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  1. Designer Mafia Hosted by Mattheo & Evy In this version the players themselves will create the roles, characters and abilities. You can use anything! The game is based only on players' suggestions and nothing more, so be creative and let your imagination run wild. The Set-up is closed that means it won't be revealed before the start of the game what kind of roles are in the game. Even if you aren't playing, you can still submit roles. Mafia Basics In a Mafia game there are 2 Phases: Day and Night. During Day players communicate in the thread and decide whom they are gonna lynch at the end of the phase. During Night players can use the abilitys of their roles. If you wanna lynch someone type it in bold. For example: lynch evy. When you want to change your lynch you must unylch first in bold and then lynch your new target, for example: unlynch, lynch mattheo This game will have 3 Affilations: Good Vs Evil Vs Neutral. Everyone should play for their own affiliation, and not do anything that would be considered gamethrowing. For Goods the win condition is to get rid all the threats (aka Evils and Neutrals) by lynching them or using abilitys. For Evils the win condition is to control at least 50% of the town (aka alive players) and such get rid of players that aren't evil. Evils have a shared role pm where they can communicate with their partners. Each Neutral role has their own win condition that will be specificed in their role PM. If you have more questions about how the game works you can ask the GMs and we will explain. Rules Please read the rules carefully, violations could lead to modkills. You cannot reveal what abilities you created. You will be instantly modkilled if you do. Character revealing is not allowed. Do not reveal your character/role's name or describe how the role picture looks. You can however discuss your role's ability and alignment. Do not discuss with anyone beforehand what kind of roles you will be submitting. This should be a secret until the game ends. Do not post during night phase. Night phases will be short, so please be patient. Don't post anything game influencing after you died. No screenshots or copy and pasting from any private role PMs related to the game. The only place you are allowed to discuss the game, while it is still ongoing, is in PMs that are assigned to you and this thread. Any type of discussion on any type of social media or chats is against the rules and if caught, you will be punished. If you can't play please let us know so we can try to find a replacement. Phases Day is 40 min long Night is 20 min long We will play at the 29th+30th April (maybe May 1st aswell), for about 3-4 hours each, so make sure you have time at these days from 10pm - 2am CET will be shortened when less Players are in the game You are not allowed to post during Night Phase in the thread. Please be patient while results are pending, due to the chaotic nature of the game. Actions will be processed as if they happened at the same time, so all actions will go through during results pending. Please pay attention to your PM during results pending. Form to submit roles Username: Rolename: Ability: Picture/ Gif: Alignment: Rules for creating roles Every Player must send 1 Evil or Neutral role, and 1 Good role. Add a link to your submission's role picture in the form, or we will randomly add one ourselves. Everyone can submit up to 4 roles. Even if you are not playing. Please be reasonable. We will ultimately pick the roles out of the pool. Creativity is fine, but the role still needs to make some sense in the context of the game. For example, a role that has no win condition would not be allowed. We will not allow roles that are impossible to kill in any way, or roles that we think are too overpowered. Please try to use proper punctuation in your role's description, to avoid any confusion regarding the role. Examples 1 Username: Evy Rolename: ARMY Ability: Every Night you visit a player to ask them if they stan BTS, if they don't you kill them. Wins if successfully killed 5 Players. Picture/ Gif: Alignment: Neutral 2 Username: XY Rolename: Thot Ability: You are a meninist who plans to take over the site and give it a NSFW look.You can make a player only post shirtless men on the day. Picture/ Gif: Alignment: Good 3 to give some more inspiration it is usually a lot of fun to make roles based on users lmao for example rolename: Dibbles Picture/ Gif: Ability: You usually get killed first in Mafias so this time you are immune to lynches and night kills on Day 1 and Night 1. You lose your immunity after that Alignment: Good When you are done creating your role, submit ---> Here DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ROLES IN THIS THREAD. PLEASE USE THE FORM POSTED ABOVE. You have until 10PM CET 27th of April time to submit roles. >Timerlink<
  2. Welcome to the 6th season of ATRL's The Vanishing Letters! The second season on newTRL! I have decided to take over and host our sixth season after I placed 2nd last season. I honestly have big shoes to fill after bagels’ fantastic hosting job. We will crown our sixth winner after various rounds of song searching (and soul searching) We will be continuing bagels' tradition of having an esteemed panel of judges who will rank the songs along with the cast: @Astronomy @clue @disruptive @rl231 winner of last season @Staryu @Tom Vercetti Every round I will ask for either a song, single, or album track. Song can be both a single or an album track, whereas a single needs to be officially released as such (promo singles included), and an album track cannot be officially released as a single Every round I will then give you a few "vanishing letters," and these letters cannot appear in either artist’s title or the song title or sometimes both (this part will be specified round-by-round). I decided to make a little change: the season has three chances for an artist to be used before they're banned (as opposed to last season's two chances) The scoreboard, handled by the lovely @thecptz, is always in the OP Carrying on oldTRL tradition, the songs from last seasons are banned for this season So for example: Round 0: An album track from 2019 U, H, X, Z vanished from the artist’s name Tame Impala - On Track none of the letters appear in their name so you can send it but for example: you could not send in a Harry Styles album track from 2019 Every round the cast will not know what others have sent in, you will need to rank the songs from best to worst, and the judges will do the same for you. The person with the highest average wins the round, and the people with the lowest averages will be eliminated @Psycho
  3. Hey queers x ATRL Bingo is back under new (old?) management, and we've got a new twist this year - due to the overwhelmingly positive reception it has received from the Survivor fanbase, we will now have an Edge of Extinction in this tournament too. What exactly does this entail? We will also be using the fan favourite Camp Director twist from BB21 - before each round, when the players send in their cards, they must also send the name of one (1) player to be named the Camp Director. This player will be able to reward one player of their choosing and punish another - with neither being themselves, of course. Got that? Good. Other than these small things, this will be a fairly standard game of Bingo, much like the Let's Spoon round that dwuw plagiarised this game from: you send me two Bingo cards before the round starts, I post numbers in this thread, when you complete your card you post Bingo in the thread, the last person to Bingo is eliminated. Slight change: in order for a number to count, you need to quote the post where I announced the number as you go along. One good by-product of this is that you no longer need to PM me when you Bingo - it should be self-evident from your posts quoting the numbers, and you can go straight ahead and post in the thread which card you got your Bingo on. This is a better system for everyone, because you can post Bingo without delay, it'll be more transparent to everyone, and I get the post-wh*ring I so desperately crave x The first round will begin at 10pm EST on Saturday, so sign up before then! Sign up by adding your name to the list in the thread, and then PM me two Bingo cards from the site in the post below this.
