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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-66545787
  2. Transgender women banned from women's chess events https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-66538328 The International Chess Federation (FIDE) says it is temporarily banning transgender women from competing in its women's events. The FIDE said individual cases would require "further analysis" and that a decision could take up to two years ——————— Why does chess have gendered competitions anyways?
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/20/california-shop-owner-shot-dead-over-lgbtq-pride-flag Kristin Davis also posted about it on her Instagram. Apparently this woman’s flags were stolen before as well and she quickly replaced them.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwLRZNJpINh/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Ugh
  4. For “verification” purposes of course, which will be shared with a third party app. No confirmation yet on whether this would be mandatory or optional. Is this the final nail in the coffin for the bird app?
  5. note: by Palestinian refugees we don’t mean Palestinians who came to seek refuge in Israel, but Palestinians who were turned into refugees as a result of Israel ethnically cleansing them.
  6. Far-right liberal Javier Milei (52) won Argentina primary elections with 30% of votes in his favor. Following the news, the candidate posted a video explaining his plans for his potential Presidency: Reduce the State; eliminate 11 of 19 Ministries, including the Ministry of Health, Education, Environment, Science, Tourism and Women/LGBT Rights. Privatice all State-funded institutions, including schools, hospitals, Public TV, INCAA (National Institute of Visual Arts), INADE (National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism), among others Dollarization of the economy and elimination of the Central Bank. Eliminate all subsidies of services, including public transport. Strengthen Armed Forces and legalize gun possession. On second place lands Patricia Bullrich (right-wing) who served as Minister of Security during Mauricio Macri's Presidency. Source x
  7. A Quebec woman has been sentenced to nearly 22 years in prison after sending a poison-laced letter to former United States president Donald Trump. She was arrested at the Canada-U.S. border in September 2020 and charged with sending Trump a threatening letter laced with the homemade poison ricin. The letter, intercepted two months before the 2020 presidential election, described Trump as an "ugly tyrant clown" and urged him to give up the race. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-woman-trump-poison-letter-sentenced-22-years-prison-1.6939260 Do prisons have an inter-prison mail system? Will the good sis try to finish the job when the ugly tyrant clown is in prison?
  8. Her phone has been stolen last Wednesday in Venice
  9. Odile is a face sculpt that has only been used in collector dolls until now, fans love the face and hope it officially replaces the 'Millie' face mould that has been in use since 2014. The current face sculpt is the '20s' one!
  10. https://www.ft.com/content/30a8a3f1-c5ad-4b85-bb48-7b7de05470f4
  11. full article: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-sex-crime-law-jews-lesser-punishment-condemned
  12. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ajherrington/2023/08/16/ohio-will-vote-on-recreational-marijuana-legalization-in-november/amp/ https://x.com/marijuanamoment/status/1691922590972129719?s=46&t=F2Kqdy7aScoPGAKFHNr8dQ Ohio will aim to be the 24th U.S. state to legalize Marijuana in the fall
  13. Police are investigating after two men were stabbed in what is being treated as a homophobic attack in southwest London. The incident occurred at 10.15pm on Sunday evening as the two men, aged in their 20s and 30s, stood outside a nightclub in Clapham High Street. They were approached by a man who attacked them with a knife before running away. Both men were taken to hospital for treatment and have since been discharged, the Metropolitan Police have said. They said the incident is being treated as a homophobic attack and enquiries are ongoing to locate and arrest the suspect. Detective Inspector Gary Castle said: "We are acutely aware of the shock this attack will cause members of the LGBT+ community, and I want to reassure people that an urgent investigation is ongoing to locate the person responsible. "We recently announced the reinstatement of LGBT+ community liaison officers for each of our 12 basic command units (BCUs) in London to support and advise on investigations where homophobia is a motive, and to ensure the community has a dedicated point of contact to address any concerns they may have." Any witnesses are being encouraged to contact police as soon as possible. https://news.sky.com/story/two-men-stabbed-in-homophobic-attack-in-clapham-high-street-12939793 Thank god they've recovered; the fact in 2023 we have to fear about holding our partner's hands or even being out in such a multicultural city is so scary, especially after what has happened in NYC. I live near the area too.
  14. https://www.businessinsider.com/doordash-tip-nudges-latest-example-importantance-tipping-gig-workers-2023-8 will you be tipping twice?
  15. land of the free? https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/16/23834579/nyc-tiktok-ban-new-york-china-surveillance-spy
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