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  1. naughty

    Omegle shuts down

  2. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/whats-stake-macrons-new-immigration-bill-2023-11-08/
  3. The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesdayapproved Zepbound, a new weight loss drug from drugmaker Eli Lilly that was shown in clinical trials to help people lose up to 52 pounds in 16 months. Zepbound is the latest entrant into the field of powerful new drugs that already includes Novo Nordisk's Ozempic and Wegovy and Lilly's Mounjaro. The FDA approved the drug for adults with obesity or who are overweight with at least one weight-related condition. In a release, Lilly said Zepbound should be available in the U.S. by the end of the year. It will carry a list price of about $1,060 for a month's supply. In a phase 3 clinical trial, Zepbound led to an average weight loss of 22.5% body weight, or about 52 pounds, surpassing all currently available weight loss medications on the market. The participants in the study had obesity or were overweight with at least one weight-related condition. Source
  4. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-05/donald-trump-claims-he-won-all-50-states-in-2020-election-in-flo/103067228 Donald Trump has claimed that he won all 50 states in the 2020 US election at a Florida event where two of his rivals for the Republican presidential primaries were booed for suggesting the party should dump the former president before his legal woes catch up with him. Mr Trump faces 91 criminal charges across four indictments, two of which are related to election interference. Despite soundly losing the 2020 election to Joe Biden by more than seven million votes — 306 to 232 in the electoral college — Mr Trump continues to push discredited claims of widespread election fraud. "We won, the last time, 50 states, think of it, 50 states," he told the Freedom Summit, outside Orlando, Florida, on Saturday night. "We won every state. We then did great in the election. We got 12 million more votes or so … 12 million more votes than we got the first time. "The whole thing is a lie … the whole election is a lie." While Mr Trump attracted more support in 2020 than in his upset 2016 election victory over Hillary Clinton, Mr Biden flipped the states of Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia for 74 crucial electoral college votes.
  5. https://apnews.com/article/bangladesh-garment-workers-protest-minimum-wage-928de69317e2f39911987f9369285bdf We love to see it. Solidarity to the workers of the world.
  6. Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT) introduced a bill that his office says will “expel Palestinians from the United States.” The legislation has 10 co-sponsors so far. Zinke, who served as Donald Trump’ssecretary of the interior, is seeking to revoke visas issued to Palestinians on or after Oct. 1, among other provisions. According to a press release issued on Thursday, the Safeguarding Americans from Extremism (SAFE) Act would do the following if enacted: Render Palestinian Authority passport holders (covered aliens) inadmissible to the U.S. Bar DHS Sec from granting immigrant/non-immigrant visas to covered aliens. Revoke visas issued to covered aliens on or after October 1. Bar DHS Secretary from granting covered aliens Temporary Protected Status. Bar DHS Secretary from granting future asylum or refugee status to covered aliens. Revoke Refugee or Asylum status for covered aliens if requested on or after October 1. Bar DHS Sec from paroling a covered alien. Revoke parole of covered aliens if paroled on or after October 1. Direct DHS with ICE/USCIS to identify and remove covered aliens without lawful status (including newly revoked status). According to the release, a “covered alien” is defined as “an alien who is a holder of a passport or other travel document issued by the Palestinian Authority.” Anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic sentiment have risen in the U.S. since the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, when Hamas militants attacked inside Israel and killed 1,400 people while kidnapping more than 200. Since then, Israel has been carrying out military strikes against Gaza, which Hamas controls. The Ministry of Health in Gaza claims 8,000 Palestinians have been killed. The 10 co-sponsors are Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), Rep. Aaron Bean (R-FL), Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bill Posey (R-FL), Barry Moore(R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ). https://www.mediaite.com/politics/house-republicans-introduce-legislation-to-expel-palestinians-from-the-united-states/
  7. Generations of refugees being forcefully sent back to a country they’ve never lived in, governed by a terrorist group their grandfathers ran away from in the first place. The US has a hold on Afghanistan’s money reserves since the Taliban take over, and the country was also devastated by powerful earthquakes in the last few months; My heart breaks for the Afghan people, they haven’t known peace since the Soviets and Americans invaded, and I can’t imagine them knowing peace in the near future, either.
  8. https://www.metroweekly.com/2023/10/gay-sex-banned-in-south-korean-military/ The South Korean Supreme Court initially ruled that it was okay, but the Constitutional Court just went and undone that ruling.
  9. https://www.reuters.com/business/las-vegas-casino-hotel-works-set-strike-deadline-after-stalled-negotiations-2023-11-02/?taid=654409327a29eb0001360306&utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter
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