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  1. I’m so tired of being myself. I feel like my whole life my personality never connected with others easily and my innate interests were at odds with those around me. I started getting less interested in pop culture by the time I was like 13, and now that I’m older I feel as though making friends or forming relationships is such a struggle. I’m gay, vegan, and an introvert and struggle so much to “fit in” for lack of a better word, and feel awkward in most scenarios to the point that I don’t put myself out there. I don’t know what to do short of changing everything about who I am.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Which group of men would you choose ?
  3. The whole genre was at its peak during the 00's and early 10's, everyone was into it, even people who were not big on the genre have watched Attack on Titan, Death Note or Naruto. I feel like in the past few years the genre has lost a lot of hype and new anime shows arent as big as they used to be?? Even monsters like One Piece and Case Closed have fallen off. Are we past the golden age of anime and manga?
  4. On February 6, 2004 16-year old Jon Romano brought his shotgun into Columbia High School in East Geenbush, NY. He opened fire, wounding a teacher and traumatizing thousands of students before he was tackled, restrained, and arrested. He served 16 years in jail before he was released. He has since amassed 250k followers for documenting his 'journey to redemption' and his experience being attacked in a homeless shelter by an unhoused, mentally ill man. He's currently embroiled in controversy for framing his attack at the homeless shelter as a black-on-white hate crime. People are also pointing out the white privilege in his situation - for serving 16 years as a mass shooter, while the mentally ill black man that attacked him is facing 25+ years. Should a school shooter be allowed to monetize the trauma he inflicted on thousands of children across social media? Is there room for redemption?
  5. Hobbes

    UK Trans Charities?

    Hi folks, just wondering if any of my fellow Brits could educate me on some Trans charities — what they do, where their money goes, where they’re based etc.? Looking to do a fundraiser but not sure where to start. TIA!
  6. I feel like at work, in family situations, and socializing in general I am always annoyed at people. I just find myself enjoying being around others less and less. I also feel like for whatever reason my interests and topics of conversation have drifted from other people. I am normally pretty introverted but I find myself talking poorly about others when I do socialize and I feel like I’m turning into a person I don’t want to be.
  7. Has anyone noticed this new feature? I made playlists the last 2 days and I noticed random songs show up so when I go to delete it says remove recommendation. Is this a new feature?
  8. 47 years after his debut album, he gets booked and offered extensive contracts with more projects to come. Everyone was SO SURE he was over and would retire after Halloween Ends but yet he refuses to give up and and he's coming back to sleigh us even more. Why is he so successful and in such high demand? Discuss.
  9. I've always thought the volume level on my PC/phone is high have been scared to getting my hearing ruined Currently, my PC is - 36% cuz I am listening to music..it was 15% before that, cuz some twitter clips were just too noisy My phone always stays at like 65% (at least for alarm)
  10. After all of these years, Tiffany has emerged as the only doll to serve: Talent Acclaim 1. Empire Online 2. Variety Beauty and Success What's preventing Raggedy Ann and the fad of 2022 from doing the same?
  11. The critically Acclaimed Series returns this week and garners positive first reactions. The 90% Positive critical and Audience Scored, Emmy nominated MCU juggernaut is already gaining traction and glowing reviews for its new Season. Majority of reactions praise the Cast & Cinematography for the first 4 episodes Will Loki save the Multiverse Mess and have a 2nd Smash hit season? Outlets are saying Tom Hiddelston has done it again
  12. At 10:30 3.8 M views for this. Straight men are out of control.
  13. Just a Gay on ATRL

    Favorite Souls Series boss?

    As some examples. Who is the best?
  14. Accoring to those videos below, The Blob is the most underrated remake of all time. Why? Is it because people have no taste and have no choice but to stan McDonalds of horror like GF? What went right in the blob remake? Watch the videos and answer.
  15. With the rise of AI, is job security within your respective industry becoming jeopardized? I'm not trying to be alarmist but developments are happening at breakneck speeds and there is definitely a paradigm shift.
  16. Spotify Halloween Theme Original - 26.665M Nightmare On Elm Street - 2M The Blob - 1.8M Hellraiser - 970k Friday The 13th Overlay of Evil/Main Title - 965k It Main Title (Original) - 507k Annabelle Opening - 334k Scream - TBD The Nun - TBD Child's Play - 259k
  17. Share your ideas I'll dress up as Gaga as Harley Quinn in Joker 2. will switch the skirt for leather pants
  18. réveuse

    Words as baby names

    Ok, totally random but estimate is a good baby name.
  19. Successful: Flop: Beauty: Vocals: Dancing: Racist: Annoying: Plastic Surgery: One hit wonder: Talent: Untalented: Fraudulent: Funny: Charismatic: Legend: Forgotten:
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