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  1. Who is the least problematic person you've met so far in your life (based on everything that you've seen from them at least)? I personally wish I could say my family, but their toxic religiosity (and ""respectful" disagreement" with the LGBT) ruins it for me. Plus some family members are straight up trash anyway. The closest to non-problematicness I've seen so far is an older man (whose SINGLE btw so I'm not aiding in adultery too like a certain MPG ) that I'm seeing for now. His views & energy is remarkable & one of the most (if not THE most) beautiful souls I've ever met tbh.
  2. Your partner finished work, and you just send him a text and he doesnt text you back after hours, you're on delivered. Are you anxious about it ?
  3. The way they constantly hate on others and themselves. The way they take the planet and natural resources for granted. The way they're so greedy and boastful and mean. Are human beings insufferable? (I like most human beings as individuals but as a collective, they are pretty insufferable imo.)
  4. Which one of these perfume ads do you think is the best? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Which one is your fav ?
  5. MoonGoodandHappy

    Do you find this man cooking hot ?

    Do you find him hot ?
  6. Talk here like it's 2028 and Kanye West has just been elected President Of The United States
  7. She's 5 months old going 6 this January 4 and super healthy. We gave her to our family friend and she loved her. I just got a call from her that she and her son got into argument, things heated up and then after a while she noticed the kitten not getting up but she's still strong. I asked her to take the kitten immediately to the vet and the vet did an x-ray examination on her. Turned out her spinal cord broke. The she's 50/50. My friend said her son slammed the door hard but she didn't say that the kitten was hit but I just KNOW she was hit. I'm crying right now. I should've just kept her with me but at the same time I knew it was an accident. I tell them to just euthanize her. I'm crying. I don't know where to vent my anger, my sadness. She was with me for five months, very cuddly and very touchy. I'm devasted Update: after battling for life for almost two weeks, my kitten unfortunately passed away. The vet did everything they can to save her life but sad to say that she didn't make it. My friend and I made sure that she was comfortable and loved during her last days. I will badly miss her. Farewell, little angel.
  8. DawnAnti

    What’s next for Dua lipa ?

    After the underperformance of HOUDINI , what do you think Dua should do next ? Any thoughts ?
  9. Disney’s 100 Year Anniversary is stain by several box office flops & Underpefermances. However, they edge out all other studios and have 4 of the top 10 Grossing films of the year thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy 3, The Little Mermaid, Elemental, & Antman 3. These are all considered tragic for thier respective franchises , yet they still ended up making Disney #1 for 2023. Disney has had a horrible year from thier theme parks controversy, politics, and boycotts. Arguably the most tumultuous year for Disney since the 80’s. Can 2024 be the return of the GP caring more for Disney? Should they give in to the conservative crowds? Should they just make better Pixar movies? Slow down on the Marvel movies and better the quality? Thoughts?
  10. there's a cute guy i want to see exclusively for a while but i have no intention of seeing this through as a serious long-term relationship. if i am upfront about this to him and we just enjoy each other for the time being is it wrong? is dating without serious intent of viewing each other as life partners a waste of time and a ticking time bomb?
  11. Inspired by nothing in particular, but Gays and whoever else of ATRL, have you ever been the homewrecker?
  12. I've been meaning to play Sims and I would like to know everyone's opinion
  13. which one is of a higher class, and which one is of a lower class?
  14. SmittenCake

    Communism vs Capitalism Jubilee

    This video is more informative than the one Jubilee actually uploaded first time reasonable people are properly represented on the Left
  15. I got 2 fuzzy blankets, coffee cups, clothes, a self feeding machine for my cat , and tons of Starbucks gift cards. HBU?
  16. Every now and then, certain groups of people on the internet speak against Taylor, with pretentious alt stans being this week's group to hate on her. But each time, she ends up breaking a new record. This time she broke her own record as the artist with the most monthly listeners on Spotify. Why will she never lose?
  17. I try not to go out at all during the summer because its too hot humid and sunny and i hate all those things. I stay inside. During winter time i go out a lot because i love cloudy dark days.
  18. I caught Covid yesterday, and so I had to miss my family’s Christmas party and now Christmas with them. First time I’ve actually gotten sick from Covid in the 4 years it’s been a thing. Merry Christmas to everyone, but I could use some cheering up
  19. I’m an atheist myself, yet I still love Christmas. I don’t care about Jesus or some made up grandpa in the clouds, or any religious background this festivity may have. However, I do enjoy the time away from college, the gifts, the delicious food, family gatherings, festive decorations, and even those cheesy Christmas movies that are always fun to watch.
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