  4. A Public Affair

    THE DECADES (Sign ups)

    You sign up with song that matches with the theme. Here are some of the themes Hot 100 #1s, Duets, Divas, Male Artists, Girl Group, Boy Bands, Hot 100 Top 10 That Didn't Hit #1, One Hit Wonders, etc. The decades will includes 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s. You will give them each points from 1 - 10 in the decade that you are in. There will be a two twist after certain rounds. Once the song is used you cannot used them again, they will be banned. So sign up for one of the decades. Sign up 80s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 90s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 00s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  5. A "SONG CONTEST" Inspired Expierence! Instructions. Every round, you are required to send in a song which meets the theme of the ongoing round. After everyone has submitted their song choice, a Spotify Playlist (Sorry, I don't have Apple Music) will be provided by the host and each contestant must listen to the songs. After they are done listeing the songs then must be ranked (not including their own song). Based on these rankings, all scores from each contestant will be combined and the contestants with the lowest overall score will be eliminated. This process will continue until we have a winner. Basically the same as the "ATRL SONG CONTEST" Rules. DISCLAIMER. This was clearly inspired by the Song Contest's hosted by @thecptz & @Diarrhoea, so many thanks to them. I obviously copied some of the rules and instructions, however the themes for the rounds will be fresh. I am not an experienced host and this is my debut so please be nice
  6. Welcome to the milestone TENTH season of one of ATRL's biggest games -- Let's Spoon! _________________________________________________________________________________________ This tournament is based on the iconic card game Spoons, as described here: _________________________________________________________________________________________ This card game will be converted into an ATRL game! The overall concept is simple. You will compete in various challenges, and the first person to complete the challenge will be guaranteed a spot in the next round. After this person wins the challenge, the first spoon will be posted in the thread. Once you see the "First Spoon" in the thread, all of the other players must post the word "spoon" in the thread. Pictures or other creative representations of the word "spoon" are acceptable, as well. Posting your spoon now becomes the only way to save yourself and advance to the next round. Similar to musical chairs, there will be one less "spoon" than there are players in the round, and the last player remaining without a "spoon" will be eliminated. If more than one player does not post "spoon" before the next challenge, all of them will be eliminated, or there will be a vote from the contestant who won the challenge. This game will require you to be an active player! If you are not active, there is a good chance that you will be eliminated early. Since we are in quarantine, I am going to be more open to doing rotating challenge times this season! The rounds will thus be held at times that are convenient for different time zones on different days. However, as another note, I will not be doing break days this season... since we are all under lockdown there should be no need x  The challenges will be LIVE. Remember, you want to be the first person to complete the challenge. You will also want to be aware of what is happening in the thread during the challenge period, because it could become a "spoon" war very quickly. Players who are a little slower/in a bad time zone will have until the next challenge (24 hours later) to post in the thread. However, there is a high possibility that all the spoons will be taken within an hour or two of the challenge being posted, especially after the first few rounds. Finally, this season's twist will be announced at the end of sign-ups! _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Season 1 ○ Winner: dimitrius Season 2 ○ Winner: Sebas Season 3 ○ Winner: Staryu Season 4 ○ Winner: Remmy Season 5 ○ Winner: alexanderao Season 6 ○ Winner: Legend E Season 7 ○ Winner: shelven Season 8 ○ Winner: shelven Season 9 ○ Winner: Psycho Mini Season ○ Winner: Sam _________________________________________________________________________________________ Sign-ups will close in three days, with the start of our first challenge, which will be held at 9 PM EDT on Wednesday, April 1st! By signing up, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and will abide by the rules of Let's Spoon, which have been posted above. (Do not erase) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. (continue) .......... I am looking forward to an amazing season, full of new players and some of our all-time veterans! _________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. special thanks for this super cute and very me banner by @Diarrhoea. yall need to love it, embrace it, and adore it thanks What is it? Every round, you must send in a song to meet a specification for that particular round; I prefer this to be done over YouTube if at all possible. After everyone has submitted their song, each contestant will be given a link with every song, and they must then listen to them and rank them (not including their own song). Based on these rankings, all scores from each contestant will be combined and the contestants with the lowest overall score will be eliminated. This format will continue (with surprises throughout) until we are left with the winner of ATRL's Song Contest. In addition, the Banned Artist list has been lifted. You can't send in songs which have been banned (i don't count all the taylor songs that have been sent last season so you can send her songs again) but the artists are all fair game, apart from BTS who will never be allowed here. Also, you'll be allowed to openly discuss the artists/songs sent every round x There are some adjustment to the rules so please read it (especially #6 and #9) What are the rules? Twist The winner for each round will have the advantage for the next round so do your best
  8. SURPRISE! ATRL's original tournament - Choose The Album, Then a Song - is aiming to make its come back after three years since its last season. With all this coronavirus situation going on, it's safe to say many of us will have more free time for all sort of things and it's never too late to dig into new music, artists and genres, the aim of Choose The Album, Then a Song. Without further due, I am officially opening the submissions for season 10 for both contestants and judges. The spots will be limited to make sure the game remains interesting and dynamic. Choose The Album, Then a Song?! "Choose The Album, Then a Song" title is pretty self-explanatory but allow me to introduce it to all of you. The main concept is for the contestants to play the entire game with a music album and survive each elimination by sending in the best song that fits the round theme. In summary, your main mission is to select a LP to play and, during each round, select the best song for the theme along with a small essay justifying your choice. That is your main mission but the game's goal is to allow everyone to be introduced to new music and varied music genres. RULES 1. There's not such thing as bad losers; We are all here to have fun and share our favorite music with everyone. 2. If you're sharing your music with us, be prepared to allow new music to be shared with you; By playing this game, you will be required to cast your vote every round and that means you'll have to listen to each song and read each essay. 3. There's no space for stan wars or called voters; The main purpose of this game is to introduce everyone to knew music. Therefore, we don't want any fights or any type of voting manipulation. 4. Respect the game's deadlines; Due to the complexity of the game, there will be defined deadlines to allow you to plan your life in accordance with the game. 5. You can only sign-up with studio albums; This version of the game will only allow studio albums to play. No EPs, Remixes or Greatest Hits albums are allowed. 6. Only one album per artist; For diversity purposes there can only be an album per artist. 7. Be fair and do not be biased. If you want others to respect your work and game, make sure you respect others too by not allowing your personal taste affect your votes. Additional Tips: (1) Choose a versatile album to play with; (2) Make sure you are going to have time for this game as it can be quite demanding; (3) Be aware that writing is a crucial part of the game and will be evaluated (sometimes it will be more important than your song choice). SIGN-UPS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (...). JUDGES Contact me via Private Message if you're interested. ELIMINATORY ROUND As stated above, sign-ups will be limited. For that reason, we'll kick things off with an eliminatory round. Your task is to send in a taste of what you have to offer. How? Send in (via private message) three songs from the album you selected where you specify 30 seconds of the three tracks and explain why those are a good preview of what you have to offer. Deadline will be announced shortly.
