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  1. A city near Detroit has banned its residents from displaying LGBTQ flags on public property after a raucous city meeting Tuesday. Hamtramck, Mich., an enclave within north-central Detroit, banned the flags in a unanimous vote with one city council member arguing that the displays are unnecessary. “You guys are welcome,” council member Nayeem Choudhury said, referring to the LGBTQ community and its supporters. “(But) why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented?” “You’re already represented,” he added. “We already know who you are.” The city’s five council members and mayor are all Muslim, as are about half of the city’s residents, according to the Detroit Free Press. The latest census also showed that around 40 percent of the city’s residents are immigrants. “We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,” Choudhury said. The city, as a result of the vote, will only allow flags of the nations that represent the city’s immigrant heritage and the flag of Michigan to be flown. The city’s previous mayor flew the Pride flag from City Hall in 2021, causing a controversy in the community and making it a campaign issue for the newly elected Mayor Amer Ghalib. “We serve everybody equally with no discrimination but without favoritism,” Ghalib said. The move has brought the city under fire with critics calling the ban discriminatory, however, the resolution’s author, Councilman Mohammed Hassan, said it represents the views of a majority of the city’s residents. “Please don’t threaten us … I’m the elected official … I’m working for the people, what the majority of the people like,” Hassan said. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4050016-detroit-area-city-bans-pride-flags-on-public-property/
  2. Im at loss for words. Jail for all of them. Reminds me when back then when white people use to kill Chinese people cause they thought they were Japanese.
  3. Espresso

    Disney vs DeSantis

  4. BeenTheShit

    Trump Indictment: Audio tape leaked

    6/8 Trump is officially indicted by a grand jury in southern Florida Trump himself confirms posting on Truth Social CNN, Fox News, New York Times, and other outlets also independently confirm Court appearance set for next Tuesday, June 13th, in Miami Said to be related to the mishandling of highly classified documents Charged with 7 counts including: conspiracy to obstruct, willful retention of docs, and false statements according to sources Trump is currently at his home in Bedminster, NJ on call with aides and legal team determining next steps Trump posted a video message claiming "innocence and just a witch hunt" 6/9 Indictment is unsealed to public The full indictment has been released, annotated/simplified version Alleges Trump insecurely stored 100's of boxes of highly classified docs around various areas of Mar-a-Lago including the ballroom, his bedroom, bathrooms including inside a shower, and storage rooms Instructed his aide, Walt Nauta who was also indicted, to move 100+ boxes around before and after searches Trump lied to both his lawyers and federal officials about possession, had lawyers sign off everything was returned when it was not Instructed aides and lawyers to help hide and destroy documents Both of Trump's lawyers, Jim Trusty and John Rowley, resigned shortly after the release Trump faces 37 counts including: Willful retention of national defense information (violates Espionage Act) Conspiracy to obstruct justice Withholding a document or a record Corruptly concealing a document or record Concealing a document in a federal investigation Scheme to conceal False statements and representations 6/13 Court Appearance in Miami, FL Trump appeared in Federal court today Judge Aileen Cannon, appointed by Trump, will preside over the case Trump did not find new lawyers for this case so current lawyers on his team, Todd Blance and Chris Kise, will appear with him Plead "not guilty" to all charges Released shortly after without bond 6/26 Audio Tape Leaks CNN obtains and shares the audio tape detailed in the indictment
  5. https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1666512886686949385?s=46&t=8wAK3BYUsKNEUnsT7N00rg damn
  6. UPDATE #1 Several theories surfaced regarding why Rupert Murdoch fired Tucker Carlson, none of them definitively confirmed. All of them are explained and expanded on here: UPDATE #2 New York Times says this is the text message that did him in ultimately with the Fox Board: UPDATE #3 UPDATE #4 UPDATE #5 UPDATE #6
  7. A Belgian TikTok star with over 166,000 followers on the platform faked his own death for attention from his family, according to a recent report. "Cheers to you all, welcome to my funeral," David Baerten told his assembled guests in a video, according to The Times of London. The Times quoted Baerten on his reasoning for faking his own death. "What I see in my family often hurts me," the TikToker said. People also reported that Baerten included his family in on the social experiment. "Rest in peace Daddy. I will never stop thinking about you," one of his daughters reportedly wrote on TikTok before the service. "Why is life so unfair? Why you? You were going to be a grandfather, and you still had your whole life ahead of you. I love you! We love you! We will never forget you." TikTok is increasingly becoming a source not only for pranks and social experiments like the one that Baerten reportedly sprung on his family, but also for news.
