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  1. In case you thought the Disney trainwreck was over, in 2024 Steamboat Willie officially becomes public domain. https://apnews.com/article/mickey-mouse-public-domain-disney-minnie-tigger-1dbfa3982a172334503bc8cf87302b6f Also: Another famous animal sidekick, Tigger, will join his friend Winnie the Pooh in the public domain as the book in which the bouncing tiger first appeared, “The House at Pooh Corner,” turns 96. TO FREEDOM
  2. I live in a very Conservative Suburban town, but sometimes I be Blasting Girly Pop & Gangsta Rap music so loud that sometimes I forget just how loud my car System is And I stop at a Red Light and people just look over at me crazy. But IDGAF. but I’m kinda a hypocrite cuz people that Blast thier music louder are so annoying to me too, but I do it all the time🤭 it’s whatever. How do yall feel about people that Bump thier music in residential areas?
  3. First things first: not having health insurance in this shithole country is awful and I wouldn't wish this on anyone (aside from the greedy pharmaceutical and health insurance CEOs, as well as the politicians that are in their pockets). Our healthcare system sucks and it's the laughing stock of the world. Now that that's out of the way, I just got a free COVID-19 booster without having health insurance and am letting you all know in case you are either in a similar situation or know someone who is. 1. Go to https://www.vaccines.gov/search/ 2. Type in your zip code and check any (or all) of the three vaccine options under the Teens & Adults header. 3. Once the search results load, click the Bridge Access Program Participant checkbox. This is the government-sanctioned program that allows any adult who does not have health insurance to get their free covid shot. The search results will narrow down to all the locations (mostly pharmacies). I would recommend calling any pharmacy location that claims to be partnered with the program on the site to confirm that they actually are part of it. Because the CVS near me said they did, but when I booked an actual appointment with them and showed up to it, they told me the shot would actually be almost $200 It sucks that them being free isn't the default, but I hope this is able to help someone else on here.
  4. Have you ever been stressed out after searching your symptoms on Google ?
  5. In my opinion the song could revive the GUTS era again
  6. I have a drip coffee machine My only issue is that the coffee I brew is never hot enough. I use cold water to brew it. I've heard of suggestions to boil the water first - the only thing is this would add another 5 minutes and was wondering if there's a better solution? I always have to microwave the coffee to make it hot which I hate Any suggestions?
  7. Real queen regnants: Elizabeth, Victoria, Mary, Anne? or Consorts: Marie Antoinette, Sisi, etc. Do you stan any?
  8. Are you? My best friend and I have been besties since we met in 5th grade. Besides him… the other longest person I’m still friends with is another guy who I met in high school. He moved to texASS but we still talk here and there
  9. Hey bbs Back in 2012, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression as common these days. I did a round of medication (celexa, bleh) and returned to normal Then in 2019, I revisted the doctor with increasing symptoms. I was given new medication (lexapro, better but meh). In early 2023 I missed a payment for my health insurance and it was cancelled from me. If you know the US insurance system, you know you cannot buy insurance for the most part outside the enrollment period at the end of the calendar year. So from March 2023 until now I’ve been without health insurance. About August this year, my symptoms of anxiety and depression have returned but I haven’t had the ability to go to the doctor to get new medication or afford other treatment options. And since August it’s progressed worse than they’ve ever been before. I wake up each morning with the hopes of a good day, and then one small roadblock changes my mindset for the rest of the day. I’m unable to get past that roadblock, and I shut down and become angry and upset in response. Due to my work and school schedule, I don’t really have any days off to figure it out either I have purchased health insurance which starts January 1, and was hoping to hold off until then to seek treatment. However, it’s gotten so bad that I reached out to a doctors office in town that does income-based care and told them of my situation and I have an apportionment next Monday to start my recovery process. I’m pretty closed off in my real life and wanted to share my experience with someone which is why I made this thread. I hope to share recovery news soon and hopefully next week will be a great week overall
  10. Would you prefer 10 Billions Dollars in your account or never have health problems again ?
  11. So recently I’ve been getting into Ethel Cain and I’m absolutely in love with Preacher’s Daughter and all its meaning. I honestly think A House In Nebraska and Sun Bleached Flied might be two of the best songs I’ve ever heard. What about you guys? Have you listened to any previous project from an artist that you only started appreciating this year?
  12. I am content with what I do. I'm not waking up each morning go YESSSSSS, but I'm okay with it. I make 100k, I'm very much okay with it. But it feels like Monday to Friday is a giant blur. just go through the motions. even after work, eat dinner, relax a bit (whether that's watching TV or anything else) in preparation for the next day. weekend comes, I cheer up a bit. feel some relief. and then oop - back to Monday. here we go again. do you feel this way? do you think rich people like Bill Gates or Rihanna feel this way?
  13. So I've been obsessed with Brazil lately to the point where I watch television and film from there (learning Portuguese) and I have to say that I have never seen an appreciation or talk thread about Brazil, so I decided to start one because I want to see if any Brazilian ATRLers are on here, but I also want to talk and share more about pop culture & Brazilian culture, so yeah. Obrigado y Ola a todos vocês!
  14. what is something 40+ year olds should not be doing
  15. Does anyone relate to this and how do you fix it? I’m very mentally ill I’m on 4 medications.
  16. We often discuss on how scary it is that there's a rise of incel'd alt-right fascist ideologies views all over the globe, but have you witnessed any real-life (outside the internet) instances of this? I haven't overheard, or seen, anything, but I was passing by a city square in my area one time recently (in October) & found it odd that so many cars were honking their horns (I didn't go close to the event). Turns out I realized it was the day of an anti-LGBT protest being held across many cities (in Canada, go figure) to protest the curriculum inclusion of LGBT content in schools.
  17. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0H-qTay4T4/?igshid=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA%3D%3D The comments are disgusting
  18. i keep seeing this girl and discourse on twitter and ppl are angry. what is ur take? personally: I do not care and i think the outrage is mostly coming from red pilled men who claim to be against lewd content and life styles but secretly support the culture
  19. I'm not a huge fan of family dinners I hate forced socialization the only thing I love about Christmas are the decorations. Christmas and Halloween are GOAT when it comes to Holiday decorations
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