  9. Hello and welcome to the game of Battle Royale. Players will be plunged into a Free-For-All Arena combat scenario. Think Hunger Games, Fortnite, or the name of the game itself that inspired it all. Concept Players are thrust into an arena where they complete against each other to be the last person standing. This game will be broken into rounds of 24 hours each. You really only have to submit one action a day to stay alive and active. You will use weapons, shields, armors, and other items to defeat other players and be the last person standing. You can choose to communicate in the thread freely or message other players to make alliances or backstab them. I don’t really care. It’s up to you to determine how to use communication. You might wish to publicly state you’re going for an item. Or call for someone to be eliminated from the game. Or privately work out an agreement with another player. Or whatever you think you could do. Gameplay This game is gonna invoke some 4th grade math so listen closely! Basically this game is all about the four actions: Attack, Defense, Evade, and Take. Attack is your main method of defeating a player. You will attack one player with whatever weapon you choose. Defense is how much damage you can take each round. Defense stats are automatically applied from armor and shield. If you use Defense instead of anything else you gain +1 extra defense. Evade is an action that you can take to ensure that you do not take damage from other players. However, you cannot evade the next turn after you use it. Take is how you gain weapons and items to use. You can take from the arena or items not in use from other players. You can only use one of these actions each round. There are also modifiers that will affect how Attack and Defense work. Nothing complicated but more on that in a bit. Every player will start with: Attack: 0 Defense: +1 No weapons or armors At the very beginning of the first round, there will be a huge stock of weapons, armors, and other items. Throughout the game items will randomly drop either in bulk or in very small amounts. These items stat and ability will be known unless it’s a special one. There is no limit to amount of items a player can have but you can typically only use one each round. Example - These are samples of how the game and rounds could go. Please read when you have the time. I hope this example provides some insight into how the game would go or at least invoke some questions. I know it looks rather complex but this is largely on the host ends. All you have to mostly worry about is your own stats (attack, defense) and the stats of other players as well as any alliances and powers as you would in any other game. Oh did I say powers? Yes ALL players will have power. Some better than others but nothing negative. More in Themes. There will also be random events to help the game along. Maybe you’ll fight attack dogs. Maybe no one can attack due to a fog. Maybe everyone gets one random items from the sky. Who knows? Themes Personally, I could just force a theme on y’all but I’m letting you all vote on one of three. Each theme will have their own scenarios and items that fit them as well as characters, i.e. how you get powers. Please vote on one of these themes (https://forms.gle/zx9RLZ7M7N5Lb2Vo7): Nicktoons Collide! -Feature characters from the various Nickelodeon Cartoons including Spongebob Squarepants, Danny Phantom, Angelica Pickles, Otto Rocket, Wanda, Jimmy Neutron, etc. -Each round a random stage will appear reflecting one of the nicktoon multiverse. Each stage has their own effects. -Related items include Jellyfish Net, Skateboard, Shrink Ray, Pacifier, Fairy Wand, etc. WWE Women’s Revolution -Features the women of WWE/WWF including the likes of Trish Stratus, Becky Lynch, Naomi, Ronda Rousey, Chyna, Zelina Vega, Asuka, etc. -Takes places in a pro wrestling environment such as the Ring, Backstage, Locker Room, Guerilla Position, etc. Areas cycle depending on actions taken by players. -Include related items like steel chairs, sledgehammers, championship belts, catering, etc. Once Upon A Time -Feature characters from the ABC show including the like of Emma Swan, Regina the Evil Queen, Rumplestiltskin, Zelena the Wicked Witch of the West, Killian Jones (Hook), and more. -Takes place between the real world and the magical realms. Setting mostly determines the effectiveness of some items and abilities. -Items include the likes of Mulan’s Sword, Dark One Dagger, Enchanted Bow, Unholy Grail, etc. https://forms.gle/zx9RLZ7M7N5Lb2Vo7
  10. Welcome to Diversity season 2! I'm luckystrike, your favorite Diversity 1.25 loser and ATRL's Games section biggest flop, and now your new Diversity host! Now I know it's been literally not even an hour since Diversity 1.25 ended but since last season was delayed and everything for season 2 was ready to go, the audience wanted the new season so here she is. Now, after a LONG wait and a lot of commitment Diversity 1.25 came to an end and Mariah Carey was crowned winner! Thanks to @Speezy for hosting, and also shoutout to @xBoySelenatorx since this is his original game idea. HOW THE GAME WORKS Contestants must sign up with an artist of their choice, every round you will need to send a song by your artist that fits the theme given by the host. Sign up with someone you're familiar with, they must have at least ONE studio album out. Every round, there will be a bottom 3, the person with the lowest score will be automatically eliminated, while the other 2 will face each other in a Sing Off elimination If you are in the Sing Off, you have to send a live performance of your artist that fits the theme given by the host, then the judges and I will decide who stays. RULES You are allowed to send collabs. For example, if your artist is Zara Larsson you are allowed to send "Symphony" by Clean Bandit feat. Zara Larsson Each round, contestants will have 48 hours to send their entries. You can always ask for an extension as long as you do it before the deadline ends, if you fail to do so, you will be automatically eliminated, no point penalties this season. Same thing for the judges, judges will have 48 hours to send their critiques, and can ask for extensions too. If you are in the Sing Off you have 24 hours to send your live performance, no extensions here. You can use ATRL PMs or Discord to submit your entries. MEET THE JUDGES Season 1.25 winner, @Overprotected Our visuals maker, @Astronomy @shelven @Invisibility and of course me! I'm expecting to start the game with 28 people but if more people sign up I'll take in a few extra spots, hope y'all sign up! (Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Jessie J and Mariah Carey are banned since they were the Top 4 last season, so no sign ups with them )
  11. Wow I hate that banner, thank God I'm too lazy to change it x Every round, you must send in a song to meet a specification for that particular round; I prefer this to be done over YouTube if at all possible. After everyone has submitted their song, each contestant will be given a link with every song, and they must then listen to them and rank them (not including their own song). Based on these rankings, all scores from each contestant will be combined and the contestants with the lowest overall score will be eliminated. This format will continue (with surprises throughout) until we are left with the winner of ATRL's Song Contest. Potentially good news: the Banned Artist list has been lifted. You can't send in songs which have been banned (this will be updated and posted shortly x) but the artists are all fair game, apart from Ed Sheeran who will never be allowed here. Also, you'll be allowed to openly discuss the artists/songs sent every round x
  12. Hello everybody! Welcome to the 8th season of ATRL’s Family Feud. I will be taking over as host for this season so hopefully it’s not a major disaster! ?? HOW TO PLAY There will be 20 rounds, each consisting of 15 questions. To gain points you have to submit answers you think other players will also submit. Thus, to gain points, the answer doesn't need to be correct, it just needs to be submitted by other players too! The number of players who have submitted the same answer as you will be the points gained for that particular question. For example, if the question is “Who is your favorite new pop star?’’, you wouldn't want to answer with Camila Cabello, even though she (unfortunately) may be your favorite. Instead, go for a safer answer like Dua Lipa that will guarantee you points. You may NOT discuss your answers with other contestants, whether it's in the thread or by PM. If I find out that you have, I will disqualify you from the game. If you wish to change an answer after you’ve already submitted, you may PM me. The player with the most points in the end will be declared the winner of ATRL's Family Feud 8! POWERS This season, we have a new set of powers and a new system for winning them! The winner of each round and another random contestant will receive one of these powers (up to round 15). The last round to use powers will be round 17.
