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  1. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-05/donald-trump-claims-he-won-all-50-states-in-2020-election-in-flo/103067228 Donald Trump has claimed that he won all 50 states in the 2020 US election at a Florida event where two of his rivals for the Republican presidential primaries were booed for suggesting the party should dump the former president before his legal woes catch up with him. Mr Trump faces 91 criminal charges across four indictments, two of which are related to election interference. Despite soundly losing the 2020 election to Joe Biden by more than seven million votes — 306 to 232 in the electoral college — Mr Trump continues to push discredited claims of widespread election fraud. "We won, the last time, 50 states, think of it, 50 states," he told the Freedom Summit, outside Orlando, Florida, on Saturday night. "We won every state. We then did great in the election. We got 12 million more votes or so … 12 million more votes than we got the first time. "The whole thing is a lie … the whole election is a lie." While Mr Trump attracted more support in 2020 than in his upset 2016 election victory over Hillary Clinton, Mr Biden flipped the states of Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia for 74 crucial electoral college votes.
  2. Generations of refugees being forcefully sent back to a country they’ve never lived in, governed by a terrorist group their grandfathers ran away from in the first place. The US has a hold on Afghanistan’s money reserves since the Taliban take over, and the country was also devastated by powerful earthquakes in the last few months; My heart breaks for the Afghan people, they haven’t known peace since the Soviets and Americans invaded, and I can’t imagine them knowing peace in the near future, either.
  3. Scaring (hope the thread won't be closed too)
  4. The whole thing of people's follower totals mysteriously dropping - no matter what side or political issue - always seemed silly or like fluff to me, but literally this... is real. I just tried and am in awe that Twitter just unfollows you from the account after you follow it. Try it for yourself. Click "Follow" and the refresh the page. For most people, it's back to not following the account: https://twitter.com/Pal_ActionUS
  5. https://www.reuters.com/business/las-vegas-casino-hotel-works-set-strike-deadline-after-stalled-negotiations-2023-11-02/?taid=654409327a29eb0001360306&utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter
  6. About this Study Within the world of 3D-printed guns, one pseudonymous figure has emerged as a symbol for the cause of universal access to firearms: “JStark1809”. He created the world’s most popular 3D-printed gun and established an influential network of 3D-printed gun designers. Since his death in July 2021, he has been memorialised as a martyr for the right to bear arms. Based on open sources, this report identifies “JStark1809” as Jacob Duygu, a German national born to Kurdish parents who arrived as refugees from Southeast Turkey in the 1990s. Using a combination of authorship attribution techniques, JStark can be identified as the author of over 700 seemingly “anonymous” comments on 4chan’s /pol/ board. He disclosed hitherto unknown details about his life, broader political views, and extremist attitudes. Designing a 3D-Printed Gun JStark’s choice to design a 3D-printed gun arose from frustration at not being able to own a gun on his terms in Germany. This morphed into a belief that owning firearms is a human right. JStark thus designed a 3D-printed gun with no regulated parts to ensure anyone worldwide could make it. The gun he designed, the FGC-9 (“**** Gun Control 9mm”), has been seen on five continents, in: Australia, Brazil, Finland, Germany, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovakia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and the United States. It has been seen in the hands of gun enthusiasts, organised criminals, paramilitaries, insurgents, and terrorists. He also created a network of 3D-printed gun designers and enthusiasts to create new designs, disseminate the digital blueprints online, and encourage their adoption. That network is known as Deterrence Dispensed and remains active even after JStark’s death. Political Views When speaking pseudonymously, JStark stated he was sharing 3D-printed gun designs to enable people to resist tyranny and defend against authoritarianism. He presented a universal message and spoke out against xenophobia and racism. Writing anonymously, however, JStark made numerous xenophobic, racist, and antisemitic comments over multiple years. He regularly used dehumanising slurs and racist tropes. On several occasions, JStark made anonymous threats of violence. These included threats to kill so-called “traitors” of Germany and threatened politicians, law enforcement, and left-wing individuals. He instigated online and lamented how a “right-wing” terrorist group had not emerged. Life as an Incel JStark’s “anonymous” comments reveal his life as an incel (involuntarily celibate). He felt his autism, height, looks, and ethnicity would shatter his chances of having a sexual or romantic relationship in Germany. In 2018, he travelled to the Philippines to escape his life as an incel. He regularly made misogynist comments. He sometimes revelled in female suffering and despaired at his lack of relative power. He varied between condoning incel-motivated violence and seeing it as inevitable. Shortly before his arrest in June 2021, he threatened violence: “I will literally kill , (sic) or kill myself soon if i can’t sleep in a bed with a girl again …”. In the final months of his life, JStark expressed profound suicidal ideation. Anonymously, he wrote of his loneliness and depression – which he attributed to his status as an incel – and shared detailed plans to commit suicide. His chosen method is relatively new; routine toxicological analysis may fail to detect it. It is possible that after his arrest in late June 2021, JStark decided to take his life.
  7. 10/11 UPDATE: 10/12 Update: 10/13 Update: Update 10/18: Update 10/19: Update 10/20: ROUND 3 Jordan 194. FLOP Jeffries 210 Others 25 Update 10/24 Update 10/25:
  8. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/israel-hamas-war-biden/card/egypt-s-president-says-israel-can-host-palestinian-refugees-in-negev-desert-sEscDuPPxttFWtlNEfSi
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/world/europe/denmark-housing.html?unlocked_article_code=1.6Ew.EFMt._RyHJ-RNOtMm&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare What a ****** up place
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