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  1. With the early returns, their sham election intended to make passing abortion harder, is on track to lose by 20 points. I’ll keep this thread updated as more results come in Edited to include Republican tears: And the final margin:
  2. THE TELEGRAPH: YouTuber ‘chopped up boyfriend and dumped his head in sea’ REUTERS: Son of Spanish actor detained in Thailand in grisly murder case A YouTube chef has appeared in court accused of chopping up his boyfriend and dumping his head in the sea on a Thai resort island. Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, 29, appeared in court on Monday after police arrested him for the brutal death and dismemberment of his lover Dr Edwin Arrieta Arteaga, a 44-year old Colombian plastic surgeon. The pair were on holiday on the southern Thai island of Koh Pha Ngan – famed for its picturesque beaches, laid-back lifestyle and wild “full moon” parties – when an argument over “sex and money” turned deadly, according to local police. But the officers have said there are signs the grisly crime was premeditated. “He admitted it,” Panya Niratimanon, the police chief of Koh Pha Ngan, told AFP. “The victim and the suspect knew each other before they came to Thailand, and his dubious activities indicate that he might murder the victim.” Dr Edwin Arrieta Arteaga was a 44-year-old plastic surgeon from Colombia According to local media reports, Mr Sancho – the son of Spanish actors Rodolfo Sancho Aguirre and Silvia Bronchalo, and a well-known social media chef in his home country – reported his lover missing after attending a full moon party with friends. The pair had known each other for a year. But on Friday, Mr Sancho was detained shortly after body parts, including hips and thighs, were found by shocked locals at a landfill site on the island. It has since been alleged that the YouTuber cut Arteaga’s body into 14 pieces, discarding some in the rubbish dump and using a kayak to cast others out to sea in a suitcase – including the surgeon’s head. On Sunday, Mr Sancho travelled with police to seven sites where he is accused of ditching the body parts. Mr Sancho travelled with police to seven sites where he is accused of ditching the body parts. Police Major-General Saranyu Chamnanrat told Reuters that DNA tests have proved the remains are Arteaga’s, and that Mr Sancho has been charged with “premeditated murder and secretly moving or destroying a corpse to conceal a death or the cause of death”. Other media outlets have reported that Mr Sancho had been purchasing knives, plastic bags and cleaning supplies at various convenience stores across Koh Pha Ngan. On Sunday, Mr Sancho’s family released a statement asking for “maximum respect, both for Daniel Sancho himself and for the whole family, in these delicate moments of maximum confusion”. Police said the chef was in court on Monday, with police seeking his continued detention as investigations continue.
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/florida-appears-to-reverse-effort-to-bar-ap-psychologys-lgbtq-content/ar-AA1eUDw9 Apparently Florida education leaders reversed course on banning AP Psych, and are now saying the course can be taught "in its entirety" and "without fear of punishment". This includes the parts about gender or sexual orientation. I read that this has less to do with an altruistic change of heart and more to do with the fact that a lawsuit that was threatened. Apparently said lawsuit could've resulted in the striking down of Florida's awful Don't Say Gay law in court. tldr: bad policy gets reversed, but for a shitty reason
  4. & accuses her of being drugged after she defends the restaurant employees. This is the same idiot who sexually harassed AOC on the steps of Capitol Hill: (don’t @ me for posting this tweet if its from a far right account. It’s the only video I could find)
  5. Vox has reported on the egregious conditions 90% of pigs in the USA are kept in, and exposed a common cost-cutting practice that has fHarmers feeding pregnant sows, raised in crates that prevent them from ever standing or moving their entire lives, a mixture of pig **** & dead piglet intestines. The harrowing footage & the full expose, here. Pigs are slaughtered at just a couple months old. They are understood to be more intelligent & empathetic than dogs. They are essentially puppies. Because of their high intelligence & strong will, the industry is particularly cruel & crass with their handling. Stop supporting this psychopathy.
  6. ...to stop people from opening them What do you think about this story? Do you think the airline should have done more to accommodate Williams's nut allergy, or was her solution of buying all the peanuts the only solution?
  7. Pope Francis ended a five-day trip to Portugal on Sunday with a massive open-air Mass for an estimated 1.5 million people who camped out overnight on a vast field to attend the grand finale of the World Youth Day festival. Many of the mainly young people in Tejo Park in the Portuguese capital Lisbon had camped out overnight to attend the open-air Mass on Sunday. Source WYD is an event for young people organized by the Catholic Church that was initiated by Pope John Paul II in 1985 and it happens every three to four years in a different country. South Korea won the bid to host the 2027 World Youth Day.
