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  1. have the Swifties officially taken the top spot as the most disrespectful, delusional, out-of-touch, mean, brainwashed, and hot fan base?... I'm apprehensive about pollution, we should do something about climate change!
  2. The critically Acclaimed Series returns this week and garners positive first reactions. The 90% Positive critical and Audience Scored, Emmy nominated MCU juggernaut is already gaining traction and glowing reviews for its new Season. Majority of reactions praise the Cast & Cinematography for the first 4 episodes Will Loki save the Multiverse Mess and have a 2nd Smash hit season? Outlets are saying Tom Hiddelston has done it again
  3. I’ve been seeing a rise in ads pushing skincare to men. While the basics like cleaning and moisturizing when you’re dry are normal, I think some guys are taking it too far. To me personally when I see a guy with a completely plump face that looks wet 24/7 it’s a massive turn off. It may be because I'm attracted to more masculine presenting men but does any one else have this turn off? no hate if you’re this type I know most people are attracted to it.
  4. réveuse

    Words as baby names

    Ok, totally random but estimate is a good baby name.
  5. I've always thought the volume level on my PC/phone is high have been scared to getting my hearing ruined Currently, my PC is - 36% cuz I am listening to music..it was 15% before that, cuz some twitter clips were just too noisy My phone always stays at like 65% (at least for alarm)
  6. Spotify Halloween Theme Original - 26.665M Nightmare On Elm Street - 2M The Blob - 1.8M Hellraiser - 970k Friday The 13th Overlay of Evil/Main Title - 965k It Main Title (Original) - 507k Annabelle Opening - 334k Scream - TBD The Nun - TBD Child's Play - 259k
  7. I live in NL and it's currently about 8C warmer than usual. It feels like a regular July night
  8. Share your ideas I'll dress up as Gaga as Harley Quinn in Joker 2. will switch the skirt for leather pants
  9. Basically ever since I started working at this company, I've had issues with one guy who is quite important and influential in the company. He is known for his attitude and a lot of people had some issues with him. But overall he is not such a bad guy, he just turns into an ******* when it comes to some stuff. Anyways, he was never a fan of me There was just this short period where we were hanging out, but then suddenly he stopped inviting me for a coffee or for a drink after work. Sometimes I feel like he is bipolar. But then again I'm a BIG overthinker and I get easily attached to people, so there were a lot of situation with him that I have completely blown out of porpotion. Also, he is VERY hot, probably one of the hottest men I have ever seen in my life, so that also plays a factor in everything. So, to cut the long story short, there was this particular situation where he was assigned to the same project as me, but since he is a Team lead, he gave that assignment to one of his team members. That guy never bothered to do his part of the work, so basically I had to do everything. But then again, the project was on and off so there were times where there was no work. I tried to talk with both of them, tried to tell them how it's not fair that I'm doing everything, and situation improved for a bit but then again everything was the same. What really annoyed me was the fact that I overheard his team member bragging to another guy how he is no longer gonna be on the project with me, and at the same time my boss is telling me the project's gonna get bigger next month. And that same boss is kinda friends with the Team lead so he never really cared that him or his team member weren't taking a part in the project. In the end, I was frusturated and had a very bad day so I decided to go to the director of our department and told him everything. The director was disappointed at everyone involved so he had a meeting with them and basically forced them to work with me. Now it's a very awkward situation where both of them are not communicating with me. I don't care about the other guy, but the Team lead hangs out with so many of my friends, and I really like the guy (ignoring his issues and attitude) and I'm consumed over this idea that he won't talk to me again. Basically obsessed with him So I decided to have a talk with him, but I never really told him what exactly have I told the director and how I never talked **** about him. It was a nice chat regarding the project itself. But after that nothing has changed, he is still avoiding me, not communicating at all. So I have this idea of calling him for a coffee again, and telling him the entire story. Is it a good idea?? Also forgot to mention, there is another guy in the office that was blacklisted by him and that guy also took it hard and personal and is now thinking about quitting. Not gonna end up as that guy ofc, but as I've told you, this guy is very important in the office, gets to decide a lot of things and overall is very influential and respected. Gonna end this with Olivia's beautiful lyrics that perfectly fit this situation Lacy, oh Lacy, it's like you're out to get me You poison every little thing that I do Lacy, oh Lacy, I just loathe you lately And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you
  10. https://v.redd.it/p4l0tacru6qb1/DASH_360.mp4 0:15 The motion of its hands is very very good
  11. why does it say thanks but no one uses it like that
  12. It seems like everyone liked the idea of a Snow On The Beach music video, but unfortunately we will never get it. https://twitter.com/mhmmd_h_salehii/status/1708492865997848976?t=Xjr011pYqKRdbot7ZJOQQQ&s=19
  13. Seeing more and more thirsty gays of ATRL change their avatars from fun pop culture related avatars to weird sexual hot men. Why? Do they think we're being fooled that they are also hot? Does digitally personifying themselves as someone much hotter than themselves fill some kind of void? Or is it just harmless fun? Discuss.
