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  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/world/europe/denmark-housing.html?unlocked_article_code=1.6Ew.EFMt._RyHJ-RNOtMm&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare What a ****** up place
  2. Yousef Palani previously admitted murdering two men and wounding a third A 23-year-old man has been given two life sentences for murdering two men in Sligo, Ireland, last year. The court heard that Gardaí (police) believed Yousef Palani's motivation "was to carry out murder due to prejudice against homosexuality.” He pleaded guilty in July to the murders in Sligo of Aidan Moffitt on 10 April last year and Michael Snee two days later. He further admitted intentionally causing serious harm to Anthony Burke on 9 April. Mr Burke was stabbed in the eye. In his victim impact statement, Mr Burke called his attacker a “coward and a monster”. The court heard that one murder victim was decapitated with 43 stab wounds. The second man was stabbed 25 times mainly to his head, neck and chest. Palani told Gardai (police) after his arrest that he suffered with mental health issues, the court heard. He met his victims through a variety of social media messaging and gay dating apps. “It would have to be their own house, and they had to be alone, you can’t be hurting kids or women,” he told arresting officers. Mr Palani denied being in Anthony Burke’s house despite his semen from a previous consensual sexual encounter being found on a blanket there as well as evidence from seized phones that linked him to the victims. Forensic evidence linked blood found on shoes and tracksuit bottoms in Palani’s house to both murder victims. He told arresting officers: “I can get angry very quick” and denied he was gay, claiming homosexuality was “a sin, you wont find many Muslims gay and religious”. Police confirmed Palani had no previous convictions and a psychiatric report was not provided to Gardaí or the prosecution. He also told officers he would’ve continued to kill if Gardai hadn’t stopped him. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce7jpwrp6lzo
  3. Austria to compensate gay men convicted under discriminatory laws | Euronews
  4. This is insane!! Just last night, it was forecast to be a tropical storm at maximum (65 mph winds). Now it is going to be a category 5 hurricane at landfall in a huge city (160 mph winds). Climate change has made these rapid intensification events more frequent. Very scary! I hope it moves a bit to the side of the city
  5. The whole thing of people's follower totals mysteriously dropping - no matter what side or political issue - always seemed silly or like fluff to me, but literally this... is real. I just tried and am in awe that Twitter just unfollows you from the account after you follow it. Try it for yourself. Click "Follow" and the refresh the page. For most people, it's back to not following the account: https://twitter.com/Pal_ActionUS
  6. This is the lowest he has been underwater in Quinnipiac's polling. In comparison, he's now polling worse than the low he hit in June 2022:
  7. Yesterday the Tv show Striscia la notizia aired behind the scenes videos of Giorgia Meloni partner, and father of her 8 years old daughter, where he flirts (to the limit of sexual harassment) with some female colleagues (he's a tv journalist with his own daily show). In the leaked video he touches the head of a woman and he says to her "you're so beautiful and smart, why i didn't met you before" In another his voice is heard when he jokes with a female colleague "if you want to work here you need to know we love the threesome, or even something with 4 people in it. We love to ****" Today Giorgia Meloni announced the end of their relationship after 10 years together. well it's over
  8. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-biden/card/egypt-s-president-says-israel-can-host-palestinian-refugees-in-negev-desert-sEscDuPPxttFWtlNEfSi
  9. “islam needs reformation” “muslims are vile and barbaric”
  10. DAILYMAIL: Spanish footballer Alvaro Prieto, 18, is found dead after body was discovered between two train carriages - four days after he was reported missing A promising young footballer who went missing four days ago has been found dead near the Spanish train station where he was last seen.B Spanish third-tier side Cordoba FC confirmed the body found late on Monday was that of 18-year-old Alvaro Prieto. The teenager vanished on Thursday morning after being asked to leave a train he was trying to catch so he could return to his home city of Cordoba. The engineering student, leading goal-scorer this season for Cordoba FC's youth team, had been out partying with friends in Seville and missed the 7.20am train he was due to return home on and had already paid for. Security guards asked him to leave the area around 9.30am on Thursday catching him trying to cross the tracks and get on another train he didn't have a ticket for. He was thought to have abandoned Santa Justa Station - without cash and with no battery on his mobile phone to show he had bought the earlier ticket and he was no longer able to use to pay for a new one. His anguished mum Julia Lopez said in a radio interview over the weekend she feared the teenager had been run over or abducted after trying to hitch-hike home. The two carriages on the train his body was wedged between in the ugly scenes filmed by Spanish state broadcaster TVE are believed to have been brought out of sidings this morning shortly before his body was spotted. A police investigation into the tragedy is now underway. A Spanish TV crew doing a live report on the missing man filmed the horror moment part of his body, with the white trainers and beige trousers he was wearing when he vanished, could be seen trapped between two carriages on a moving train coming into Seville's main railway station. Spanish state broadcaster TVE subsequently made a grovelling apology for screening the images instead of interrupting the live signal after it emerged it was Alvaro's body.
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