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  1. OP: The Texas Supreme Court late Friday temporarily halted a lower court order allowing a Dallas woman to obtain an abortion in spite of the state’s strict bans, after she learned her fetus has a fatal condition. The state court’s ruling was in response to an appeal from Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas, who opposed the woman’s abortion. The Supreme Court said that, “without regard to the merits” of the arguments on either side, it had issued an administrative stay in the case, to give itself more time to issue a final ruling. Mr. Paxton’s filings came hours after district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring Mr. Paxton and others from enforcing the state’s overlapping abortion bans against Kate Cox’s doctor, Damla Karsan, or anyone who assisted her with providing an abortion to Ms. Cox. In granting the order, the judge, a Democrat, found that Ms. Cox, 31, a mother of two young children living in the Dallas area, met the criteria for an exception to the state’s abortion bans. Her fetus was diagnosed with trisomy 18, a fatal condition in all but a small number of rare cases; Ms. Cox, who is 20 weeks pregnant, had been to the emergency room several times for pain and discharge during her pregnancy. Lawyers for Dr. Karsan have said in legal filings that she believes her patient’s abortion is medically necessary to preserve her health and future fertility. But in his letter, Mr. Paxton warned the order would not constrain state officials or private citizens from filing criminal or civil lawsuits against the hospital or others, such as Ms. Cox’s husband, who might help her obtain an abortion. He reiterated that position in his filings to the Texas Supreme Court. “Nothing will prevent enforcement of Texas’s civil and criminal penalties once the T.R.O. erroneously prohibiting enforcement is vacated,” the filings from his office read. Source
  2. Tokyo taxi driver arrested, accused of running over pigeon The taxi driver allegedly sped off from traffic lights after they had turned green and ploughed into the birds at a speed of 60km/h (37mph) To some, they are another species of feathered friend; to others, they are rats with wings whose droppings deface historic buildings. But in Japan, pigeons may have become the victims of crime, after police arrested a Tokyo taxi driver on suspicion of deliberately driving into a flock of the birds, killing one of them. Suspect Atsushi Ozawa, 50, “used his car to kill a common pigeon, which is not a game animal”, in the Japanese capital last month, and was arrested on Sunday for violating wildlife protection laws, a Tokyo police spokesperson told Agence France-Presse. While limited numbers of game pigeons can be hunted legally in Japan, their feral, urban cousins, can be killed only if they are a proven nuisance – such as causing damage to crops and livestock – and only with the approval of local authorities. The taxi driver allegedly sped off from traffic lights after they had turned green and ploughed into the birds at a speed of 60km/h (37mph), according to Japanese media. The alleged incident was reported to police by a passerby who was alerted by the sound of a car engine as it accelerated. A veterinarian performed a postmortem examination on the pigeon and determined its cause of death as traumatic shock. Sympathy for Tokyo’s pigeons contrasts with sentiment towards its population of crows, which were targeted after complaints that their appetite for rubbish left out for collection by restaurants was making a mess of the capital’s streets. In 2001, the then governor, Shintaro Ishihara, announced he was waging war on the city’s estimated 36,000 crows. Over the two decades that followed, the capital’s crow population fell by around two-thirds, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/06/tokyo-taxi-driver-arrested-accused-of-running-over-pigeon
  3. The news is 80 years old Nicholas Puech, heir of the french fashion brand, wrote a new testament where he wants to leave 10 billion euros (double of Berlusconi net worth when he died and more than the official patrimony of the actual King of Morocco) to his Moroccan gardener. The identity of this man is right now not public, only news is he has a wife and two kids. I won't explain all the legal and economic things the articles talk about but for several reasons, even if other people have stoke exchanges are trying everything to block everything, seems that person could really take the money if Puech doesn't change the testament and it stays exactly like is it in this new version. https://www.corriere.it/economia/moda-business/23_dicembre_05/hermes-l-ingegnere-domestico-marocchino-che-si-contendono-10-miliardi-eredita-nicolas-puech-44d030c4-92fa-11ee-b4ce-f7c294a6ba9a.shtml
  4. wake up babe new polling just dropped! article at bottom... tldr videos from air first. the 18-34 yo gap, both in the war and against Tr*mp Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/poll-bidens-standing-hits-new-lows-israel-hamas-war-rcna125251
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html
  6. The champions of democracy strike again! Over 4 million Democrat voters won't be able to cast their votes in Florida. They held a private, secret meeting a month in advance and came out with statement that only Biden will be on the ticket, meaning no primary will be held as they elected Biden by default. Currently there are several Democratic opponents running againt currently historically low unpopular President Biden, including Congressman Dean Phillips and Progressive democrat Marianne Williamson who is currently the most popular opponent, pulling the same size of support as Ron DeSantins over at the Republican party. She's the only Jewish woman running for the Office and has been banned from participating in Florida primary elections.
  7. Off the heels of Spotify laying off 17% of its employees just before the holiday season, Tidal also lays off over 10% of theirs. Is this a sign of the music streaming-only services being unable to keep up with the increasing royalty payments due to increasing streaming consumption and legislative changes demanding that these services pay more to the creators? Or is it just corporate greed in an attempt to increase stock value and increase shareholder dividends? https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/tidal-layoffs-10-percent-employees-1235825119/
  8. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/ohio-senate-republicans-propose-banning-home-grown-marijuana-and-other-changes-to-legal-marijuana GOP senate Majority leader Matt Huffman (a man who fought tooth and nail against the ballot initiative) wants to raise taxes, eliminate homegrow, and lower the threshold of legal amount (from 2.5 Ozs to exactly 1 OZ). According to republicans, it is simply because “voters had no idea what they were voting for”, even though the measure passed 57-43 and won largely because of support in trump/GOP strongholds. They have until December 7th to act before the entire law goes into effect, and has to pass the House where it’s expected to be more difficult
  9. https://caribbean.loopnews.com/content/guyana-calls-venezuelas-upcoming-referendum-essequibo-annexation
  10. BeenTheShit

    George Santos EXPELLED from congress

    Diva down! Sashay away! Now the real question is will she go on her exposé tour taking down other members of Congress?
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