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  1. https://www.wboc.com/news/delaware-marijuana-legalization-will-roll-through-without-carney-s-signature/article_9963bd24-e07e-11ed-b4c1-abf127f4235f.html Last year, governor Carney vetoed a marijuana legalization bill. A new bill has passed through the state legislature, and the governor won’t veto, allowing the bill to become law. The state now joins: Michigan, Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Washington, Missouri, Montana, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, Virginia, New Jersey, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Nevada and D.C. to fully allow legal recreational use of marijuana, with potentially Minnesota to come soon
  2. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/20/texas-senate-passes-ten-commandments-bill/?utm_campaign=trib-social-buttons&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
  3. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/disney-announces-groundbreaking-affordable-housing-florida-2023-04-20/
  4. Virgos Groove

    Portugal criminalizes conversion therapy

    Article in Portuguese
  5. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab has resigned following an investigation into multiple complaints of bullying. Raab, who also served as U.K. justice secretary, was accused of bullying behavior toward several current and former members of Whitehall staff during his tenure in government. In a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Friday, Raab — who had pledged to resign if found to have bullied staff — said it was “important to keep my word,” but warned the inquiry had “set a dangerous precedent” by “setting the threshold for bullying so low.” Sunak tasked the senior lawyer Adam Tolley with carrying out an independent probe into the complaints following a barrage of negative media reports. In his exit letter, Raab wrote: “Whilst I feel duty bound to accept the outcome of the inquiry, it dismissed all but two of the claims levelled against me. I also believe that its two adverse findings are flawed and set a dangerous precedent for the conduct of good government.” Raab argued that ministers “must be able to give direct critical feedback on briefings and submissions to senior officials,” and said he had not “shouted at anyone, let alone thrown anything or otherwise physically intimidated anyone, nor intentionally sought to belittle anyone.” “I am genuinely sorry for any unintended stress or offence that any officials felt, as a result of the pace, standards and challenge that I brought to the Ministry of Justice,” he said. “That is, however, what the public expect of ministers working on their behalf.” Raab — who ran for Conservative leader in 2019 – previously served as U.K. foreign secretary under Boris Johnson, but was demoted in 2021 following his department’s bungled handling of the U.K. withdrawal from Afghanistan. He also served briefly as Brexit secretary under Theresa May, but quit that post in protest at her doomed Brexit deal. https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-deputy-pm-dominic-raab-resigns-after-bullying-probe/
  6. A 16-year old Black teen was shot in the head by a white male, after he went to the wrong home. He was trying to pick up his younger sibling from a friend’s house. After he was shot through the window, the white male opened the door and shot him again at a close range. The teen ran to each neighbors home pleading for help, but they refused to help. He collapsed and the police were called. He is currently in critical condition, and the shooter has been released.
  7. Jordan Peterson randomly decided to attack the only female Democratic primary nominee Marianne Willoamson about her campaign video calling for action against climate change. The progressive candidate Ms. Williamson left the conservative author activist Mr. Peterson no room to breathe, as she ended him with brutal receipt about his anti-climate change grifting and left Mr. Peterson unable to respond back.
  8. https://heartlandsignal.com/2023/04/17/fbi-investigating-gop-okla-officials-caught-on-tape-talking-about-lynching-black-people-murdering-newspaper-reporters/
  9. The $400 billion dollar animal-slaughter and animal-exploitation industry continues to avoid accountability and obfuscate facts regarding their role in the climate change crisis. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s March 20th Report originally stated “plant-based diets can reduce GHG emissions by up to 50% compared to the average emission-intensive Western diet” but was watered down to a vague and non-specific call for “balanced, sustainable healthy diets acknowledging nutritional needs” after pressure from Brazil and Argentina’s animal-slaughter and animal-exploitation industries, which are some of the most profitable in the global economy. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, animal-slaughter and exploitation industries account for up to HALF of the total global environmental impact of food production. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/rxseko5PDDE https://qz.com/ipcc-report-on-climate-change-meat-industry-1850261179
  10. GLAAD Responds To Twitter’s Roll-Back of Long-Standing LGBTQ Hate Speech Policy Resources How to delete a Twitter account How to make a Mastodon account and join the fediverse
  11. (CNN)A mass shooting left four people dead and others injured in downtown Dadeville, Alabama, state officials said. The shooting happened just after 10:30 p.m. Saturday, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency said. CNN has reached out to the mayor of Dadeville and the Tallapoosa County Sheriff's Office and county coroner for more details. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/16/us/dadeville-alabama-mass-shooting/index.html
  12. Source The videos in this thread are crazy. I hate to see all this fighting everywhere. Praying for the people of Sudan!
  13. As well as being the Queen of TikTok She also drags Jordan Peterson and neoliberal media blackout, discusses that pathethic infamous Politico smear article of being a meanie Girl Boss and slays her speech at various college campus events. President of Zoomers, soon to be US ATRLers, are we ready for Mother Williamson to be mothering America?
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