get your personal opinions on this article. I found it interesting and retable to me. What do you think?
  4. Although I agree with the idea of embracing different body types and don’t think we should get down on our bodies, because it’s unproductive, I also think the general movement isn’t helpful at all. I was feeling insecure and annoyed at having stretch marks and the body positive angle was all about calling them beautiful, natural, tiger stripes and all these other positive words. I understand that they are natural and apart of my life, but the idea that some shared that stretch marks are apart of your “story” or whatever honestly made me more depressed. It’s like we have done something wrong to deserve a flaw. I also accept stretch marks but I would be lying if I said I would prefer to have never gotten them. Idk, I’m not really articulating my thoughts well, but does anyone agree?
  5. BletaRexher

    New Virus Spreading?

    I just got over something where I kept vomiting and getting headaches for a week. At its peak I couldn’t eat anything or drink water without vomiting for 2 days straight. It seems like a lot of people in my area have had something similar. Is this happening around you guys and do you know what it could be? It was literally the worst virus I’ve ever had in my entire life.
  6. zasderfght

    How to process trauma?

    To keep things brief, I was harassed at my last job, to the point where it bordered on homophobic at times. The school kicked the trans teacher out of a class because the trans teacher simply asked her middle schoolers what their pronouns were. One example is when a student inappropriately photographed me (I was picking up a pencil). My principal told me to wear a tighter belt. My principal came into my classroom one time and yelled at my students to the point where they were almost going to cry. A student dug up a video of me twerking (it wasn't sexual, I was wearing clothes, and it was to a SpongeBob song-- I was also in high school), and when the principal called me in her office she said "I'm disappointed in you. You didn't come forward with this." She didn't ask if I was okay. The assistant principal came in during a day I was working on my lesson plans and yelled at me that the shades were down. I did that because the light was on. The principal told me "quite frankly, your team thinks you're very annoying." Then towards the end she said "I'm sorry. I should've helped you more, but I had things going on in my life." In another instance, when I was getting to school late and I sped a little and the superintendent just happened to be next to me, she gives me a disgusted look. I think nothing of it. I get out of the car. The assistant principal locks me in a room with the assistant principal and yells at me. And she says she rather me arrive late to work, but that I need to be here on time. And she took me out of my classroom during instruction time. There were days I wanted to quit, one day I looked up what evidence I need to prove harassment in a workplace, and I was in a terrible depression-- to the point where I didn't want to live. I'm honestly in a much better place mentally because I love my new job, but I have chronic pain, and my providers think it's because I have unresolved trauma from my past. How do I fully process the trauma I experienced? Thanks!
  7. Some peoplle have nice muscular bodies they worked hard for and I respect that. Some people have some weight on them but it suits their body. I am 'slim' but my body to me just looks messy/weirdly proportioned like its just so awkward and is something that I want to change.
  8. Today marks the ten year anniversary of Pure Heroine, Lorde's critically acclaimed debut album. For many of us, the album came out at pivotal points of our lives. How has your life changed since its release? For me, so much of my life has changed since then. The album came out at the perfect time in my life, I had just started high school and it truly resonated with me. Now I have graduated university and had been working full-time for a while, but recently quit because I hated the job because I was dissatisfied with what I was doing. I also find the album very significant for me personally since it was very influential in me getting into music, before then I didn't really listen to many artists. But I bought her album shortly after "Royals" was released (in fact it was the first album I ever bought), and now music's a huge part of my life. I don't know if I would be this much passionate about music if the album was never released. How has your life changed since then, and has it impacted your life in any way?
  9. https://www.ign.com/articles/playstation-boss-jim-ryan-to-retire-next-spring
  10. réveuse

    Gender Polls

    I was curious and saw a similar poll on a different place. You are all welcome 💖!
  11. sweetlikepositions

    Why did you get Twitter Blue?

