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  1. We are all very familiar with Tarantino and his foot fetish, but what are some other examples of film directors making their actors live out their sexual fantasies or fetishes on screen? I’ll start with this scene with Sean Connery from the Bond-film, Thunderball, where Bond is stuck on a machine and is continuously thrusted back and forth giving off a very interesting image The director and screenwriter were both married to women but this is definitely one of them making Sean live out their fantasy of seeing him get plowed
  2. Are you here for it? Annabelle found dead in a ditch.
  3. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/25/1208435267/sex-teens-tv-movies
  4. Like, songs with actual lyrics.
  5. It’s Annabelle, I fear! Grogu clearly has good taste in horror icons.
  6. I just lost my dog of nine years on Monday. He was my everything. He saved my life from abuse, and I saved his. I can't cope, and I haven't been okay at all. Has anyone lost a dog or cat here, and how did you cope with It? I know It'll never get easy, but I'm miserable. Especially with the silence In my apartment.
  7. Imagine The king of horror movies setting foot on intertwining in another franchise. Which horror icon should it be?
  8. collabed with the Rolling Stones, duets with U2, is she about to give us another collab album with some old man's voice, now that Tony died? R.I.P King! I need solo music, or collabs with somebody her age... maybe Adam Lambert since she's going rock, or Hozier, Greta Van Fleet, idk...
  9. jesus del rey

    Do you listen to podcasts?

    Do you listen to any podcasts and if so, which one(s)?
  10. So of course for 98% of us, anything pre-covid/March 2020 would be considered a significant checkpoint of normalcy. But more specifically, what was your last memory(ies) of life feeling normal to you? I think, for me, three specific time periods come to mind. I remember the earliest memory of everything feeling normal was around 2005, for some reason. It felt like things started to change weirdly (I noticed a slight decline in music to ring-tone raps & T-Pain-esque auto tuned hit songs). And I noticed music becoming slowly more sexualized. Then more recently 2015 also felt normal & like things were beginning to look bright for disenfranchised groups (more LGBT & POC characters in shows - Sense8 & How To Get Away With Murder among the many gems ) before "woke" & "SJW" started being used ironically. And the most recent was December 2019 for me. Covid felt like something that could boil over in China and it was before Kobe Bryant & his daughter passing .
  11. Do you think she is in the wrong for spying on other's text messages or she is in the right ?
  12. I’ve been staring at it for the past 5 minutes and I can’t find a pattern anywhere that would let me know what word comes next in the sequence…
  13. Have you ever just knew you & a certain individual were done without needing any further blatant signs? i haven't been in a serious relationship yet, but there was a co-worker who I considered a friend. We were friends for years (or so I thought). I just knew the last time we had a semblance of anything was the last phone convo we had where he was "going to call me right back" after a 2 minute convo of us struggling to navigate the vibes.
  14. My best friend has a crush on a coworker whose is straight, that guy is super straight and he has sex with many girls/woman before, at the time he was rumor dating another girl worker. One time we have a swimming session together, my friend can't help but touch him in the shower and confessed to him that he had a feeling for him. Of course the guy backed out and staring he was straight, not gay and respectively leave. They remained friend and co-worker then. A couple weeks later, we all have a huge celebrate at the company and the straight guy got drunk so he can't drive and ask my friend took him home later... and they then have sex in his apts that night. After that night, the straight guy saying he was drunk so he didn't know what he doing, also he just want one time experiment with another man. They stop talking after that. Few weeks later, the straight guy broke up with his rumor gf at work.... start dating my friend. They just got married last week.
  15. We should go back to living as hunter-gatherers in forests and stuff. At least everyday you exercise, see nature and get to do cool things like collect food and water. In modern capitalist society, we just buy disposable things and barely connect with people and nature. It's just stupid and monotonous. I don't think all of the technology and stuff really matters. Do you agree?
  16. The first time watching this gave me chills. So well done
  17. if you only met someone youre interested in twice but see big potential to foster a relationship with but some himbo you dont want to be romantically involved with presents you with an opportunity is it cheating?
  18. Year of Shadow

    Was Voldemort a bad villian?

    Hey. So it's well known The Prisoner of Azkaban is the most beloved of the Harry Potter books / movies. This is the only one where Voldemort doesn't appear. Does this mean Voldemort was a bad villian?
  19. There are times when I do for self-encouragement and to speak things in existence for blessings
  20. Infatuation_Junkie

    Were Ed and Lorraine Warren frauds?

    Recently watched The Devil Made Me Do It and it got me thinking. Were they con artists preying on vulnerable victims for money and fame?
  21. The iconic slasher “Halloween” gave birth to the “slasher” genre and turned future Academy Award WINNER Jamie Lee Curtis into an overnight “scream queen”. Let us wish this iconic masterpiece a happy birthday
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