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  1. BletaRexher

    Hotel Stories

    I work front desk at a hotel and it’s interesting. I once had a drunk guy put me in a headlock then give me $20. Do you guys have fun hotel stories?
  2. the ceo loves my contributions but my coworkers think im a showoff. honestly it gets toxic and my escape is making android threads on atrl. should i care or should i just listen to taylor?
  3. kellebrity98

    Is Trustfall by P!nk a grower?

    So after some months I think that it’s a great record and winter is also boosting the mood. Turbulance, Long Way To Go, Lost Cause, Our Song… probably the whole except NGNDA is so good. What do you think? Lost Cause is also one of my most played song this year
  4. This is absolutely disheartening. I’m glad I have had the same iPhone since 2017 at least. I feel awful for contributing to this.
  5. atrl consensus which phone is currently your primary daily driver? private poll so be honest
  6. So this is just a thread to touch base on where y'all are at vs. where you wanna be in life. Are you currently living in the city/town of your dreams? Or do you feel stuck where you're at and feel like you have to settle? I live in Toronto currently. I'm in a good area but I feel like it's a settle since I'm rooming w people & ideally, I'd like to be in the UK. I have had this burning curiosity to live in London for some reason. Anyone here from the UK peep game if it's safe ?
  7. I recently noticed that miss dua lipa and cher have so many similarities from looks and lack of vocal abilities but both of them were able to create some hits , do you think dua lipa will have the same path as cher , remembered as a throwback? Thoughts ?
  8. Tate McRae’s exes is 52 on Spotify USA while Houdini is 143. Why?
  9. So to start off with, in one way I am "grateful" for what I have, physically (and I put the word in quotes because it seems odd to be grateful for something I did not earn, or one that I feel is bizarrely put on a pedestal): height (6'2), and being able-bodied (again the implication is NOT that there is anything wrong with not being able-bodied, but rather that it is valorized by society for again, little reason). I have naturally broad shoulders/back, and an alright face + jaw I have been told. But yet, I have always really disliked my body for not being shredded, and I hate going to the gym. I sacrificed so much for achieving muscularity and losing pandemic weight through 2021-2022, but since I've recently made a big change in my life I haven't been able to regularly go for the last 3/4 months, maintain nutrition or whatever. I categorically do not enjoy going to the gym, and I feel like trash when I see these people 5x bigger than me. At worst, I was only slightly overweight during 2020, but I still constantly felt bad even after losing it. And now that I'm losing weight (unhealthily, I might add) and muscle, I feel horribad constantly. Why do I feel like I HAVE to go to the gym? I can never quite trace the answer for this. I don't like it, it stresses me out, and I don't enjoy the process. Even the litany of mental issues I have feel slightly more manageable than becoming a gym bro (which I was, for almost 1.5 years, but made slow progress because of where I started). Is it just me and my insecurities? Is it socially absorbed? Is it pressures from the community to look a certain way? Ironically, I see the muscle gu(a)ys fight for their life online when they see someone that is not at near single digit bf% be appreciated for...existing. People argue till blue in the face that ~radical body positivity people are forcing people to be obese, but I have only always felt pressure to be muscular. Thoughts?
  10. kind of interested in knowing what would make people happy these days.
  11. Asscatchem

    post a red flag when dating

    post something you think that is red flag when you are dating someone for the first time ill start: treating waiters poorly
  12. Just like title suggests, what are some songs where the lyrics in the verse melody follows almost exactly the main instrumental melody of the song. A few example: "She's into superstitions..." mirrors the brass hook's melody "As he came into the window, was a sound of a crescendo..." mirrors the bassline's melody " I came to have a party..." mirrors the main flute synth melody
  13. Because they’re a danger to wildlife? What are your thoughts? Should cats be BANNED to roam freely outdoors because our ecosystem will then collapse? thoughts??
  14. I saw a clip of a recent interview he did where he explained that his facial transformation was due to him shattering his jaw. He said the surgery caused his jaw muscles to work harder than before, and that due to this, his jaw grew extremely large. I had heard this explanation before and originally believed that - but I did not realize that the injury and surgery happened in 2013 when he was 26... I started looking at his older photos following the accident and his face actually did not look much different up until recently: 2012 (pre-injury/surgery): 2014 (post-injury/surgery): 2015: 2016: 2017: 2018: 2019: In 2020, he was not seen without a mask. 2021: 2022: 2023: It seems odd that the surgery would not affect his face until 7 years after it was performed. In addition, it seems like much more than just his jaw is different. His lips look injected and the entire area around his lips now seems frozen. Do you think the changes are all due to his 2013 injury?
  15. Sony says Mythbusters and more Discovery TV shows are going away whether you bought them or not The promise of digital media is that it can last forever, pristine and undisturbed by the forces of entropy constantly buffeting the material world. Unfortunately, a mess of online DRM and license agreements means that we mostly don’t own the digital stuff we buy, as most recently evidenced by the fact that Sony is about to delete Mythbusters, Naked and Afraid, and tons of other Discovery shows from PlayStation users’ libraries even if they already “purchased” them. The latest pothole in the road to an all-digital future was discovered via a warning Sony recently sent out to PlayStation users who purchased TV shows made by Discovery, the reality TV network that recently merged with Warner Bros. in one of the most brutal and idiotic corporate maneuvers of our time. “Due to our content licensing arrangements with content providers, you will no longer be able to watch any of your previously purchased Discovery content and the content will be removed from your video library,” read a copy of the email that was shared with Kotaku. “Is there a way I can save this content?” asked one panicked PlayStation user on Reddit. “I use PS4...But I have bought many seasons of shows such as Dual Survival that I do not wish to lose. I was actually under the impression since I owned it, I wouldn’t ever lose it…” Movies and TV shows first came to the PlayStation Network in 2008 via the PS3. At the time it was possible to transfer the content you bought between devices for viewing on things like the PlayStation Portable. Sony removed that option beginning with the PS4 and beyond. Now, essentially anything you buy on PSN, whether a PS5 blockbuster or, uh, Police Women of Cincinnati, is essentially just on indefinite loan until such time as the PlayStation servers die or the original copyright owner decides to pull the content. https://kotaku.com/sony-ps4-ps5-discovery-mythbusters-tv-1851066164
  16. Asscatchem

    classier: blue or green?

    which color is classier?
  17. in a recent YouGov Poll, 54% of Democrats said they wanted someone to challenge Joe Biden, while only 28% said they didn't want anyone to challenge him, and 18% said they were not sure... However, when pollsters have put other Democratic primary candidates against Biden, the only one that consistently polls highest is Hillary Clinton. Polls have shown that the majority of Democrats + Americans are most concerned about Biden due to his age (81 years old). The most recent poll showed that 56% of Democrats were concerned by his age, while 73% of Americans overall are concerned about his age. His likely opponent for the general election is 4 years younger than him, and Hillary Clinton is 5 years younger (and 2 years younger than Biden on the day he was elected). If it were an option, would you prefer Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee, or are you riding with Joe? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4312623-most-democrats-in-favor-of-biden-challenger-poll/ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4191741-over-half-of-democrats-concerned-about-bidens-age-poll/
  18. Minus the obvious (LGBT for most of us unfortunately), are there any group of people that your parents spoke down on, or cautiously about, however you got with one, or a few, of their men (even for a fling) anyway? I've topped Caucasians & a few South Asian dudes so...sorry mom . My parents never really outright disapprove of them for the record. They just have trauma & resulting trust issues from the way they've been DONE DIRTY by particular groups of people. Plus, they rather us end up with someone from our ethnicity anyway just to preserve tradition.
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