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  1. A few years ago, someone posted a scene from a Blaxploitation movie, maybe a Pam Grier movie. The scene had a female black pimp or madam who threatened to slap some girls saying "we're a family" and "the place opens in a few hours and you better shake that ass or ***** for the men." I wasn't sure what movie it is.
  2. It feels like social media has made being a narcissist easier than ever. Trump was elected President while exhibiting the most narcissistic qualities. Nowadays some amount of fame or attention can be attained fairly easily through appearances, humor, controversy, or clout chasing. Popular advice focuses on self-care, and even therapy is highly individualistic, focusing on fixing your own faults as a means of possibly fixing the world. There is no anti-war movement, and although we are more globally aware, solidarity and support still feels rare.
  3. Why some gays blindly support and defend homophobic states and people that hate them and want them dead? I’m fairly left leaning and I advocate for the integration of minorities and supporting the underprivileged, etc... But if someone has homophobia as one of their values, for me they can rot.
  4. Kanes

    Are You Hairy?

    I am sort of. Firstly, I have thick black eyebrows I have to trim routinely. My arms are very hairy and I get snarky remarks about it every now and then. I used to be a little ashamed but now I don't care. Hands too. All the other guys I know/see are perfectly smooth from that area. Not me. I don't have much hair in the torso so there's that. How about you?
  5. Apparently Catholics still celebrate All Saints Day but other Christians seem to be oblivious to the fact it's actually a Christian holiday to honor dead Saints, instead calling it satanic & evil in nature
  6. réveuse

    What is your Big 5 type?

    What the big 5 is: Extroversion - Social and Reserved type --Social types feel at ease interacting with to others --Reserved types are uncomfortable and/or disinterested with social interaction Emotional Stability - Limbic and Calm type --Limbic types are prone to moodiness --Calm types maintain level emotions Orderliness - Organized and Unstructured type --Organized types are focused --Unstructured types are scattered Accommodation - Accommodating and Egocentric type --Accommodating types live for others --Egocentric types live for themselves Intellect - Non-curious and Inquisitive type --Non-curious types are less intellectually driven --Inquisitive types are insatiable in their quest to know more The Big Five personality traits are five broad dimensions of personality, often remembered with the acronym OCEAN: Openness (to experience), Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (emotional instability). I got SLOAN (Social, Limbic, Organised, Agreeable, Non-Curious). But I think I'm quite high in Imagination, Artistic Interests, and Emotionality so I don't know. https://similarminds.com/bigfive.html
  7. I was just always reserved and a bit of a goody two shoes. I entered my twenties with only a few life experiences really. I didn’t date in high school, I didn’t drink, I didn’t party. I also just wasn’t super invested in planning for a future, and don’t have a lot of memories from that period. Luckily I did have some good friends, but overall I feel like I wasted them to some extent. Overall it just seems like everyone else is hardwired for navigating the world in ways I’m just not. I’ve always struggled to connect with people, and never shared interests with people around me. Even growing up with mostly female friends I felt like I was on the outside a lot of the times. Does anyone relate?
  8. I am from South America, and since I was a child, I used to watch those American shows where there were different races-ethnicities, and everyone spoke,had fun and shared equally. Shows like Power Rangers, Anime, Disney, and Cartoon Network shows with so much diversity. So, I always idealized this image that in the USA-Europe, everyone treated each other equally, and everyone had the same opportunities. Some sort of amazing melting pot In the years-decades that followed, as I became more active on social media (specially Twitter) Educated, and had online connections in the English-speaking world, I realized that generally there's a lot of tension between racial groups in the anglo world-worldwide, I also realized how in Social media Latinos tend to follow other Latinos mostly, White individuals connect with other white individuals, Black People with other Black people, Asians with other Asians, and so on. Everyone seems to stick to their own groups. Look the list of "following" on twitter and analyze people I wondered, is this the case in the United States-Northamerica-UK-Europe in the real life, or is it just on social media? Do different ethnic and racial groups talk to each other all the time or mostly keep to themselves? How racially segretated are things in Northamerica and Europe? Can u build long-lasting connections with people from different racial groups there? if i move to The States in the future i have to stay in my Latino Community-Bubble exclusively???? As a Latino, I want to have Latino friends, but I also get bored and i want to connect with people from different groups from all the corners of earth. Unfortunately, even though my South American country is very ethnic diverse, it is still quite homogenous. The customs,lifestyle,family dynamics of white people-black people-asian-middle eastern-indian people are still very unknown to me and i wanna learn more........but i dont know how to approach different groups. It feels harder today with all the anger! and vitriol and how everyone has too many walls. (Some of those totally valid of course) Do you have friends of different races? How open are you to people from different communities than yours? Are we gettin too divided in this new era of fascism? Should we be more united and share about our cultures with each other? not appropiation. More like appreciation??? No hate in this thread. Only good discussions and love
  9. is Lady Gaga pregnant!?🤰 Call me crazy... but she is also moving like a pregnant woman... there's no way that's just a good meal... I'm so happy for her!!! Can't wait till she drops the official news. Is she the A-list celeb dropping baby news... from a couple of days ago?
  10. I moved to Germany to study and while allot of people are very nice and warm, I had some ~interesting encounters and I don't know if these were racist interactions or not. Day 1: I was trying to buy a train ticket but the machine would not accept cash, I went to ask a worker at the reisezentrum counter about how to buy a ticket and the woman legitimately ignored me for 5 minutes and kept staring at her computer screen then said in German "I don't speak English". I think this was my fault because I didn't realise I needed to get a ticket to talk to people at the counter. Day 2: A drunk man started making monkey sounds when I passed by. Day 3: I was at the mall looking to buy shoes, I went into a shop and I was taking pictures for my friend to get their opinion on which ones to buy, then I decided to look at other shops at the mall before deciding which ones to get, I left the store and I was still on the phone messaging my friend when a girl working there called me back and asked to search my back pack. I opened it for her and she checked it then she was like "the door scanner sometimes beeps when there is some metal in bags", but the door scanner did not beep. What do you guys think?
  11. came across this meme that says "I know one of us is right and the other one is you" what does it mean? I dont understand
  12. money or youth? fixing mistakes or fixing your financial problems?
  13. bunnyeyes

