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  1. So there's been a mass awakening among gays who are now realizing their rightful gripes with hookup/dating culture. And that's good and all & let's keep this discussion going onward in 2024. But when it comes down to it, do you personally have any room to complain? Do you ghost people? Do you flake on meetups without following up with a "Sorry, can't meet up today" heads-up message? Be honest y'all, let's really dissect this. When it comes to me, I'd say yeah I have enough of a ground to stand on to earn having a gripe with all the mess. I try to reach out to people I make plans with on any hookup/dating apps I'm on, but ONLY if they message me first asking if I'm still due to meet at their place. If neither of us bite the bullet on the day, or hour, of the planned meetup, I just brush it off & chalk it up to "just not the right time." And I only ever ghost anyone if their profile gives me a creepy, narcissistic or overly-thirsty, vibe (don't know if it's a good thing, but I try my best to be intuitive to avoid creeps).
  2. Never been to either of them and I'm planning to visit next month in February to take advantage of my sudden vacation eligibility at work! Which city is prettier/offer more? I'll be staying for around 2 weeks.
  3. As we all know, the housing market is God awful and doesn’t seem to be getting any better any time soon. I moved back in with my parents a year ago because I’ve started going back to grad school. I spent the first year paying off all my debts and did just that. Of course, now I’m racking up more for school but wtf am I to do (that’s not an invitation for a “don’t go to college if you can’t pay out of pocket” platitude) Now, I’ve started saving for a home. In about 2 months I’ve managed to set aside over $6,600. However, my car could go at any time so I’m assuming I’ll have to spend what I’ve saved eventually anyway. - I’m 26 years old. - I’m single and that won’t change any time soon. I enjoy living at home but really want to own my own place, it’s time (and I hate the idea of renting ever again). - I make about $65,000 a year with benefits and also made a couple thousand a month from content creation over the past few months but I won’t account for that in my pay cuz it’s far too unreliable. - I’ve been able to and hope to be able to keep putting $1,000 aside each paycheck ($2,000 a month) for my house, but also I have to account for the fact that other expenses will arise, like a need for a new car. My initial goal was to have enough saved up for a 20% down payment on a home by October/November of 2024 but this looks less and less possible the more I think about it. Living with my parents is just fine but I really crave my independence again. I sometimes feel like a failure and I just want my own space and the fact that owning a home at 26 when I work so hard just seems bleak af but that’s how it is. I guess what I’m really seeking is any financial advice for saving up for a 20% down payment on a decent but very modest home and honestly just some reassurance. It sounds silly but I’ve been so depressed about this lately, it actually is beginning to scare me.
  4. I don't know many animes, but my boyfriend has been showing me a few and one of them is "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" and omg it's so boring is very cute visually but it feels so dull and lifeless, nothing really happens in the main story (16 episodes so far) which tbh, I'm not even sure what the main story is What about you?
  5. 2024-2025 Awards Season A new year means new movies that will be coming out, many of whom will premiere at film festivals and go on to be considered during awards season. This thread will also host nominations and award ceremonies. Film festival dates: Palm Springs International Film Festival: Jan 4-15 Sundance Film Festival: Jan 18-28 International Film Festival Rotterdam: Jan 25 - Feb 4 Santa Barbara International Film Festival: Feb 8-17 Berlin International Film Festival: Feb 15-25 Dublin International Film Festival: Feb 22 - Mar 2 Glasgow Film Festival: Feb 28 - Mar 10 SXSW: Mar 8-16 Hong Kong International Film Festival: Mar 28 - Apr 8 Cannes Film Festival: May 14-25 Tribeca Film Festival: June 5-16 Sydney Film Festival: June 5-16 Venice International Film Festival: Aug 28 - Sep 7 Telluride Film Festival: Aug 29 - Sep 2 Toronto International Film Festival: Sep 9-19 San Sebastian International Film Festival: Sep 20-28 New York Film Festival: Sep 27 - Oct 13 Woodstock Film Festival: Oct 15-20 More festivals: 2024 film festivals and markets calendar: latest dates | News | Screen (screendaily.com) 2024 Film Festival Dates — Film Fest Report (film-fest-report.com) What films are you eager to see this year? ____ Berlin - Golden Bear: Dahomey by Mati Diop Cannes - Palme d'or: Anora by Sean Baker
  6. Since the senate gay sex scandal the Carly Rae Jepsen quote is constantly popping up on my fyp. And today it made me think, is it really true? Do you agree with it or not?
  7. The Qrts and replies are gatekeeping ballroom culture from... other gays
  8. I uploaded my DNA file to Nebula and apparently I have the highest genetic predisposition to anorexia... I've only been underweight ONCE that I know of. When I 1st went vegan 5 1/2 years ago, I lost 10 pounds initially when I was at around 130 pounds before. But I gained it back in a couple weeks. Ever since I've basically maintained 130ish pounds, which is also my weight in highschool. I'm 5ft7.5 btw
  9. Blue Jeans