    Hey guys, I see a lot of people on twitter subscribing to twitter blue. It nearly seems like the majority got it (which is probably not true, but maybe the algorithm prefers blue users?) I was just wondering why people spend their money on it... Has anyone here subscribed Twitter Blue and can tell me why they did that? (No judging here, just curious!)
  12. honestly, I'm mainly asking as I'm looking for inspo, but ATRL, what will you be doing to get spooky this october? i am going to be: - making pumpkin spice coffees - playing halloween events in video games w/ friends - watching horror movies and ahs - displaying my monster high doll and halloween pikachu plush - changing my avi to a halloween variant - playing atrl stan swap and stanning ghostface for the month
  13. Why do the younger generation write everything in lowercase? It’s a trend I’ve seen for a couple of years even before Ariana Grande did it? Lie what’s the psychology of this? Mental illness? Insecurity? They wanna be cool or what’s the tea?
  14. This video went viral yesterday and the chick who did all that nonsense got exposed a few hours ago:
  15. These shows shaped our generation, but which young-adult TV show is the biggest classic among the three, and which aged the best?
  16. mercurialworld

    Do you love your job?

    Proud to say I love my job. What do my fellow ATRLsties think about theirs?
  17. The Bechdel Test is a measure of the representation of women in film and other fiction. The test asks whether a work features at least two women who talk to each other about something other than a man. The requirement that the two women be named is sometimes added.
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/26/us/politics/democrats-special-elections-biden.html A deep and interesting dive into why, despite Biden being a horribly unpopular politician/ president, the Democratic Party is currently over performing In an off year elections that historically has been predicative off future results
  19. The Golden Globe Awards will introduce two new categories to its upcoming January broadcast, Variety has learned exclusively. The categories will honor hit movies with global reach in either box office or streaming views, as well as acknowledge the best performance in a stand-up comedy special. The first new prize is the Golden Globe for Cinematic and Box Office Achievement. Eligible nominees will be among the year’s highest-earning or most-seen feature films that also deliver creative excellence. Titles must have grossed at least $150 million during release, $100 million of which must have come from domestic box office. Streaming films with commensurate viewership will be considered based on data from “recognized industry sources,” the Globes said. Eight films will be eligible for that prize, and can also compete for categories like Best Motion Picture Drama or Comedy as long as they meet criteria for those fields.
  20. mine 1986... Gaga, Florence, Ellie, etc. https://www.onthisday.com/music/birthdays/date/1986
  21. I have really bad ADD, and option overload can really make my decision making freeze up. There's just SO many options of playlists and such on Spotify, that it's often honestly easier for me to just keep listening to whatever audiobook I have at the moment. It sucks because I really love music and I want to listen to more new music and more artists! When you open Spotify, if you don't already have something in mind that you want to listen to, how do you decide what to listen to? Do you have a few main playlists you cycle through, do you just use your daily mixes? Does anyone else experience this?
  22. Robert Eggers The Northman The Witch The Lighthouse Jordan Peele US Get Out Nope Ari Aster Hereditary Midsommar Beau Is Afraid The trinity of new Horror Cinema, each of them has 3 movies so far. so who is the better director?
  23. 1 : Lucia average temperature : 59 °F Population : 80M Life here is pretty nice, lucians (the population) will love you and you will be receive like a prince and have lots of best friends. The food is great. 2 Luna average temperature : 86°F population : 5M Life here is calm and from the sky you can hear wonderful, sweet and sleeping songs. The population love humans as long as they are nice with a good heart. The food is excellent. Oh and the love of your life is on this planet. 3 Iliana average temperature : 113 °F population : 55M Life here is stressful but technologies here are so advanced, it will blow your mind. The population is nice but very selfish and you will be very lonely. Your best friend will be your AI friend. Theres no food here, technology has made it possible that you no longer need it. Everyone is bisexual here. 4 Wanda average temperature : 68 °F population : 13M Life here is very calm, the nature is so wonferful it will blow your mind. The population is nice and you will discover the most delicious food ever. You will have lots of friends. Which world would you choose ?
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