  8. https://www.businessinsider.com/barbie-doll-sales-booming-online-shopify-says-2023-8 I'd buy a console and the up coming Mario game instead.
  9. full article: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-sex-crime-law-jews-lesser-punishment-condemned
  10. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the medication zuranolone for the treatment of severe postpartum depression – making it the first FDA-approved oral pill in the United States specifically for postpartum depression, a serious mental illness that can develop in about 1 in 7 new mothers after childbirth. Postpartum depression is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition in which women experience sadness, guilt, worthlessness—even, in severe cases, thoughts of harming themselves or their child.
  11. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66402046.amp A Russian naval ship has been damaged in a Ukrainian naval drone attack in the Black Sea, Ukrainian sources say. The assault reportedly occurred near the Russian port of Novorossiysk, which is a major hub for Russian exports. Russia's defence ministry said it had repelled a Ukrainian attack on its naval base there which involved two sea drones, but did not admit any damage. But Ukrainian security service sources say the Olenegorsky Gornyak was hit and suffered a serious breach.
  12. OAK CREEK, Wis. — A former Oak Creek High School teacher was charged with sexual assault of a child after prosecutors say she had sex with a student inside a classroom. An investigation included interviews with students, the victim, and a review of school surveillance footage. The criminal complaint says footage showed a "close relationship" between Goodle and the student, including the pair "spending an inordinate amount of time together, and arriving and sitting together at a school sporting event. The two sat away from the student section." Video shows Goodle and the victim meeting inside her classroom on Friday, Dec. 2. The complaint says, once inside, the door closed at 4:49 p.m. It is seen opening again at 5:07 p.m. when a custodian opens the door. The complaint says the door remained open until Goodle and the victim left together at 5:42 p.m. A detective met with the victim who stated there were rumors for months about him and Goodle. The complaint says when asked if any "inappropriate touching" happened, he stated, "Something did happen." The student then told the detective they had sex in the back of her classroom. Source
  13. New Zealanders have been giggling over this moment that happened during parliament's question time yesterday, with the Deputy Leader of the National Party (right-wing) asking the Minister of Finance in the Labour Party (Left-ish wing, Jacinda Ardern former leader) a messy question. You can watch the video on this article: https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/03/nicola-willis-poor-choice-of-words-has-house-in-stitches/ A clip here on Twitter:
  14. https://www.forexlive.com/news/fitch-downgrades-usa-long-term-credit-rating-to-aa-from-aaa-20230801/
  15. To the surprise of probably nobody, he has been using donations from his supporters to pay his legal bills.
  16. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/31/democrats-black-voters-2024-election-biden/
  17. Iran has been engulfed in a sex tape scandal after a senior government official responsible for promoting Islamic values was suspended after a video was leaked of a man alleged to be him having sex with another man. The video which has been shared online reportedly is of a man said to be Reza Tsaghati, the head of culture and Islamic guidance in the northern Gilan province. Mr Tsaghati has reportedly been suspended from his position pending an investigation by the authorities - and the government have denied any prior knowledge of his alleged behaviour. The Iranian official is the founder of a cultural centre which focuses on piety and the hijab, an Islamic headscarf. Iranian culture minister Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili today said they had not previously received any reports which cast Mr Tsaghati in a negative light before the publication of the sex tape online. Critics of Iran's regime have noted how the treatment of senior officials accused of crimes differs to LGBT+ people or women charged with not following Islamic values. Iranian law, which is based on Islamic Sharia law, same-sex relationships are crimes and carry a maximum sentence of death - although this is not frequently used, gay people do face overwhelming discrimination. The government did not publicly acknowledge the sex tape at first when it appeared online, but on July 22, the cultural and Islamic guidance department of Gilan issued a statement referring to the 'suspected misstep of the director of Islamic guidance in Gilan'. It said the case was 'referred for careful consideration to the judicial authorities' but warned the public against using the video to 'weaken the honourable cultural front of the Islamic Revolution'. www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12351999/amp/Islamic-Iran-engulfed-sex-tape-scandal-Senior-regime-official-suspended-video-leaked-showing-having-sex-man.html
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