  8. REUTERS: One killed, seven injured in roller coaster crash in Sweden One person was killed and seven injured, including children, in a roller coaster accident at the Grona Lund amusement park in the Swedish capital on Sunday, a park official and police said. Eyewitnesses said the park's Jetline roller coaster had partly derailed during a ride, sending people crashing to the ground. "This is tragic and shocking, and regrettably we've learned that one person has died," Grona Lund spokesperson Annika Troselius told public broadcaster SVT. Police said there were children and adults among those injured but declined to comment on the extent of the injuries. Grona Lund said in a statement the 140-year-old park was closed until further notice. A spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment. "My husband saw a roller coaster car with people in it falling to the ground," Lagerstedt said. The steel-tracked Jetline roller coaster reaches a speed of up to 90 kms per hour (56 mph) and a height of 30 metres (98 feet), transporting more than one million visitors each year, the amusement park says on its website.
  9. PCMAG: EU: Smartphones Must Have User-Replaceable Batteries by 2027 Earlier this week, the European Parliament approved new rules covering the design, production, and recycling of all rechargeable batteries sold within the EU. For "portable batteries" used in devices such as smartphones, tablets, and cameras, consumers must be able to "easily remove and replace them." This will require a drastic design rethink by manufacturers, as most phone and tablet makers currently seal the battery away and require specialist tools and knowledge to access and replace them safely. The new rules also stipulate strict targets for collecting waste and recovering materials from old batteries. The percentages for each increase at set intervals between now and 2031, at which point 61% waste collection must be achieved and 95% of materials must be recovered from old portable batteries. There will also be minimum levels of recycled content used in new batteries required, but only "eight years after the entry into force of the regulation." Members of the European Parliament overwhelmingly endorsed the new rules, with 587 votes in favor, only nine against, and 20 abstentions. As for next steps, the European Council "will now have to formally endorse the text before its publication in the EU Official Journal shortly after and its entry into force." According to Android Authority, the law goes into effect in early 2027, but the EU could delay it if manufacturers demonstrate they need more time in order to comply.
  10. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1669013335239532547 https://twitter.com/gardnerakayla/status/1668992768692178947
  11. More: https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/white-house-bans-trans-activist-topless-photo-pride-event-rcna89116 UPDATE 06/16: She has apologized (Thanks @Espresso): Transgender social activist Rose Montoya issued an apology on social media for going topless at the White House over the weekend during a celebration for Pride Month. The influencer posted a video to social media on Monday which showed Montoya partying at an all-ages White House Pride party after meeting President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. The video depicts Montoya, known online for activism and acting career, exposing and shaking her breast with fellow party-goers on the White House lawn in front of the Truman Balcony as a voice shouts in the background, “Are we topless at the White House?” Conservatives on Twitter were enraged as the video went viral with some accusing the Biden administration of disrespecting the White House grounds and creating an inappropriate environment for children. After the video’s release, a White House spokesperson on Tuesday condemned Montoya for flashing her breasts and noted she would not be invited back for future events. “This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House,” the White house statement said. “It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events.” However, Montoya on Friday afternoon issued a statement via a Twitter video apologizing to the LGBTQ+ community and the White House for taking her top off over the weekend: Montoya added, “I would also like to apologize to my family and friends who have been harassed. I would also like to apologize to my own community. And last but not least, I would like to apologize to the president, the White House, and the nation. It was also never my intention to create a situation that would lead to harassment and harm of myself and others, nor for trans joy like my little moment of trans joy to be weaponized by vile people of the opposition.” X