  13. Hosted by rl231 & Element ~ borntodie | Adr | –brian | Yvess | Element | URBAN | Aciid | kipperskipper ~ Welcome to Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 9)! AND WE’RE BACK!! Since 2012, ATRL Survivor has crowned eight winners (borntodie, Adr, –brian, Yvess, Element, URBAN, Aciid, & kipperskipper). Now it's time to begin the ninth installment of the Survivor franchise that began eight years ago. How does the game of Survivor work? The Game: 24 contestants will be placed into tribes during the pre–merge phase. Each round before the Merge is quite simple to complete – you will be given a theme and must submit a song that best represents that theme. The judging panel then rates your song on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how well it fits the theme. You and your tribe members' scores are tallied up, then averaged into one final number. The tribe with the lowest overall average then heads to Tribal Council where one member is voted off. The process repeats until a certain number of you remain (called the Merge) and your challenges then become more complex. Contestants then will become part of the Jury where they eventually vote for the winner. Reminders: We give the contestants 24 hours to send in a song (although it often takes less) during the beginning rounds. That may sound like a short amount of time, but all you are doing is sending a song with no explanation required. Some rounds you'll submit within a couple minutes. Others you may have to think for a little while. If you are a member that is often banned and want to join, only join if you plan on not getting banned during this process. If you are banned from ATRL, you are eliminated and can not continue playing via outside contact. Please don’t play this game if you intend on quitting in the near or distant future. Double eliminations will happen to ensure the game keeps moving. Anyone can sign up regardless of how many times they have played previously, except for past winners. This season, as always, will have interesting twists, idols, and so much more that it’s going to get spacey (like Kacey)! Here's to a season filled with alliances & betrayal: but most of all... survival. Sign–ups are now open to those interested. There are 24 spots up for grabs, but if there are more than 24 that sign up, then we will whittle down the pool. We will have all those who sign up complete an application to help us get to know you better and so we can select the most exciting, competitive cast. Add your name to the following list, then refer to the section below to complete the application. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. And so on... The Application: Below is the application for this season. This is not meant to be a novel when completed. It is just meant to get a feel of your personality, your interest in playing, and your music taste. You will answer six questions by using this Google survey: https://forms.gle/uVHuXiFhLTmXnKE86. Only rl231 and Element will view your responses. None of the applications will be posted in the thread, so please feel free to divulge secrets/strategies that you wouldn’t want your competitors to know! 1. Tell the hosts a little about yourself. Introduce yourself. What are you like? What qualities do you like about yourself? Just a short intro into your personality, since social clashes are a big part of Survivor gameplay. 2. What’s your music taste like? This game is all about music. What do you like to listen to? Fave artists? Albums? 3. Have you played in any tournaments before on ATRL? ATRL is home to many tournaments besides this one. Have you played in any? If so, how'd it go? 4. How familiar are you with the show/game Survivor? Have you ever watched Survivor before or played it online (if you’ve played it online, how did you do)? If you do watch it, what is your favorite moment from the show? If you don’t, please feel free to ask us any questions about the concept of the game. 5. What will your strategy be for this game? Here are some questions to get you thinking: Are you going to be a strategic mastermind? A social butterfly? Rely on challenges to propel you ahead? Are you a big move maker, or more likely to fly under the radar? 6. What do you see yourself as: a hero or a villain, and why? One of the most popular labels in Survivor… do you see yourself as a heroic, loyal figure, or are you planning to get blood on your hands? Everyone has both heroic and villainous qualities, so feel free to discuss both sides of yourself! You all have 48 hours from now to sign up in the thread. Applications will be due one day after sign ups close (72 hours from now) so there is no huge rush.
  14. Welcome Back!!! This game piggy backs off of the notorious Hurt & Heal schematics but with twists and identity protection to prevent bullying. If you are unfamiliar LG1 here is a link :LG1 How To Play: ⚀ First sign up ⚁ Once I close the signups list I will put the list of users into a randomizers ⚂ Each User will be given Word/Codename based on the randomizer so they can remain anonymous ⚃ A Trusted User & I will have the list of Codenames that corresponds to the members ⚄ + or - voting period will vary. ⚅ Graveyard: When someone has 0 points, their identity will be revealed and their codename is removed from play ⚀⚅ MiniGames: A series of mini games/Mini challenges with be held normally after someone is sent to the graveyard. ⚁⚅ All votes/Hurts & Heals are public. PM'ing me a vote is not required and will NOT be accepted. ⚄⚅ TAGME!!: Please TAG ME when someone dies, this game relies on activeness of contestants! Twists: Graceful Dice Big Plus Big Minus Small Hints Example: Signups: 1. ... ..... 18.+
  15. banner by Element Welcome to the 5th season of ATRL’s The Vanishing Letters! After a 5 year break, the ClassicTRL game is back! Originally hosted by the likes of jONE731 and Prézli, the game is now in my hands (after winning last season)! At the end of the season one person will be crowned the winner of the 5th season, after various rounds of finding songs. More on how the game works later in this OP xo Unlike previous seasons, we also have a judging panel, that'll judge you along the way. PANEL @touya kinomoto @Disruptive @Astronomy @prézli @Navyofbadgals HOW DOES IT WORK? Every round I will ask for either a song, single, or album track. Song can be both a single or an album track, whereas a single needs to be officially released as such (promo singles included), and an album track cannot be officially released as a single. Every round I will then give you a few ‘vanishing letters’, these letters are letters that cannot appear in either artist’s title or the song title (will be specified) So for example: Round 0: A single from 2019 A, U, I, H, X, Z in the artist’s name So I would for example send Weyes Blood - Movies none of the letters appear in her name so I can send in Movies but for example: I could not send in an Ariana Grande Single from 2019 Every round you won't know what others have sent in, you will need to rank the songs from best to worst, and the judges will do the same for you. The person with the highest average wins the round, and the people with the lowest averages will be eliminated FAQ: x