  14. She looks like a totally different person. What do you think she did to her face? Good procedures are the ones that look natural but this isnt her case.
  15. Does anyone know how to exit a loop of negative thought patterns? This feels like a never ending loop that I will never escape, and I don’t think anything will ever help.
  16. According to The Washington Post, Democratic party leaders know of 7 women Gavin Newsom is considering to replace Dianne Feinstein following her death: Karen Bass - Mayor of Los Angeles Angela Glover Blackwell - Civil Rights Attorney, Founder of PolicyLink London Breed - Mayor of San Francisco Sydney Kamlager-Dove - U.S. Congresswoman (CA-37) Leondra Kruger - California Supreme Court Justice Holly Mitchell - Los Angeles County Supervisor Shirley Weber - California Secretary of State https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/29/newsom-feinstein-senate-seat-appointment/ Newsom committed to picking a black woman if the seat became open, but has announced that he refuses to pick Rep. Barbara Lee since she is currently running for the seat - saying he doesn't want to tip the scale of the 2024 primary. However, the filing deadline is December 8th. So whoever is appointed could still choose to run for the seat after appointment. Do you approve of anyone on the shortlist?
  17. Well, I hope Karma destroy him.
  18. I’ve been thinking about Taylor’s stratospheric success in her 18 year career and I can’t help but wonder whether her not being married and being single is a factor in this. I feel like every time a MPG gets married or has kids, their music career/success sort of declines or stops all together. We’ve seen this happen countless times before from Britney and Katy to Ariana and Rihanna. Do you ever want Taylor to settle down, get married, have kids, and possibly have a less successful career/pause it or do you think she will buck this trend?
  19. right-wingers have already started swarming around her for the ties with Travis, and his Pfizer shot commercial isn't helping...
  20. So my mom is 58 and I moved out of home when I turned 19 a few years back (I stayed a little later than most to save up on money so I can pay off my first year of uni without taking too much loans). We had a VERY tumultuous relationship with lots of negativity and actually some really bad things but ever since I moved out I've been working on my relationship with her, she's been medicated, she does therapy and she's a wonderful person now which is great and we both love each other lots BUT because I had such a bad childhood and teenhood with her I genuinely dont know what she likes and she kinda doesnt know what I like and so when we make the effort to hang out we kinda just awkward chat, eat somewhere and then go our separate ways lol. I feel like we got so used to fighting that we dont know how to function in any other state. Recently, I noticed she has aged...quickly and it worries me and I know 58 isnt THAT old but people pass away quickly and stuff and I sincerely want to catch up on the years wasted with her and make her final decade(s) pleasant and fun and stuff and I was wondering if any of you had similar dynamics with your parents and what you do to have fun and have a good time with them. Thanks to everyone who comments in advance
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