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  1. Earlier this month, government and ruling party officials agreed to introduce legislation by the year’s end that would ban the centuries-old practice. Individual lawmakers have submitted similar anti-dog meat bills in the past, but this would be the first time for the government to back such legislation. About 200 farmers, restaurant owners and others involved in the dog meat industry gathered in Thursday’s rally. They chanted slogans, sang, raised their fists and took turns making speeches criticizing the government’s move. One protester said he would kill himself if the government and governing party move ahead with the legislation. “We’ll fight. We’ll fight,” the protesters shouted. Some farmers brought dogs in cages on their trucks but were prevented from taking them to the protest site. A shoving match between some protesters and police officers occurred, with some farmers rushing to a street when a truck, apparently carrying dogs, approached. Police detained three protesters, farmers said. Police said they could not immediately confirm the detentions. Dog meat consumption is neither explicitly banned nor legalized in South Korea. But there have been calls to prohibit it over worries about South Korea’s international image and a growing public awareness of animal rights. World celebrities including American actress Kim Basinger and French actress Brigitte Bardot have called for a ban. The bill pushed by the government and governing party would phase out the dog meat industry by 2027. It would provide financial support to farmers for dismantling their facilities and opening new businesses and offer vocational training and other benefits. The anti-dog meat campaign in South Korea recently gathered new momentum as first lady Kim Keon Hee, a pet lover, repeatedly voiced her support for a ban. During Thursday’s rally, protesters made crude insults of Kim. About 700,000 to 1 million dogs are slaughtered for consumption each year, a decline from several million 10 to 20 years ago, according to the association. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/south-korean-farmers-protest-proposed-anti-dog-meat-legislation-rcna127538
  2. The news is 80 years old Nicholas Puech, heir of the french fashion brand, wrote a new testament where he wants to leave 10 billion euros (double of Berlusconi net worth when he died and more than the official patrimony of the actual King of Morocco) to his Moroccan gardener. The identity of this man is right now not public, only news is he has a wife and two kids. I won't explain all the legal and economic things the articles talk about but for several reasons, even if other people have stoke exchanges are trying everything to block everything, seems that person could really take the money if Puech doesn't change the testament and it stays exactly like is it in this new version. https://www.corriere.it/economia/moda-business/23_dicembre_05/hermes-l-ingegnere-domestico-marocchino-che-si-contendono-10-miliardi-eredita-nicolas-puech-44d030c4-92fa-11ee-b4ce-f7c294a6ba9a.shtml
  3. Indonesian high school student gives birth while sitting her final-semester exam | South China Morning Post (scmp.com) Indonesian high school student gives birth while sitting her final-semester exam Students at SMA Negeri 1 high school at Sampang on Madura island were taking a final-semester exam when there was a commotion among the students The teacher supervising the exam warned the students to calm down, “but they were still noisy and it was followed by the sound of a baby crying”
  4. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/ohio-senate-republicans-propose-banning-home-grown-marijuana-and-other-changes-to-legal-marijuana GOP senate Majority leader Matt Huffman (a man who fought tooth and nail against the ballot initiative) wants to raise taxes, eliminate homegrow, and lower the threshold of legal amount (from 2.5 Ozs to exactly 1 OZ). According to republicans, it is simply because “voters had no idea what they were voting for”, even though the measure passed 57-43 and won largely because of support in trump/GOP strongholds. They have until December 7th to act before the entire law goes into effect, and has to pass the House where it’s expected to be more difficult
  5. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/jeff-bezos-backed-real-estate-151102586.html
  6. The corruption trial of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel resumed on Monday, bringing back into focus the legal and political challenges he faces even as he presides over the Israeli military’s war in Gaza. Mr. Netanyahu has been on trial since 2020, accused of bestowing political favors on businessmen in exchange for expensive gifts and offering regulatory benefits to media moguls in exchange for positive news coverage. He denies the charges and has rejected calls to resign. Over the summer, lawmakers from Mr. Netanyahu’s right-wing party, Likud, introduced a bill that would have stripped the attorney general — who has been critical of him — of the ability to oversee the prosecution of government ministers, including the prime minister. The bill was later withdrawn but it came amid heightened protests that had been going on for months over the government’s efforts to assert more authority over the judiciary. NYT
  7. Are you good at chatting up or flirting with potential partners? If so, you may already have rizz, even if you didn't know it. The Oxford word of the year, internet slang for romantic appeal or charm, is mostly used by young people. It was one of eight words on a shortlist, all chosen to reflect the mood, ethos or preoccupations of 2023. The list was narrowed down in a public vote, before Oxford lexicographers made the final decision. Other contenders ranged from Swiftie to beige flag to situationship. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-67602699
  8. Communion

    Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread

    Trying to link to tweets where Twitter has appropriately flagged any sensitive images so no one is overwhelmed with being forced to see photos of dead infants, but the widespread virality of the conspiracy theory in the last 48 hours has been horrific to see and deserves note. Unfortunately, the Zionist campaign to dehumanize Palestinians is allowed to fester and grow rapidly on social media, and the accusation by the Jerusalem Post has caused the viral spread of fake news, like the below random video: Many tweets about Palestinian victims, particularly children, now are filled with (likely many bots and) people in the replies claiming dead Palestinians are not what is photographed, with large far-right accounts like EndWokeness or Visegrad24 spreading such disinformation. Not even Palestinian infants are allowed dignity in their few months of life.
  9. In California, animal rights activist and attorney Wayne Hsiung has been sentenced to 90 days in jail after he was found guilty of felony conspiracy and misdemeanor trespassing for rescuing dozens of injured and dying ducks and chickens at two factory farms in Sonoma County, California. The charges stemmed from peaceful actions at Sunrise Farms and Reichardt Duck Farm. Mirais Holden, a member of Wayne Hsiung’s legal team, spoke outside the Sonoma County courthouse after Thursday’s sentencing. Mirais Holden: “I believe that this trial will end up in the book of animal liberation, when that book is written. I’m tremendously grateful to Wayne for the sacrifice that he has made. … The injustice of the fact that a human being is being held in a cage for the supposed crime of compassion, for rescuing other sentient, feeling beings from cages, will not be lost on the world.”
  10. you saw it here on ATRL first - popcrave posted it 3 days after: 100k+ likes
  11. Nasa now urges researchers to reach out for China’s Chang’e 5 moon samples, sidestepping the US ban, in exception to the congressional Wolf Amendment.
  12. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/12/02/moscow-police-raid-gay-clubs-after-extremist-ban-on-lgbt-community-a83297
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html
  14. GreatestLoveofAll

    Former SCJ Sandra Day O'Connor Dies at 93

    Sandra Day O’Connor, First Woman on the Supreme Court, Is Dead at 93 (msn.com) Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman on the United States Supreme Court, a rancher’s daughter who wielded great power over American law from her seat at the center of the court’s ideological spectrum, died on Friday in Phoenix. She was 93. The Supreme Court announced her death in a statement, saying the cause was complications of dementia. She grew up in Arizona and lived there most of her life. Although William H. Rehnquist, her Stanford Law School classmate, served as chief justice during much of her tenure, the Supreme Court during that crucial period was often called the O’Connor court, and Justice O’Connor was referred to, accurately, as the most powerful woman in America. Very little could happen without Justice O’Connor’s support when it came to the polarizing issues on the court’s docket, and the law regarding affirmative action, abortion, voting rights, religion, federalism, sex discrimination and other hot-button subjects was basically what Sandra Day O’Connor thought it should be.
  15. BeenTheShit

    George Santos EXPELLED from congress

    Diva down! Sashay away! Now the real question is will she go on her exposé tour taking down other members of Congress?
  16. https://euobserver.com/world/157764
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