  16. General Idea This is a mafia game similar in veins to the previous ones hosted by @Dessy & @Astronomy. This is role madness, so you may see Rise of Disney and Witching Hour for reference. In this game, players are thrust into a situation where there is a powerful faction who kill someone every night, commonly known as mafia, but in this particular game known as Titans. The town, in this case known as Gods, have the goal to eliminate all threatening non-town faction (Titans and 3P). Meanwhile, Titans goal is to eliminate the Gods and any 3P threat. The 3P have their own separate win conditions and ability that may or may not work with or against both factions. All Titans will know all of their alignment's roles and will be put into a discord chat to discuss the game, and submit their actions. This also applies for the 'Sisters' role (aligned to Gods). The rest of the Gods will remain ignorant as to the rest of the member's roles. This version of Mafia is called Open Role-Madness. In which all the roles are known at the start of the game and everyone will have some sort of ability. Not all ability are active, and some are even conditional. Phases There are two phases in the game: Day Phase and Night Phase. During Day Phase, all players deliberate and publicly vote to lynch (eliminate) one player from the game. During Night Phase, the Titans deliberate and decide to kill off one player. Players may have abilities with allow them to act in either phases. Phases will be 24 hours for Day, and 12 hours for Night. My phases will all be around 8 - 9 AM/PM EST. As you would expect, this game requires daily activity. If you fail to add anything substancial for several phases in a row I will DQ you and replace you with a subsitute in the case there are any. Additionally, since this always seems to be a problem, i'm adding a mechanism that neither town or mafia can vote out/kill a subsitute in their first cicle (so after a day + night phase has passed). Voting Each Day Phase, all players must submit a valid lynch vote in the thread. It must be bolded and underlined and state the name of the player. Here is an example of how a valid lynch vote should look like: Lynch Disruptive. If you don't want to lynch anyone, you may submit No lynch. If you want to take back a vote without choosing another option, Unlynch or Unlynch Disruptive. Be warned, this will count as not voting if you fail to submit by end of Day. Votes may be changed as many times as you wish until the end of the Day Phase; the last one submitted counts. Tie votes will be randomized. Elimination Once you are dead by lynch or kill, you are removed from the game and you may no longer post in the game thread. Since there is a Revival and Mediator role, dead players will still be considered "in play" until that role is dead or their power used. Otherwise, you will be allowed to post again only after the game is over. You are strictly not allowed to coach or discuss with any remaining players in the game. Your role and alignment will be revealed when you die. There will be a spectator's chat for people to observe the game upon the death of the Reviver and Mediator. Disqualification Players are disqualified at the end of the phase, or on the spot for more serious violations. Disqualified players are treated as if they were lynched or killed and may suffer extra consequences and cannot be revived. DQ if: You don't submit a valid lynch vote during Day Phase you will receive a warning. Failure to do so for the second time results in a disqualification. You are caught discussing the game outside of: the game thread, the Mafia chat or the Spectator's Chat should there be one, you are out without warning. If you are dead in the game and cheating by talking to players who are still alive, I may no longer allow you to play in any game I may host in the future. And you may face a WP from a mod. You edit a post you will receive a warning. If you edit a post for the second time, you will be disqualified! Again, NO EDITING! If you want to fix an error please make a second post instead. Mods can also see any edited posts even for plus members. This is simply to preserve the game integrity. You make a screenshot of any PM I send you and share it, directly quote any PM I send you, or post an image of your role pm, you will be disqualified. Posting images of roles which have been revealed is allowed, since that information will be accessible from the game thread. This game still follows ATRL rules, so any violation will be reported and dealt with accordingly. Other information There is an anti-role claiming mechanic in this game. The Triple Kill will allow mafia to kill three players if they guess their roles correctly. This is a game which requires active participation. If you're not able to contribute, don't sign up. No one is expected to be in the thread all day. But think of making at least 3 substantive posts a day. You can expect this game to take a couple weeks at best. If you have any questions about the game rules, feel free to ask them here. This game can be confusing so it's bet to get questions out of the way. If you wish to sign up, state so in this thread. Rewind to the beginning of time, Titans ruled the world and were able to do everything and anything they wanted. But their reign was being threatened by their own sons and daughters. The Gods were rising up and ready to take their place. Will they be able to overthrow them? Or will their plans fail and the Titans continue to rule? Meanwhile, lurking in the shadows Medusa was ready to strike at anyone that came close. With her beauty taken away from here and replaced with the ability to turn the living into stone, she prepared for vengance. I am hopefully looking for 32 players exactly. I can trim that slightly but I cannot go over that. If you want to play if it's full, or think that you may not be able to play right away then consider signing up as a substitute. Subs are this game's godsends and I will call on you if the need arises. Roles will be randomized. 32 Players --- 20 Gods 8 Titans 4 3P
  17. Black Christmas: Release Story --- RULES (Slasher Edition): The rules for this are simple if you played mafia. Just kidding it's a bit different so listen up. This version of mafia is called Slasher, but the concept is similar: Basically, you are allowed to pm or privately talk to other players if you want to form alliances or whatever. But be careful, you might as well be talking to a Slasher or 3P. Or maybe someone with further ulterior motives... Your vote MUST be privately submitted to me by pm/dm. You can choose to state who you are voting for in the thread but I will not accept anything from the thread. Failure to send a valid vote twice will result in a DQ. There will be no tally or revealing of who really voted for who until the end of the game. All you will get is the death and role reveal. Slashers or 3P don’t really get a real vote. They can pretend that they are voting though. Town want to eliminate Slashers and 3P. Slashers want to eliminate Town and 3P. 3P have their own wincons. There can be no screenshots/image of roles or PM from me revealed by you publicly or in PM. No videos are allowed either. This will result an instant DQ. (Players are able to send me proof.) Also images can be faked sooo... For the record, this doesn't mean you can't say "I am Jesus Christ" or "I investigated Hug and he was town". This means that I do NOT want to hear about how yall lazy asses screenshotted your screen and sent it to someone else. Also NO EDITING. Game Set-Up: Looking for: 18, 20 players max. Not revealing team sizes. Due to the small size, I'd prefer people who definitely know that they can be active during the next week. No slackers. Sorry if you're still taking finals. I expect this game to be done within a week so it'll be wrapped up before Christmas Eve. Phases will start 24/12. When half the game remains we'll go 12/12. The Assembled Cast: Santa Claus Mariah Carey Jesus Christ Three Wise Men Grinch Robot Santa Mrs. Claus Donald Trump Virgin Mary Jack Skellington Jack Frost Frosty the Snowman Elf Reporter Harry & Marv Blitzen Ebenezer Scrooge Joseph Rudolph Kevin McCallister Judas In this edition, I'm giving you the names but I won't be telling you what they do or their alignment right now. They all have the potential to be good or bad.
