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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66495043 This is WILD
  2. Police are investigating after two men were stabbed in what is being treated as a homophobic attack in southwest London. The incident occurred at 10.15pm on Sunday evening as the two men, aged in their 20s and 30s, stood outside a nightclub in Clapham High Street. They were approached by a man who attacked them with a knife before running away. Both men were taken to hospital for treatment and have since been discharged, the Metropolitan Police have said. They said the incident is being treated as a homophobic attack and enquiries are ongoing to locate and arrest the suspect. Detective Inspector Gary Castle said: "We are acutely aware of the shock this attack will cause members of the LGBT+ community, and I want to reassure people that an urgent investigation is ongoing to locate the person responsible. "We recently announced the reinstatement of LGBT+ community liaison officers for each of our 12 basic command units (BCUs) in London to support and advise on investigations where homophobia is a motive, and to ensure the community has a dedicated point of contact to address any concerns they may have." Any witnesses are being encouraged to contact police as soon as possible. https://news.sky.com/story/two-men-stabbed-in-homophobic-attack-in-clapham-high-street-12939793 Thank god they've recovered; the fact in 2023 we have to fear about holding our partner's hands or even being out in such a multicultural city is so scary, especially after what has happened in NYC. I live near the area too.
  3. Far-right liberal Javier Milei (52) won Argentina primary elections with 30% of votes in his favor. Following the news, the candidate posted a video explaining his plans for his potential Presidency: Reduce the State; eliminate 11 of 19 Ministries, including the Ministry of Health, Education, Environment, Science, Tourism and Women/LGBT Rights. Privatice all State-funded institutions, including schools, hospitals, Public TV, INCAA (National Institute of Visual Arts), INADE (National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism), among others Dollarization of the economy and elimination of the Central Bank. Eliminate all subsidies of services, including public transport. Strengthen Armed Forces and legalize gun possession. On second place lands Patricia Bullrich (right-wing) who served as Minister of Security during Mauricio Macri's Presidency. Source x
  4. Didn't saw this posted on here. Are we here for this? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-66453098
  5. https://www.boston.com/news/schools/2023/08/09/massachusetts-joins-a-small-but-growing-number-of-states-adopting-universal-free-school-meals/ Im surprised they haven’t had this already, but…
  6. Thanks to @50thStateofMind for these resource links: PLEASE DONATE if you can: Maui Strong Fund: bit.ly/kokuamaui Kākoʻo Maui Fund: hawaiiancouncil.org/maui Maui Mutual Aid Fund: bit.ly.mauimutualaid These are VETTED community partners. The funds go directly to on-the-ground relief work with trusted community leaders:
  7. KTRL has been all over this so here is the summary for the rest of the forum lmfao. SEOUL, Aug 9 (Reuters) - Overflowing trash bins. Dirty toilets. Bug-infested fields. These were some of the conditions that about 40,000 teenage scouts had to contend with in the past week at the World Scout Jamboree, sending red-faced organisers in South Korea scrambling to fix matters before a looming typhoon forced everyone to leave the ill-fated campsite. The event, the first global gathering of scouts since the pandemic, was attended by representatives from 155 countries and presented South Korea, which has hosted both the summer and winter Olympics and the soccer FIFA World Cup, with yet another opportunity to showcase its ability to organise big events. But planning documents and interviews with participants and government officials show that even without the challenges posed by the weather - the event was held in a heatwave - the jamboree was marred by unheeded warnings and insufficient preparation. As far back as 2017, when South Korea won the bid to host the jamboree, the campsite on reclaimed mud flats was seen as potentially problematic, according to a Reuters review of publicly available government reports. However, in reports published in 2018 and 2020, North Jeolla provincial planners found that the original plans to plant "a rich forest" at the campsite would be impossible because the land was too salty. A province official said they had set up tunnels made of vines to help cool the area but acknowledged those weren't enough. Shortly after the scouts arrived last week amid unseasonably high temperatures of up to 34 C (93 F), hundreds fell ill with heat-related symptoms, bug bites and other ailments. Organisers then sent in more medics, supplies and water trucks. Matt Hyde, UK Scouts' chief executive, told Reuters the group decided to withdraw its contingent - the event's biggest - because toilets weren't being cleaned, rubbish was building up, and scouts weren't getting enough food. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/how-world-scout-jamboree-descended-into-chaos-south-korea-2023-08-09/ Idols are now being 'deployed' as a last-minute attempt for a Scouts concert. There is a typhoon happening in Seoul in the next 48 hours while the concert takes place on the 11th.
