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  1. Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO, Is Ousted by Company’s Board - The New York Times (nytimes.com) UPDATE: He has released a statement: Update 2: Update 3: Altman & Co. are Joining Microsoft and OpenAI is getting its 3rd CEO in 3 Days. This is the guy who allegedly led the attempt to oust Altman : UPDATE 4: Microsoft Snatches Sam Altman and Greg Brockman : UPDATE 5: UPDATE 6: SAM RETURNS Was AGI a possible reason for his ouster? (Thanks @VOSS): https://www.reuters.com/technology/sam-altmans-ouster-openai-was-precipitated-by-letter-board-about-ai-breakthrough-2023-11-22/
  2. The right-wingers are eating on each own Basically, Candace tweeted a while back how genocide is wrong and immoral, she said she doesn't wanna fund foreign wars and how Nikki Haley would be a great president of Israel instead of United States. Ben Shapiro held an event where he was asked about Candace who works under his company. He said her stance about Israel was "disgraceful". On Twitter, Candace quoted Bible verse about how there should be peace and how you cannot follow both God and money (possibly talking about American politicians claiming to be Christian, while following money from war lobbyists) Ben quoted her tweet and told her to "quit" working for his company. She ratio's him with a facts don't care about your feeling-esque tweet, calling Shapiro unhinged and emotional. She says Bible verses were not written about him. TL;DR the girls are fighting
  3. https://apnews.com/article/russia-lgbtq-crackdown-4f043baf6e1d8999965b815dc5cc7315
  4. The authorities in Mexico confirmed this Monday the discovery of the bodies of Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo, the first person in that country to obtain a passport without binary gender, and their romantic partner, Dorian Daniel Herrera. Baena was an activist in the LGBT community who identified as a non-binary person. Last May, they received the first passport issued without the male/female gender specification. They was currently serving as a magistrate of the Electoral Court of the state of Aguascalientes, being the first non-binary person to hold a position in the Judiciary. The State Attorney General's Office (FGJE) confirmed to BBC Mundo the discovery of the bodies inside the couple's home. The first indications, according to authorities, indicate that they may have inflicted the injuries that led to their death. Baena received police protection during the day due to the threats they constantly received for their activism. According to the Prosecutor's Office, the agents had arrived at their home on Monday morning once the bodies were found by the domestic employee. In the past, Baena had reported the frequent threats he received online. "This network full of hate speech is a sign of the rotten intolerance towards us," they wrote on their X (Twitter) account after the murder last July of local activist Ulisas Nava. Source: BBC MUNDO (Spanish)
  5. A lot going on in the labor movement and they’re only getting stronger, so much that I feel there should be a generalized megathread for posterity. So here it is. Welcome to the official home for discussion of all global labor movements. This is the thread to chat and document news and ongoing development in workers and class struggle, from strike action to unionizing, protest, bargaining, law, theory, and history. Please feel free to contribute in any way you can.
  6. Footage from Senegal shows the body of a man being exhumed and set on fire in the street after locals are said to have found out he was gay, in a case that has shocked the West African country. Four men have been arrested in connection with the incident, though images from the scene show a crowd of hundreds gathering around the fire. The 31-year-old man, named locally as Cheikh Fall, had been buried in Léona Niassene cemetery in the central Senegalese town of Kaolack on Friday evening. According to local media, his family had tried to arrange a burial in nearby Touba, which is the holy city of the Islamic Mouride brotherhood. However, the local authorities refused after learning the man was gay, so the family instead tried to inter him close to their home. When the local community objected to that, they decided to perform the burial in secret at Léona Niassene cemetery. But around 24 hours later, the body was exhumed and set alight in front of the large crowd. Abasse Yaya Wane, the head of the Kaolack Public Prosecutor’s Office, said: ‘These extremely serious acts, which amount to barbarism, challenge the authorities and cannot go unpunished.’ In Senegal, a conservative Muslim-majority country, same-sex sexual activity is illegal for both men and women. Those found guilty can face five years’ imprisonment, with the Human Dignity Trust saying LGBTQ+ people are ‘frequently subject to arrest and arbitrary detention where they are vulnerable to torture’. In February last year, thousands of people gathered in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, to call for harsher punishments for LGBTQ+ people. Ngoné Dia, a university student who took part in the demonstration, told VOA News: ‘We want them to be imprisoned, even if it’s forever. Senegal is a homophobic country and we’re proud to say it.’ https://metro.co.uk/2023/11/02/senegal-mans-body-dug-up-burned-lgbtq-19759923/
