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  1. Notable Nostradamus predictions for 2024: According to famous 16th century French prophet, Nostradamus, who has a streak of eerily accurate predictions. Prince Harry becomes King One of the passages in his long text says that a “King of the Isles” will be “driven out by force”. Some think Nostradamus is referring to King Charles III. Another passage supposedly about Charles says “soon afterwards [a disastrous war] a new King shall be anointed / Who, for a long time, will appease the earth,” according to IFLScience. British author and Nostradamus commentator Mario Reading, who previously said Nostradamus may have predicted Queen Elizabeth II’s death, analysed that King Charles III would be abdicating due to “persistent attacks on both himself and his second wife,” and Harry would replace him instead of William because he — the “Spare” heir — has “no mark of a king,” The Daily Mail reported. China wages war Nostradamus predicted “combat and naval battle” and said that a “red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great ocean in dread”. Some think that the “red adversary” could be referring to China and their red flag. The “naval battle” could be referring to China’s tensions with the island of Taiwan. Beijing, the capital of China, has the largest navy in the world. Climate disaster The climate crisis has become more apparent in recent years with an increase in drought wildfires and record-high temperatures. Nostradamus predicts it will get even worse. “The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen,” he wrote. He also predicted extreme weather events and world hunger. “Very great famine through pestiferous wave,” he said. A new Pope Pope Francis could soon see a replacement, according to the astrologer’s predictions. “Through the death of a very old Pontiff, A Roman of good age will be elected, Of him it will be said that he weakens his see, But long will he sit and in biting activity,” he wrote. Pope Francis, who is days shy of his 87th birthday, has been having health issues. The Pope had to skip the U.N. climate conference because of lung inflammation and breathing problems from the flu. See: 2023
  2. Despite the fact selena gomez was able to score hits in the recent years in some ways and having better stats on spotify and streaming platforms, Demi lovato is the only one that’s able to fill and play sold out shows like (rock in rio and the town with more than 100k each and played at the top of the mountain for 14k at a headlined show by her only and yesterday at las vegas) thoughts ? Do talent actually win at the end ?
  3. So for any fit gays here, how would you feel if this happened to you? Some say it's fair but others might disagree. What do y'all think? And by y'all I mean the super-fit "must have all 6-packs defined" type gays.
  4. SmittenCake

    Communism vs Capitalism Jubilee

    This video is more informative than the one Jubilee actually uploaded first time reasonable people are properly represented on the Left
  5. Mellark

    Pop Culture Predictions For 2024?

    ATRL: The time has come: What are your predictions for 2024? This can be about anything: pop culture, music, politics, etc.
  6. Mellark

    Happy New Year, ATRL!

    Happy New Year, ATRL! I hope everyone has a great, prosperous, and amazing 2024.
  7. MoonGoodandHappy

    Do you find this man cooking hot ?

    Do you find him hot ?
  8. I feel like I have trauma from 2020 still. I can’t go into the new year having expectations, because now I’m always waiting for the other show to drop around March. It’s probably for the best though. I think resolutions hardly ever work
  9. I enjoy this record so much to be honest
  10. I've been meaning to play Sims and I would like to know everyone's opinion
  11. Well? I’m done with my studies pretty soon and im planning on going on a two-week trip to somewhere i’ve never been before in april or may.
  12. Who is the least problematic person you've met so far in your life (based on everything that you've seen from them at least)? I personally wish I could say my family, but their toxic religiosity (and ""respectful" disagreement" with the LGBT) ruins it for me. Plus some family members are straight up trash anyway. The closest to non-problematicness I've seen so far is an older man (whose SINGLE btw so I'm not aiding in adultery too like a certain MPG ) that I'm seeing for now. His views & energy is remarkable & one of the most (if not THE most) beautiful souls I've ever met tbh.
  13. Your partner finished work, and you just send him a text and he doesnt text you back after hours, you're on delivered. Are you anxious about it ?
  14. Because it sure as hell wasn’t for me
  15. Which one of these perfume ads do you think is the best? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Which one is your fav ?
  16. Talk here like it's 2028 and Kanye West has just been elected President Of The United States
  17. DawnAnti

    What’s next for Dua lipa ?

    After the underperformance of HOUDINI , what do you think Dua should do next ? Any thoughts ?

    Favourite Mario Kart game?

    Easily the TRINITY of Mario Kart games but which is your fave? I’ve recently been playing all three again and I can easily say Double Dash is THE best My literal childhood! Wii is fun but it’s so unbalanced and the AI can be INSUFFERABLE sometimes. I’ve been recently playing 8 Deluxe, getting all the trophies, starts and parts and it’s kind of underwhelming. Again, it’s fun but it doesn’t feel challenging at all. Even on 150 and up CCs it all feels….meh. Plus, they missed the opportunity on having some character specific carts (Birdo and the baby carts????) and they completely ruined Baby Park
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