  8. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/malaysia-swatch-lgbtq-watches-jail-fine-owners-ban-3690551 Malaysia on Thursday (Aug 10) banned Swatch watches and accessories containing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) elements, with authorities saying the products "may be harmful to morality as well as public and national interest". Those who own these timepieces may also face a jail term of up to three years, a fine of up to RM20,000 (US$4,375), or both. The ban, issued by Malaysia's Ministry of Home Affairs, covers all Swatch products that contain LGBTQ features including boxes, wrapping and accessories. Earlier in May, the ministry reportedly confiscated the rainbow-coloured watches as they were inscribed with "LGBTQ". The seized items were part of Swatch’s Pride collection. Instead of the seven colours found in a rainbow, the watches featured six. One of the most well-known symbols of the LGBTQ community is the six-colour pride flag. The ministry said the ban was necessary as the products may harm morality and Malaysia's interests by "promoting, supporting and normalising the LGBTQ movement that is not accepted by the general public". It is also an offence to print, import, produce, reproduce, publish, sell, circulate, offer to sell or distribute such items, under Section 8(2) of the Printing and Publishing Act.
  9. During a Tuesday campaign event in New Hampshire, Donald Trump leveled a bizarre accusation against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, suggesting she had had an “affair” with a “gang member” she was prosecuting. “They say there’s a young woman — a young racist in Atlanta — they say she was after a certain gang and she ended up having an affair with the head of the gang or a gang member. And this is a person who wants to indict me […] wants to indict me for a perfect phone call,” Trump told supporters. In May 2022, Willis empaneled a grand jury to investigate Trump and his allies’ efforts to interfere with Georgia’s 2020 election outcome, including the former president’s so-called “perfect” call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, during which he pressured him to “find” the votes necessary for him to win the election. Trump has repeatedly attempted to discredit prosecutors investigating him, and while it’s unclear what Trump was talking about when he accused Willis of having an affair with “gang member,”, recent social media posts indicate that he is wildly misrepresenting a case she handled in 2019. In January, Rolling Stone spoke to rapper YSL Mondo, who co-founded the Young Stoner Life (YSL) music label with Young Thug. Willis represented Mondo during a 2019 aggravated assault case, and would later go on to prosecute YSL’s Young Thug and 13 other defendants in a RICO case alleging that the music group had affiliations with gang violence in the Atlanta area. According to Mondo, Willis’ prosecution of Young Thug ran contrary to the impression he’d developed of the prosecutor when she represented him. “This is not her character, this is not who she is,” he told Rolling Stone. “I done had auntie-to-nephew, mother-to-son type of talks with her. I know this not her character. This is what made me start looking at [the YSL case] like I know it’s bigger than just her. It’s politics behind this ****. It’s other people that’s behind her pulling strings.” [...] On Friday, Trump posted a video on Truth Social painting Willis as a member of a “fraud squad” of prosecutors unfairly targeting him under the command of President Joe Biden. The video featured the headline of Rolling Stone’s interview with Mondo, and claimed that Willis “got caught hiding a relationship with a gang member she was prosecuting.” While there’s no indication that Willis hid her representation of Mondo — or that their relationship was romantic in nature — far-right commentator and Trump ally Laura Loomer seized on the claim in the video to suggest that Willis had a sexual affair with her client. It appears to have been enough for Trump to go ahead and accuse Willis of sleeping with a gang member. Willis herself is expected to bring an indictment related to her own investigation into Trump later this month, one that could possibly include RICO charges, so it’s not surprising that the former president is cranking his smear machine into overdrive. X
  10. https://x.com/yashar/status/1691144332550811648?s=46&t=F2Kqdy7aScoPGAKFHNr8dQ
  11. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2023/08/09/gov-ron-desantis-suspends-orange-osceola-state-attorney-monique-worrell-from-office/ https://apnews.com/article/desantis-suspends-florida-prosecutor-monique-worrell-45d2f5955b87fb5c0e817d9da9133393 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday suspended the top prosecutor in Orlando, wielding his executive again power over local government in taking on a contentious issue in the 2024 presidential race. girl she is speaking live right now and is serving hot Tea.
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