  7. Former President Donald J. Trump is planning an extreme expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration if he returns to power in 2025 — including preparing to round up undocumented people already in the United States on a vast scale and detain them in sprawling camps while they wait to be expelled. The plans would sharply restrict both legal and illegal immigration in a multitude of ways. Mr. Trump wants to revive his first-term border policies, including banning entry by people from certain Muslim-majority nations and reimposing a Covid 19-era policy of refusing asylum claims — though this time he would base that refusal on assertions that migrants carry other infectious diseases like tuberculosis. He plans to scour the country for unauthorized immigrants and deport people by the millions per year. To help speed mass deportations, Mr. Trump is preparing an enormous expansion of a form of removal that does not require due process hearings. To help Immigration and Customs Enforcement carry out sweeping raids, he plans to reassign other federal agents and deputize local police officers and National Guard soldiers voluntarily contributed by Republican-run states. To ease the strain on ICE detention facilities, Mr. Trump wants to build huge camps to detain people while their cases are processed and they await deportation flights. And to get around any refusal by Congress to appropriate the necessary funds, Mr. Trump would redirect money in the military budget, as he did in his first term to spend more on a border wall than Congress had authorized. In a public reference to his plans, Mr. Trump told a crowd in Iowa in September: “Following the Eisenhower model, we will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.” The reference was to a 1954 campaign to round up and expel Mexican immigrants that was named for an ethnic slur — “Operation *******.” The constellation of Mr. Trump’s 2025 plans amounts to an assault on immigration on a scale unseen in modern American history. Millions of undocumented immigrants would be barred from the country or uprooted from it years or even decades after settling here. Such a scale of planned removals would raise logistical, financial and diplomatic challenges and would be vigorously challenged in court. But there is no mistaking the breadth and ambition of the shift Mr. Trump is eyeing. In a second Trump presidency, the visas of foreign students who participated in anti-Israel or pro-Palestinian protests would be canceled. U.S. consular officials abroad will be directed to expand ideological screening of visa applicants to block people the Trump administration considers to have undesirable attitudes. People who were granted temporary protected status because they are from certain countries deemed unsafe, allowing them to lawfully live and work in the United States, would have that status revoked. Similarly, numerous people who have been allowed to live in the country temporarily for humanitarian reasons would also lose that status and be kicked out, including tens of thousands of the Afghans who were evacuated amid the 2021 Taliban takeover and allowed to enter the United States. Afghans holding special visas granted to people who helped U.S. forces would be revetted to see if they really did. And Mr. Trump would try to end birthright citizenship for babies born in the United States to undocumented parents — by proclaiming that policy to be the new position of the government and by ordering agencies to cease issuing citizenship-affirming documents like Social Security cards and passports to them. That policy’s legal legitimacy, like nearly all of Mr. Trump’s plans, would be virtually certain to end up before the Supreme Court. In interviews with The New York Times, several Trump advisers gave the most expansive and detailed description yet of Mr. Trump’s immigration agenda in a potential second term. In particular, Mr. Trump’s campaign referred questions for this article to Stephen Miller, an architect of Mr. Trump’s first-term immigration policies who remains close to him and is expected to serve in a senior role in a second administration. All of the steps Trump advisers are preparing, Mr. Miller contended in a wide-ranging interview, rely on existing statutes; while the Trump team would likely seek a revamp of immigration laws, the plan was crafted to need no new substantive legislation. And while acknowledging that lawsuits would arise to challenge nearly every one of them, he portrayed the Trump team’s daunting array of tactics as a “blitz” designed to overwhelm immigrant-rights lawyers. “Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” Mr. Miller said, adding, “The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.” Todd Schulte, the president of FWD.us, an immigration and criminal justice advocacy group that repeatedly fought the Trump administration, said the Trump team’s plans relied on “xenophobic demagoguery” that appeals to his hardest-core political base. “Americans should understand these policy proposals are an authoritarian, often illegal, agenda that would rip apart nearly every aspect of American life — tanking the economy, violating the basic civil rights of millions of immigrants and native-born Americans alike,” Mr. Schulte said. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/11/us/politics/trump-2025-immigration-agenda.html
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/08/americas/demonstrators-killed-mining-protests-panama/index.html
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