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  1. As a hardcore horror fan like me, I feel like nothing is phrase me anymore. So let me know what is your scariest horror movies you have seen! Edit: Please move my thread if this is not a right section to post this, just don't merge my thread with horror movies thread, plz. Thank you.
  2. Some of the best TV i've ever seen. Who are your favorite characters on both shows?
  3. Only a few years ago, this would've been taboo to talk about; with the rise of facism and discrimination, I'm starting to worry Gen Z is becoming increasingly intolerant. 1 million+ likes on trans and homophobic tiktoks should be raising alarm bells, I'm hearing my own coursemates parrote transphobic jokes and I'm surprised that people think this gen is that progressive.
  4. Imo: 1. Little Women 8/10 2. Lady Bird 5.5/10 3. Barbie 0/10
  5. The CEO of panned production company/streaming service Netflix, who has been trying for years to kill the theatrical experience, has some thoughts on Barbenheimer's success. Challenge for ATRLers: name one (1) culturally relevant Netflix original movie!
  6. There are only modest demographic and political differences in these views among Americans today. Why do Americans feel this way? We also asked a broader series of questions about the U.S. political system in Center surveys conducted in June and July 2023. Overall, Americans broadly distrust the system and question whose interests it's serving. For example, only 4% of Americans think the political system is working extremely or very well today, and an equally tiny share have a lot of confidence in its future. Americans have long felt "frustrated" toward the federal government, and just 16% trust the government to do the right thing most or just about all of the time.
  7. Ive been on a daily intermittent fast for 2 months now and i finally weighed myself. I lost 13 pounds. It was hard for the first week or so and took dedication but i was fasting everyday and only eating 2 times after 8pm. Sometimes id only eating 1 meal for a full 24 hour period. It was a goal to help tone and lose more body fat but im already naturally slim toned but i wanted to focus on face fat and ab definition while doing cardio. Thoughts? Have you had any similar success with fasting??
  8. CEO Warns That No Student Involved In Protests Will Ever Be Hired At Genocide Inc. The Onion (satire) / May 25, 2024 Source Related BDS Movement End U.S. Military Funding to Israel - US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
  9. Over the past year, life has taken on a new, often surreal rhythm. The absence of my mom is a void that has redefined my existence. Each holiday, birthday, and significant event feels incomplete, a stark reminder of the void she left behind. Yet, in these moments of intense longing and sadness, I have also found profound resilience within myself. The strength to stand up from my wheelchair without assistance was a milestone, both physically and emotionally. It symbolized a step towards independence, a victory I wished to share with her. That moment encapsulated the essence of this past year: a series of personal victories overshadowed by the absence of the one person I wanted to share them with the most. Grief, as I have come to understand, is an unpredictable journey. It is like being in the ocean, where the waters can shift from calm to tumultuous without warning. There are days when I feel a semblance of peace, where the memories of my mom bring a gentle smile to my face. Then there are days when the grief is overwhelming, a storm that threatens to engulf me. But just as quickly as it comes, it passes, leaving me to find my footing once more. My support system has been a lifeline through this turbulent sea of emotions. My family, particularly my aunts and uncles, have rallied around me, their support unwavering even as they cope with their own grief. Their love and presence have been a constant source of comfort. My friends have been incredible pillars of strength, reminding me that it’s okay to feel pain, to cry, and to grieve. They’ve lifted me up, ensuring that I never felt alone in this journey. While the pain of my mom’s absence is still ever present, the memories of her continue to be a guiding light. The videos and audios of her voice are treasures I hold close, though I still find it difficult to revisit them. I know that one day, these reminders will bring solace rather than sorrow. As I move forward, I carry with me the lessons and love my mom imparted. Her strength, compassion, and unwavering love are qualities I strive to embody every day. The journey of the nearly broken but not shattered continues, and with each step, I honor her memory by living a life that reflects the values she instilled in me. A lot of you have messaged me and checked on me over the last year and I appreciate that so much. Thank you for extending kindness to me.
  10. "Bridgerton" took all three top spots on Luminate's weekly streaming ranking charts. It's clear that "Bridgerton" will continue to dominate streaming rankings for weeks to come, not only because of the show's obvious popularity, but because Season 3 still has four episodes yet to come on June 13. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/bridgerton-season-3-debut-luminate-ratings-1236016267/
  11. In her latest movie. She needs to do better .
  12. Live tracker: https://bnonews.com/monkeypox/
  13. I used one today for an hour This was me at the start -> Then I relaxed and it was very sensual, I wanted to have a w*nk but I had to save myself up for my cute twink fuckbuddy after Then I started thinking about about a tabloid I saw today that said "Insults & bad blood! Katy and Taylor feud explodes! Perry aims to replace Swift as reigning queen of pop" on the front and center with "Cher's Nip/Tuck agony" in the corner. Then I went into an almost asleep dream like state in which I dreamt that ATRL was haunting me in real life because of that tabloid I barely could stand up in the end, it was like I popped a xanny What about you ATRL? Have you ever used one or want to try it?
  14. Yay or nay? I think I like the idea but I probably get bored out of getting boring notifications and probably get bored of it in general. So it's a no from me.
  15. Suggestions? I enjoy horror if that helps x
  16. We're getting the reveal trailer before the end of the year I fear.
  17. What are some of the best places to buy clothes online?
  18. I have known them for 14 years now they are and have always been mopey, constantly "woe is me", cutting themselves at times. they are always miserable with everything. when I see her, it's always how how much their life is miserable and how everything is so bad. Girl, you LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS. How are you complaining about being broke? "I have no money ugh. i want to move out ugh" well then girl stop going on trips and going to concerts! stop ordering food. you want to move out yet you spend like its nothing. they constantly are triggered by every little thing. I need to walk on eggshells around them and make sure i dont say anything bad or else they might snap. you had gastric bypass. youve lost 200 pounds. why are you eating chocolate again? why do you keep texting me "ugh i feel like **** today and made bad eating decisions". i ask you to come to the gym, you say "im not mentally readyfor the gym today" GIRL SHUT UP AND JUST COME. you feel non binary. you want to transition. great! yet you dont want to tell the family you live with? You are going to transition with your parents down the hall and not say a word? make it make sense. just because you dont like to confront things. you had a panic attack and cried at a fitness class because you cant handle group activities. my god, get a grip. and you dont even drive. get it together i am exhausted of your ****. 14 years now of the same wa wa wa
  19. What do you prefer in a guy? Masculine Feminine Normal
  20. Brazilian Katycats pray in group for the success of Katy's next album
  21. For YouTubers who review your fave's release or just talk about them in general who would you consider the best YouTuber for that asides Ajay?
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