  18. (thanks @Element for this beautiful banner ) RANKING ROULETTE hosted by your favorite baby, thecptz hello and welcome to another attempt at hosting a tournament from me! yay! this game is based on a challenge from the iconic game, let’s spoon, which is called rotating ranking so if you’re not a flop and make it to that round in let’s spoon, you’re probably know how to play. BUT WAIT! #butwait (yes i’m coming for #butfirst, watch out julie) THERE IS A TWIST!!! THE GAME • in rotating rankings, the song with the least favorite votes will be eliminated first right? • but in ranking roulette, the song with the least favorite votes will be the WINNING song in that round. • then, i will go to the list of the person who submitted that song, and announce their lowest ranked song to be the next safe person. • the results will continue in this fashion until we have two people remaining in the round, where the person who submitted the higher ranked song on the latest safe contestant will be eliminated from the game. whew! WHAT YOU NEED TO DO 1. in each round, there will be a theme provided for you. you need to send a song/an artist or whatever that suits the theme. (there will be a deadline) **FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE** so if you’re gonna be slow, at least send a back-up choice for me 2. after everyone sends their entries, i will post the entries in the thread. 3. you will have about 12-24 hours (depends on my mood) to send me your ranking. 4. i will announce the results time later so you can come see if you make it. THE POWER to receive the power, you must be either the winner of the round or the last person who advances to the next round. or if you think being these two are hard, well then win a mini game! and i may do the power throwaway. so who knows? the power will be randomly given to the winner and the last person who make it to the next round. no one knows what power they are going to receive. therefore, it could be amazing or it could be very bad for you. **if you want to create an alliance to share what submission you send in, i won’t stop you. BUT please beware of the SNAKE, maybe your friend will try to SABBATAGE you.** hope you have fun
  19. Yes, the iconic ATRL game is back back back for it’s 9th season! _________________________________________________________________ NewTRL seasons: Season 7th hosted by Noah Season 8th hosted by Sabbath _________________________________________________________________ Each round, contestants must submit a photo (or it can be a mix of photos and gifs) of the celebrity they sign up with, wearing an outfit that best fits the theme: ranging from colors to materials to unexpected challenges. For every round, a certain number of players will be automatically eliminated by having the lowest scores, with the next lowest scorers being placed in the bottom and up for elimination. The contestant who places #1 for the round has the power to decide which bottom player to eliminate based on whatever criteria they see fit. 1. You have until round 1’s deadline to pick/change the celebrity you sign up with. Once the deadline passes, you’re playing with that celeb for the rest of the game. 2. You can send a max of 5 images for your entry. (This doesn’t mean you HAVE to send 5, that’s just the limit, you can send just one). If you send 6 or more, I’ll only post the first one. No, not the first 5, just the first one since you wanted to be a clown! 3. Deadline extensions are always allowed as long as you request it before it has passed. If you miss the deadline and didn’t request an extension, we’ll see you during the comeback round. 4. Please keep all your entries in one PM, no need to create different messages for every round. Tip: If you’re playing with a celeb that was used on the last 2 seasons, check out what outfits were sent so you don’t repeat them constantly and lose points for being repetitive. @Sabbath @Clueless @Navyofbadgals @PinkBox @Psycho This season we ain’t fixing what ain’t broken! The judges rank the players’ entries from best to worst and provide critiques that will help them improve and understand why they were ranked a certain way. It is vital to keep your name among the highest scorers every round to guarantee your safety and a spot in the finale, where the panel will look at the portfolios and decide a winner. The winner gets congratulatory posts, eternal bragging rights and spot in ATRL history. x
  20. Welcome to the ninth season of one of ATRL's biggest games -- Let's Spoon! _________________________________________________________________________________________ Has anyone ever played the card game Spoons? This tournament is based on that card game. _________________________________________________________________________________________ THE GAME! This card game will be converted into an ATRL game! The overall concept is simple. You will compete in various challenges, and the first person to complete the challenge will be guaranteed a spot in the next round. After this person wins the challenge, the first spoon will be posted in the thread. Once you see the "First Spoon" in the thread, all of the other players must post the word "spoon" in the thread. Pictures or other creative representations of the word "spoon" are acceptable, as well. Posting your spoon now becomes the only way to save yourself and advance to the next round. Similar to musical chairs, there will be one less "spoon" than there are players in the round, and the last player remaining without a "spoon" will be eliminated. If more than one player does not post "spoon" before the next challenge, all of them will be eliminated, or there will be a vote from the contestant who won the challenge. This game will require you to be an active player! If you are not active, there is a good chance that you will be eliminated early. This season, due to my availability, the challenges will be held at the original Let’s Spoon time (9 PM EST) every single night. There will be an opportunity for those in other timezones to earn immunity earlier in the day — this will be explained prior to the first round.  The challenges will be LIVE. Remember, you want to be the first person to complete the challenge. You will also want to be aware of what is happening in the thread during the challenge period, because it could become a "spoon" war very quickly. Players who are a little slower/in a bad time zone will have until the next challenge (24 hours later) to post in the thread. However, there is a high possibility that all the spoons will be taken within an hour or two of the challenge being posted, especially after the first few rounds. _________________________________________________________________________________________ RULES! _________________________________________________________________________________________ PAST SEASONS! Season 1 ○ Winner: dimitrius Season 2 ○ Winner: Sebas Season 3 ○ Winner: Staryu Season 4 ○ Winner: Remmy Season 5 ○ Winner: alexanderao Season 6 ○ Winner: Legend E Season 7 ○ Winner: shelven Season 8 ○ Winner: shelven Mini Season ○ Winner: Sam _________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGN-UPS! Sign-ups will close at 11:59 PM EST on Friday, November 8, 2019. The first challenge will be held the next night, at 9 PM EST on Saturday, November 9th! By signing up, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and will abide by the rules of Let's Spoon, which have been posted above. (Do not erase) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. (continue) .......... I am looking forward to a GREAT season! _________________________________________________________________________________________
  21. The greatest race in the world has come to ATRL! Join in this fun, non time consuming adventure across 4 continents, 11 countries and many cultures while sitting on your ass not moving a muscle. Based on the television show of the same name, you will create a team of two of your favourite (or least favourite!) celebrities to play as against your fellow ATRL'ers. TEAMS Trisha & Rose Donald& Bernie Aaron & Lukas Mariah & Nicki Married Messes Politicians Football Players Ex-Friends @Touch It @EriKills @KatyCatPH @thecptz Jennie & Jisoo Mans & Ciara Zara & Tove Troye & Olly Girl Group Members Married Swedish Besties Close Friends @kipperskipper @fiercE @Moonlightbae @Destro Heart & Marian Daphne & Velma Kelly & Madonna Ciara & Ariana Frenemies/Actresses Scooby Sleuths Grammy Winners Sisters @Yvess @kiiwii @Legend E @Marvin Gaga & Ava Gemma & Megan Aja Naomi & Alfred Charli & Dua Mother/Daughter Essexian WOC Legends Co-Stars Pop Saviors @Psycho @Kylie Jenner @Not Like The Movies @luckystrike RULES The rules of the race are simple. A leg will be posted and players will have a certain time to complete the leg, by fulfilling all tasks assigned. Once all teams have completed the leg the results will be posted and (unless the leg is a non eliminated leg) the last team will be eliminated. MONEY Money will require you to do some simple arithmetic. You may use xe.com to aid you converting currencies used around the globe. Currency for the country you're going to may or may not will be stated at the beginning of each leg, but US dollars will be provided. Money is carried over after every leg. Round up your money to the nearest units/ones. RANDOM EVENTS Just like in the real race, things can randomly go wrong. During some tasks, eg. chosing a taxi there may be predetermined bad/good taxis which could help or hinder you. Will direct you to where your next clue is, or will instruct a general task that both team members must complete. A task that only one team member may perform. Choice between two tasks, each with pros and cons. Some detours may look faster than the other depending on the team. A task that a team can take to skip the remaining tasks and go directly to the pit stop. Only one team can use the fast forward in a leg. A U-Turn appears at the end of a detour, where a team may force another team to complete the other detour option they did not choose. A Yield appears at any marker, where a team may force another team to stop racing for a predetermined amount of time (adds 30 minutes to their time) A Speed Bump appears in legs after any Non Elimination Leg, A team spared elimination is required to do a Speed Bump, an extra task that only they have to complete before continuing with the normal race course.
