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  1. they open their browser and notice they have a tab on atrl. What you doing?
  2. Well? I’m done with my studies pretty soon and im planning on going on a two-week trip to somewhere i’ve never been before in april or may.
  3. It would be nice if the holiday season started in August with another big holiday.
  4. First off, I want to say Happy Christmas to all celebrating. I hope you have an amazing day filled with love. This time of year is usually my favorite but I’m struggling a lot this holiday season. I’m stuck in physical rehab and away from my family. What’s hitting me harder is that my mom passed away unexpectedly in May. This time of year was our special time, and without her, everything feels off. I tried to get into the spirit by getting gifts for my god nieces and nephews. Seeing their smiles was nice, but it’s like a band-aid on a much bigger wound. I miss my mom so much. Our holiday traditions, her laughter, just everything about her. It’s tough to find any real cheer. I feel so lost truthfully. How do you get through the holidays when you’re grieving? If anyone’s been through something similar, how did you cope? Any advice or just a kind word would really help right now. If anyone else is feeling down or alone around this time maybe we can help each other.
  5. Which option do you use to storage the users in your brain?
  6. They have been very popular for some time now. I really wanted the red Starbucks X Stanley edition but it sold out within a few hours.
  7. What is a movie with an unfavorable score on Metacritic that you like? An unfavorable Metascore is 39 or lower. I'll start: Friday the 13th Part 2 Metascore: 26
  8. wantedyoutogrow

    Scream 7 director exits the movie

    the way it keeps going from worse to worser
  9. The doomed production faces another setback
  10. Marion is a french woman who has just been elected president of France She becomes an icon, everyone love her in the world Unfortunately she ends up hated by the people and ends up in prison. Finally she manages to convince people of her innocence, gets out of prison and becomes popular again. She comes back more popular and loved than ever. She is so loved that she managed to become president of the whole world She becomes extremely popular, people adore her and faint in her presence She becomes even more rich and popular in the world She becomes more powerful, popular and wealthy, with influence extending beyond Earth. She becomes president of the entire galaxy, she rules the galaxy and her power is limitless She is acclaimed by all creatures of the galaxies for her power beyond all understanding. Create your own story now. Want to see yours.
  11. Because it sure as hell wasn’t for me
  12. The only hit that came out of the album was Royals but no one seems to be returning to it in 2023. Buzzcut Season is a good track. But the rest? Were her Grammys rationalized by the front-loadedness from Royals because she hasn’t been able to retain the hype from it? Did she deserve her Grammys or 2014 was just a crap Grammy year?
  13. So for any fit gays here, how would you feel if this happened to you? Some say it's fair but others might disagree. What do y'all think? And by y'all I mean the super-fit "must have all 6-packs defined" type gays.
  14. Question mainly for the UK girlies since we're all affected differently by the way the United Kingdom government works on top of how each of our individual countries work, but intrigued to hear outside of the UK opinions too. But I'm intrigued to know, considering each of the four countries history with independence questions, Westminster's troubled view with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, veto powers and a very divisive nation, do you think a confederal UK would work? Four separate sovereign states with an equal confederate board, no laws can be implicated Union-wide unless all four sovereigns agree, using the board to strengthen trade deals and allowing more financial and legal freedoms to each individual county without a "central government" having a subsidiary power to veto something they don't like. I understand the idea of a "confederation" is perhaps outdated and problematic/troublesome, but do you think a new and modern confederation of a highly developed and modern territory could work?
  15. What was your experience with your driving instructor, your driving examiner, and the whole process of learning to drive ?
  16. Anyone have any stories of meeting a stuck-up gay with that trademark cringy Regina George complex reserved strictly for messy, purposeless, non-playable gays (but outside of online pop stan spaces, cause, chile, we all know they're in the room with us unfortunately)? I don't really meet much gays IRL so I personally haven't met any gays like this thankfully. Let's hope it stays that way

    Favourite Mario Kart game?

    Easily the TRINITY of Mario Kart games but which is your fave? I’ve recently been playing all three again and I can easily say Double Dash is THE best My literal childhood! Wii is fun but it’s so unbalanced and the AI can be INSUFFERABLE sometimes. I’ve been recently playing 8 Deluxe, getting all the trophies, starts and parts and it’s kind of underwhelming. Again, it’s fun but it doesn’t feel challenging at all. Even on 150 and up CCs it all feels….meh. Plus, they missed the opportunity on having some character specific carts (Birdo and the baby carts????) and they completely ruined Baby Park
  18. When I ask myself if a coup d’état is possible in my country in the current political climate, the answer is 100% yes. And I’m surprised that it hasn’t happened yet. Is it possible in your country?
  19. What's something that isn't objectively bad, but you would never do to keep your dignity?
  20. For me it was definitely Love and Thunder, that movie is so bad I can’t believe Marvel released it. It felt like a 2 hour SNL skit. Quantumia sealed the deal. The X-men cannot come soon enough though. Only Storm, Jean and Emma could make me get excited about this franchise again i fear.
  21. I had a very great date and very good chemistry with a guy 2 days ago. He said that he was very interrested and we even kissed. The day after, I sent the first message in the morning and he texted me back quickly, I was very happy about that. And then at 1pm he texted me again with a cute message I was so happy I sent him a cute message. But after that, he didnt text me the rest of the day at all... And right now it's the day after, it's 9am and not a single text from him.... I know that he is a doctor and is busy but I'm very anxious about it. Should I be worried ?
  22. Have you ever shared something online or sent someone something they shouldn't see? Like I did when I sent my friend a dick pic and I panicked and instead of deleting it 'for everyone' I deleted just for myself and he still could see that, thank god he's gay tho I hope he doesn't think I wanted to send it tho lol
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