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  1. each of her tours had one thing that was memorable and also gimmicky (in the best way possible) whether it be the cone bra, tye masturbation lav performance, the exploding disco ball, the holy water stripper buns etc.... what do we think the queen of provocation and spectacle will do this time around
  2. It’s a new teenage drama on Netflix about a 16-year-old girl (Mia) from London who rejoins school after a hospital stay due to anorexia nervosa. The main character of the show is sooo unlikable, she’s mean to everyone for no reason and selfish. Girl everyone is trying to help you and they care about you, she even has a very hot gf Her friend group is weird, they care about her but are also very toxic. The show is basically a bunch of sad and annoying events one after another. have you watched it?
  3. With News today that Daredevil Born Again will officially have at least 2 seasons. It’s now confirmed every MCU Disney+ tv show from now on will be multi-season series with a Team of Show runners and executives to monitor the quality output. granted this is what they should have been doing in the first place🤦‍♀️ Daredevil is now being re-written from scratch. The 18 episode series will still focus on Matt Murdock as a super-legal, but will have a brand new team of writers. Agatha is rumored to be the next series to be effected by this approach. Ironheart & Echo have been removed from the calendar and expected to be released as binge series next year. Starting with Daredevil next summer, all Marvel tv shows are being revamped to full length, multi-season tv shows with a full staff of writers, tv executives and one show runner per series to combat the negative/ lack of quality of Disney tv shows in recent years
  4. Parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in Poland on 15 October 2023 to elect members of the Sejm and Senate. A referendum is scheduled to be held concurrently.
  5. GraceRandolph

    Is It Immoral To Buy Sex?

    I don’t get the appeal of buying sex at all, and honestly kind of judge people who would buy sex. Although I understand that we need to destigamtize sex workers, I don’t think we should be uncritical of the overall industry, or reasons why people may be buying sex. I just don’t get how I could get off having sex with someone who wouldn’t have sex with me without cash.
  6. it's like not that long ago I was watching Gaga and Katy at the MTV Video Awards on some grainy shady online stream...
  7. At 10:30 it's just too much for me.... how 2 grown men can act like that ? It's so sad. Money and fame destroy people.
  8. Disgusting pig ! Death penalty for people like this.
  9. Apart from your native tongue and English, what's the story behind you choosing to learn your 3rd language? Is it business? Is it personal attraction to one country's culture? And by speaking a 3rd language I mean where you can hold conversations and not just know some words in it. I tried learning several languages, but I'm torn between French and Spanish.
  10. I've been using AirPods Pro since 2021 and I thought the sound was great, especially with noice cancellation. Last week I had to use Apple's wired earphones (because AirPods' mic is not it) and I feel like the sound is SO much better. I'm hearing things that I wasn't able to hear for some time now. Which do you prefer? Which do you use?
  11. Is buccal fat pad removal one of the worst beauty/plastic surgery trends in the modern era? It ages almost everyone who gets it done at least 5 years if not more, and can cause problems for people later on due to the removal of important mouth structures.
  12. I’m tryna see something I love it but unfortunately it still gets so much random hate Do you like it?
  13. When you see a spider in your room and then look back and it disappears, it's so terrible. When this happen i'm terrified.
  14. This was definitely the most personal debate by far in Jubilee's history. The girls are FIGHTING fighting.
  15. The timelines seem pretty suspect, is Pennywise inspired by this pedophile? Discuss
  16. First of all, I am not the only one to have experienced them, the other staff have also experienced paranormal events in this retirement home. Caregivers who work nights say they hear strange noises every evening, the sounds of rolling carts, the sound of footsteps, every evening while all the residents of the retirement home are sleeping. One night a caregiver felt a hand touching her on her shoulder and there was no one there. In my case, one day I was cleaning a room and the resident who was on her bed told me “they want to talk to you”. I asked “who ?” and she replied “them” while looking at the ceiling. I laughed and then immediately after, the door closed by itself very strongly even though all the windows were closed. Another day, it was in the evening I had finished working and decided to rest a little in the living room. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching but there was no one there. And then I felt a heavy atmosphere, a strange feeling, like I had to leave. I went out, then found it so strange that I came back into the living room. I sat down again and suddenly I heard very impressive and loud footsteps. I panicked and then left. What about you ? Have you ever experienced paranormal events ?
  17. I just wanted to see how you guys breathe.
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