  22. Introduction Story: General Idea This is a mafia game similar in veins to my previous ones. Older ATRLer may know a version of this game call Slasher. Anyone who played Town of Salem will also know some of the processes of this game. In this game, players are thrust into a situation where there is a powerful faction who kill someone every night, the Z-Fighters. The Supers goal is to eliminate all threatening non-town faction. Z-Fighters goal is to eliminate the Town and any 3P threat. The 3P have their own separate win conditions and ability that may or may not work with or against both factions. What's Different? This setup is fully closed meaning none of the roles and abilities are publicly known until death. This is also Unconventional with there being a larger amount of unusual roles. Not everyone will have an ability so do your best to solve on your own skills. Phases There are two phases in the game: Day Phase and Night Phase. During Day Phase, all players deliberate and publicly vote to lynch (eliminate) one player from the game. During Night Phase, the Mafia deliberate and decide to kill off one player. Players may have abilities with allow them to act in either phases. Phases will be 24 hours for Day, and 12 hours for Night. My phases will be at 5 MST. Simple google 5:00am/pm mst to your own time to figure out timezones. A countdown timer will also be provided. Posting and Voting Requirements As you would expect, this game will require daily activity. As such, to avoid slackers and extreme low activity, ALL players are required to either 1) Make at least 2 substantive posts a cycle, or 5 regular posts min. A substantive post is a post that is content-heavy basically. Please please PLEASE do not sign up or at least sign up as a sub if you foresee yourself being totally inactive for longer than 24 hours in mid-November. Each Day Phase, all players must submit a valid lynch vote in the thread. It must be bold and underlined and state the name of the player. Here is an example of how a valid lynch vote should look like: Lynch Dessy. If you don't want to lynch anyone, you may submit No Lynch. If you want to take back a vote without choosing another option, Unlynch or Unlynch Dessy. Be warned, this will count as not voting if you fail to submit by end of Day. Tie votes will be randomized. So if two votes for players are equal, it will be randomized so that one is dead. No lynch is the only way to prevent a lynch in this game. Elmination Once you are dead by lynch or kill, you are removed from the game and you may no longer post in the game thread. I can clearly confirm that there will be no revival role this game so don't expect to be brought back. Disqualification Players are disqualified at the end of the phase, or on the spot for more serious violations. Disqualified players are treated as if they were lynched or killed and may suffer extra consequences and cannot be revived. DQ if: You don't submit a valid lynch vote during Day Phase you will receive a warning. Failure to do so for the second time results in a disqualification. You are caught discussing the game outside of: the game thread, the Mafia chat or the Spectator's Chat should there be one, you will be warned. If you are dead in the game and cheating by talking to players who are still alive, I may no longer allow you to play in any game I may host in the future. And you may face a WP from a mod. You edit a post, you will receive a warning. If you edit a post for the second time, you will be disqualified! Again, NO EDITING! If you want to fix an error please make a second post instead. Mods can also see any edited posts even for plus members. This is simply to preserve the game integrity. You make a screenshot of any PM I send you and share it, directly quote any PM I send you, or post an image of your role pm, you will be disqualified. Posting images of roles which have been revealed is allowed, since that information will be accessible from the game thread. This game still follows ATRL rules, so any violation will be reported and dealt with accordingly. There were no issues last games, so let's keep it like that. To be clear, this isn't to stop you from interacting with other players period. You simply cannot discuss this game, even in passing. Other information There is no triple kill so you do not have to worry about outing your role. HOWEVER, there is an anti-claim mechnic in place. Mafia and 3P will have cover roles to blend in with the DC and Marvel Supers. So there is no way to confirm players simply by role claiming. Cover Roles are also thrown into the stories as well. There will be no mini-games or extra items granted by me. I expect this game to last about a couple weeks. We will be done before American Thanksgiving. If you have any questions about the game rules, feel free to ask them here. This game can be confusing so it's best to get questions out of the way. There are external chats, likely using discord. Game size I am looking for about 23-25 players. I'm willing to go less if sign-up is poor. But no more than 25. Number of town and mafia will not be revealed. But there are 3 Third Party. Town - Supers 3P - Third Party Gods Mafia - Z-Fighters Sample Role I am bringing back role cards. Your roles will look something like this: Role will be randomized.
  23. Banner by @Disruptive After several decades of Family Feud drought and with all the DEMAND, I, PinkBox, have decided to sacrifice myself and host this amazing game for all of you, like the amazing person that I am, since our previous host, Navyofbadgals, will not perform her duties! HOW TO PLAY Every round will have 15 questions. To gain points you have to submit answers you think other players will also submit. Thus, to gain points, the answer doesn't need to be correct, it just needs to be submitted by other players too! The number of players who have submitted the same answer as you will be the points gained for that particular question. For example, if the question is “Who is your favorite ATRL member?'', you wouldn't want to answer with Navyofbadgals, even though he (unfortunately) may be your favorite. Instead, go for a safer answer like PinkBox that will guarantee you points. You may NOT discuss your answers with other contestants, whether it's in the thread or by PM. If I find out that you have, I will disqualify you from the game. If you wish to change an answer after you’ve already submitted, you may PM me. The player with the most points in the end will be declared the winner of ATRL's Family Feud 7! POWERS You can still participate even if you did not sign up at the start. New players are welcome!