  12. Historic decision: Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage Tuesday, the Estonian government has survived a vote of no confidence in the Riigikogu tied to amendments to the Family Law Act and related legislation, which is granting same-sex couples the legal right to wed. 55 members of the Riigikogu voted in favor of the measure, while 34 voted against. It is proposed that the institution of marriage, as defined by family law, be modified so that any two natural persons of legal age, regardless of gender, may marry. The words "man and woman" will be replaced with the words "two natural persons." The 85 amendments to the Family Law Act and other legislation which will introduce same-sex marriage contracts also include the establishment of the implementing acts for the Registered Partnership Act. Going forward, alongside marriage, people will continue to enjoy the right to enter into a registered partnership. Such a partnership guarantees the right of registered spouses to have a say in decisions pertaining to their partner and to obtain support and benefits as needed. Couples who enter into a registered partnership will also be able to convert their status to marriage in a simplified procedure should they wish to do so. The act is planned to enter into force on January 1, 2024. While Estonia passed the Registered Partnership Act back in 2014, its implementing provisions, or other amendments necessary for its full implementation, were shelved for years. With Tuesday's decision, Estonia becomes the second country in Eastern Europe to allow same-sex marriage, following Slovenia. "Everyone should have the right to marry the person they love and want to commit to. With this decision we are finally stepping among other Nordic countries as well as all the rest of the democratic countries in the world where marriage equality has been granted," Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (Reform) said. "This is a decision that does not take anything away from anyone but gives something important to many. It also shows that our society is caring and respectful towards each other. I am proud of Estonia."
  13. https://twitter.com/sbworkersunited/status/1668619099025575946?s=46
  14. They are 2 very popular italian youtubers and tik tokers (600K followers on youtube). Their channel is called #thebordeline and they have 20 years old. Two days ago they made a contest "drive a Lamborghini 50 hours non stop" and it ends in a big tragedy in Rome. They had a car crash with a woman on a Smart and her 5 years old child got killed and and another child is now hospitalized. After the car crash they made a video of the scene and then it was posted online.
  15. Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni President of France Emmanuel Macron Speaking with the italian national tv news he gave his advice to european people: "Don't forget to make babies, Make babies....bambino.." https://twitter.com/cinguettavideo/status/1669408445152280592?s=20 "
  16. What the **** even is this political party https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority
  17. Do you think a third major political party is necessary for the United States, or are the Democratic and Republican parties enough to represent Americans? 43% - A third party is necessary in the U.S. 29% - The Democratic and Republican parties are enough to represent Americans . 27% - Not sure Do you want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024? Yes: 24% | No: 60% | Not Sure: 16% Do you think that Joe Biden is the strongest candidate that Democrats could nominate for president in 2024? Yes: 19% | No: 61% | Not Sure: 20% Do you want Donald Trump to run for president again in 2024? Yes: 32% | No: 56% | Not Sure: 12% Do you think that Donald Trump is the strongest candidate that Republicans could nominate for president in 2024? Yes: 30% | No: 50% | 20% If an election for president were going to be held now and the Democratic nominee was Joe Biden and the Republican nominee was Donald Trump, would you vote for... Biden: 38% | Trump: 39% | Other: 6% | Not Sure: 6% | Won't Vote: 11% Crosstabs: https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/rx1plz8umr/econtoplines.pdf
  18. https://twitter.com/StudentLoanTrav/status/1669425505249140737?s=20 It'll be out at 10 AM today or Thursday. Because of the upcoming holiday, people are theorizing the student debt cases will be announced today and the decisions regarding affirmative action left until next week (SCOTUS killing affirmative action the weekend of Juneteenth would be a bit too on the nose) : https://twitter.com/James_S_Murphy/status/1669524597367009282?s=20
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