    Your 2024 Affirmations?

    New Year, New You What are you gonna do?
  10. Asscatchem

    hookup culture: yay or nay?

    do you like hookup culture? or do you prefer something real and stable?
  11. I pay $376 a month with geico. Im currently in south florida and i believe we have one of the highest if not the highest car insurance in the nation. Today i got a speeding ticket. I was going 45 miles at a 35 but the officer put 55 smh.
  12. LastFM released their version of Spotify Wrapped today. Share your stats here. Here is mine: Full report: https://www.last.fm/user/devmafia/listening-report/year You can find yours via email!
  13. Starfish

    The 4 day workweek

    Are you for it or against it? Do you want it? What are your experiences with it? Hiring trends show that more and more people are expecting it and companies that implement it have higher retention rates.
  14. Despite the fact selena gomez was able to score hits in the recent years in some ways and having better stats on spotify and streaming platforms, Demi lovato is the only one that’s able to fill and play sold out shows like (rock in rio and the town with more than 100k each and played at the top of the mountain for 14k at a headlined show by her only and yesterday at las vegas) thoughts ? Do talent actually win at the end ?
  15. Notable Nostradamus predictions for 2024: According to famous 16th century French prophet, Nostradamus, who has a streak of eerily accurate predictions. Prince Harry becomes King One of the passages in his long text says that a “King of the Isles” will be “driven out by force”. Some think Nostradamus is referring to King Charles III. Another passage supposedly about Charles says “soon afterwards [a disastrous war] a new King shall be anointed / Who, for a long time, will appease the earth,” according to IFLScience. British author and Nostradamus commentator Mario Reading, who previously said Nostradamus may have predicted Queen Elizabeth II’s death, analysed that King Charles III would be abdicating due to “persistent attacks on both himself and his second wife,” and Harry would replace him instead of William because he — the “Spare” heir — has “no mark of a king,” The Daily Mail reported. China wages war Nostradamus predicted “combat and naval battle” and said that a “red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great ocean in dread”. Some think that the “red adversary” could be referring to China and their red flag. The “naval battle” could be referring to China’s tensions with the island of Taiwan. Beijing, the capital of China, has the largest navy in the world. Climate disaster The climate crisis has become more apparent in recent years with an increase in drought wildfires and record-high temperatures. Nostradamus predicts it will get even worse. “The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen,” he wrote. He also predicted extreme weather events and world hunger. “Very great famine through pestiferous wave,” he said. A new Pope Pope Francis could soon see a replacement, according to the astrologer’s predictions. “Through the death of a very old Pontiff, A Roman of good age will be elected, Of him it will be said that he weakens his see, But long will he sit and in biting activity,” he wrote. Pope Francis, who is days shy of his 87th birthday, has been having health issues. The Pope had to skip the U.N. climate conference because of lung inflammation and breathing problems from the flu. See: 2023
  16. 01/01/2014 was a big registration day! If I remember correctly, ATRL registrations were closed for most of 2012-2013. I can't believe ten years have gone by since we joined Class of 2014 - what are your favorite memories of ATRL over 10 years??
  17. Mellark

    Pop Culture Predictions For 2024?

    ATRL: The time has come: What are your predictions for 2024? This can be about anything: pop culture, music, politics, etc.
  18. Mellark

    Happy New Year, ATRL!

    Happy New Year, ATRL! I hope everyone has a great, prosperous, and amazing 2024.
  19. Last song I played in 2023 was... Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight First song I played in 2024 is... Celine Dion - A New Day Has Come Yours? Happy New Years ATRL
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