  24. Diversity First off, I'm Speezy... HI'm back, after stealing another game idea getting approved by @xBoySelenatorx to host his fabulous game idea. That was also XBS first time as host too! I will respect his original idea but fine tune some rules and implement some deadline rules. . How The Game Works: There will be round based on certain genres or moods or even seasons. Deadline to send songs will be 48 hrs Deadline for judge deliberation will be 48 hrs For every 1 hour after the deadline that you are late you will be docked by .75 points Judges be honest and fair. Feel free to drag. Also dont be late either Bottom two (scores) will be up for elimination. Participants in danger of elimination must have a “sing off.” Judges must reveal their feedback during the results time Categories of judgment: Lyrics/Theme, Instrumental/Beat, Production, Genre This Game will end sometime in the first week of December Rules: Participants must choose one artist (one back up in case their first option is chosen.) – suggested that they have at least 10 songs Songs can only be used ONCE!. You can use collabs for ex : Thomas Rhett f/ Jordin Sparks - Playing With Fire Along with the song, participants must submit one live performance that will be used as their “sing off” in case they land in the bottom two. There will be no Rainbow Tiaras, Graceful Dice, Hidden Immunity Idols or anything of that that sort. This game is based on Diversity and finding the BEST out of the artists you signed up for. Tips: Judges & Contestants. I will leave you in the dust if you dont ask for an extension. Yes I get lazy too but ...you know For you sing off performance, make sure to save one of the best ones for the finale. Sign-Up for artists who's discography that you know. For example, I would not risk signing up with Katy Perry if I listened to Drake or Nicki Minas 24/7 Hope y’all will join AGAIN! *I may edit op soon*
  25. 11th Tournament Best Female Single October 2018 - September 2019 IS BACK!!! WELCOME!!! The Female tournament is back! that was fast but we have a lot of great songs this year but 1st a recap of the 2017 & 2018 Top 10 results: 2019 LIST - 108 Songs (biggest number of songs ever - A lot of Female Rap songs - A lot of diversity this year List: - Alessia Cara – “Trust My Lonely” - Alessia Cara – “Out Of Love” - Ariana Grande – “Thank U Next” - Ariana Grande – “7 Rings” - Ariana Grande – “Break Up With Your Girlfriend, Im Bored” - Ariana Grande & Victoria Monet – “Monopoly” - Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus & Lana del Rey “Don’t Call Me Angel” - Ally Brooke ft. Tyga – “Low Key” - Ally Brooke ft. A Boogie wit da Hoodie – “Lips Don’t Lie” - Anitta – “Veneno” - Anitta ft. Becky G – “Banana” - Ashley O – “On A Roll” - Ava Max – “Sweet But Psyco” - Ava Max – “So Am I” - Ava Max – “Torn” - Avril Lavigne – “Tell Me It’s Over” - Avril Lavigne ft. Nicki Minaj – “Dumb Blonde” - Avril Lavigne – “I Fell In Love With The Devil” - Bebe Rexha – “Last Hurrah” - Bebe Rexha – “Not 20 Anymore” - Beyonce – “Spirit” - Billie Eilish – “When The Party’s Over” - Billie Eilish – “Bury a Friend” - Billie Eilish – “Wish You Were Gay” - Billie Eilish – “Bad Guy” - BilliE Eilish – “All The Good Girls Go To Hell” - Cardi B – “Money” - Cardi B – “Press” - Camila Cabello – “Shameless” - Camila Cabello – “Liar” - Carly Rae Jepsen – “Party For One” - Carly Rae Jepsen – “Now That I Found You” - Carly Rae Jepsen – “Too Much” - Charli XCX ft. Lizzo – “Blame It On Your Love” - Charli XCX ft. Christine & the Queens – “Gone” - Christina Aguilera – “Hauted Heart” - Ciara – “Thinkin Bout You” - Danna Paola – “Mala Fama” - Danna Paola – “Oye Pablo” - Dua Lipa – “Swang Song” - Ellie Goulding – “Sixteen” - Halsey – “Without Me” - Halsey – “Nightmare” - Halsey – “Graveyard” - Hayley Kiyoko – “I Wish” - Iggy Azalea – “Sally Walker” - Iggy Azalea – “Started” - Iggy Azalea ft. Kash Doll – “**** It Up” - Jennifer Lopez – “Limitless” - Jennifer Lopez ft. French Montana – “Medicine” - Julia Michaels ft. Niall Horan – “What A Time” - Karol G – “Punto G” - Karol G – “Ocean” - Katy Perry – “Never Really Over” - Katy Perry – “Small Talk” - Kelly Clarkson – “Broken & Beautiful” - Kylie Minogue – “New York City” - Lady Gaga – “Always Remembers Us This Way” - Lady Gaga – “I’ll Never Love Again” - Lana del Rey – “Doin’ Time” - Lana del Rey – “**** It I Love You” - Lana del Rey – “The Greatest” - Lauren Diagle “You Say” - Lauren Jauregui – “Expectations” - Lauren Jauregui – “More Than That” - Lizzo – “Good As Hell” - Lizzo – “Truth Hurts” - Lizzo – “Boys” - Lizzo – “Juice” - Lizzo ft. Missy Elliott – “Tempo” - Mabel – “Don’t Call Me Up” - Mabel – “Mad Love” - Madison Beer ft. Offset – “Hurts Like Hell” - Madonna ft. Swae Lee – “Crave” - Madonna – “Dark Ballet” - Madonna – “God Control” - Madonna – “Batuka” - Mariah Carey – “With You” - Mariah Carey – “A No No” - Megan Thee Stallion – “Big Ole Freak” - Megan Thee Stallion – “Realer” - Megan Thee Stallion ft. DaBaby – “Cash ****” - Megan Thee Stallion ft. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla Sign – “Hot Girl Summer” - Meghan Trainor – “All The Ways” - Miley Cyrus – “Mother’s Daugther” - Miley Cyrus – “Slide Away” - Missy Elliott – “Trow It Back” - Nicki Minaj – “Hard White” - Nicki Minaj ft. Lil Wayne – “Good Form” - Nicki Minaj – “Megatron” - Normani ft. 6lack – “Waves” - Normani – “Motivation” - P!nk – “A Million Dreams” - P!nk – “Walk Me Home” - P!nk ft. Cash Cash – “Can We Pretend” - P!nk – “90 Days” - P!nk ft. Khalid – “Hurts 2B Human” - Rita Ora ft. 6lack – “Only Want You” - Rosalia – “Aute Cuture” - Rosalia – “Millonaria” - Sabrina Carpernter – “Sue Me” - Sofia Reyes ft. Anitta & Rita Ora – “R.I.P.” - Taylor Swift ft. Brandon Urie – “ME!” - Taylor Swift – “You Need To Calm Down” - Taylor Swift – “Lover” - Tove Lo – “Glad He’s Gone” - Zara Larsson – “Don’t Worry About Me” - Zara Larsson – “All The Time” Note: Before anyone ask I never consider Girl Groups like all the past years, also the Male + Female double lead like One Kiss, Wolves, Friends, For You & more are not considered at the list like last year ALSO IS TOO SON TO BE A HATER I recomend you to eliminate songs that you Don't know 1st, its too son to be messy LOL Round 01: VOTE OFF 10, SAVE 5 (10 WILL BE ELIMINATED)
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