    Did The Lounge Die?

    I remember loving going on this section to read through all the kiis. Did the roof and civics kill an atrl icon?
  14. Source: https://www.pride.com/gay-movies/hellraiser-is-modern-unabashedly-queer-and-it-gets-its-hooks-in-you The way Pinhead started sexual liberation back in the 80's, and has been a LGBTQ+ ally since then. Truly the Madonna of horror. That's what I call purposeful horror
  15. just as the title says, are there any movies you are surprised haven't been remade yet? I personally am surprised that no one has remade Jaws yet. Like, I don't even want a remake and it probably won't be good, but still...
  16. GraceRandolph

    Existential Dread?

    I feel like a mix of covid, depression, family issues, and just life in general has left me feeling super depressed and filled with dread. It feels like so many years of my life that were supposed to be filled with romance, excitement, milestones, and memories are rather dull and not filled with much at all. Although I have made progress in some areas, it just feels like life is not shaping up to be what I had hoped or what I imagined. I also now feel as though the best years are behind me.
  17. The Scream franchise managed to spawn 12 different villains to represent Ghostface. Meanwhile, all the other boring villains got tired and started to flop due to overexposure (except for The Blob who flopped from day 1 and never recovered). Why? Discuss
  18. Oktober Knight

    Who is the hottest Ghostface?

    Billy Stu Mickey Mrs. Loomis Roman Charlie Jill Amber Richie Wayne Quinn Ethan
  19. Hobbes

    UK Trans Charities?

    Hi folks, just wondering if any of my fellow Brits could educate me on some Trans charities — what they do, where their money goes, where they’re based etc.? Looking to do a fundraiser but not sure where to start. TIA!
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