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  1. With all the Y2K trends. I am surprised tech companies haven’t done some transparent products. This was the defining look of tech products that era. We need to bring it back. Or at least bring back colors. Apple referenced it with their new iMacs. But they could do more.
  2. Why did they and ari ate this song so much ?
  3. Gesamtkunstwerk

    Your definition of fwb?

    I've noticed the "friends with benefits" term means something different to each person, or maybe even have changed meaning some point in time. It's usually either: 1) friends with benefits: you hang out, cuddle, go out on dates, help each other out, text at least a couple times a week, have sex but it's not a given when hanging out, can be exclusive but not necessarily, basically a relationship without label or 2) "friends" with benefits: Only text to set up a hook up, sex is a given when hanging out, not involved in each other life besides getting off, exclusivity is definitely not assumed unless stated otherwise, basically a booty call So ATRL, how do you define that term ?
  4. https://nypost.com/2023/12/28/lifestyle/android-users-less-attractive-than-iphone-owners-women-say/
  5. Just curious. Websites say around 5 pm but still confused. Sorry if it gives no child left behind .
  6. Revolution

    Are you good at small talk?

    Are you good at talking to people you barely know about, introducing yourself, etc.?
  7. Who is more iconic Error 503 or Connection Refused?
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italian-foreign-minister-calls-formation-eu-army-2024-01-07/
  9. Gorjesspazze9

    Deadpool accepts Emmy

    Deadpool 3 is now leading as the most anticipated Blockbuster of the year. With first look trailer set for Superbowl Day! The MCU only film this year
  10. Can't believe I'm posting here but its driving me insane and I'm too mentally destroyed to work on myself so that I cannot care about the situation.. discuss
  11. Because I couldn’t care less. It’s such a non-issue for me. If some celebrity gets caught cheating or homewreking, my opinion on that celebrity wouldn’t change the slightest tbh.
  12. Praise the baddest btch to grace TV.
  13. When you wake up feeling sleepless, upset and overall just bad, how do you deal with it?
  14. SmittenCake

    who recognizes this imagery?

    Early Katy Perry? UK artist? Uffie? I dunno. This artwork references a UK artist (I think) but I cant fully remember which artist
  15. Almost every slasher film contains these stereotypical character types - which one are you? The Final ***** - Not the most popular amongst your friends, but the most level-headed - sensitive but doesn't wear your heart on your sleeve - Quick on your feet - Able to maintain composure even in times of tragedy - Always has a "Plan B" (not the pill) Lead's Best Friend - Sarcastic - Delivers good one-liners - Most popular amongst your friends - Bitchy and loyal - Too bold for your own good Lead's Lover - Smooth-talker - Dramatic and affectionate - Those encountering you for the first time rarely trust you - Always seem to be there for your boo at the right time - Lowkey suspicious The Bro - Extremely dark sense of humor - Insensitive - You get the heauxs - Masculine and swaggy (effortlessly) - A bit ditzy The Geek - Mind like a steel trap - You know facts that most of the group wouldn't - You have just as much fun alone as you do when with friends - You bring unique ideas and viewpoints to the table - Pessimistic The Scene-Stealer - In the clique, but not very close to any particular member - You know you're a bad *****, but you're modest about it - Alluring in a mysterious way - When you're around, you have their attention - when you're gone, you are missed - Fairly aloof, but you mean well The Killer - You're a complete troll - You stay under the radar - Manipulative - Confrontational at all times - Always the hot topic, even when people barely know anything about you

    Favourite GTA Game?

    With GTA 6 releasing in 2025, I plan on replaying all the releases before then. I’ve never completed Vice City, It’s expansion nor have I played the handheld games To me, San Andreas is my personal favourite. I grew up with this game and know the map better than I know my own city Growing up, I never realized how important that game was as a black kid. Having a black protagonist in a black setting was groundbreaking for the series and the game implemented a lot of features and mechanics that we still have today. Not to mention the soundtrack was a 30/10. There’s so many songs I wouldn’t have never heard or listened to on my own had it not been for this game. Every radio station has its own charm and there’s not a SINGLE skip. Great customizations Great characters Great side missions AMAZING ATMOSPHERE
  17. i've seen this popular meme a lot lately and i'm like who cares i mean i'm the last person to touch a stranger or invade their personal space, i always keep my distance but strangely enough if someone does it to me, i could care less
  18. Revolution

    Are you a muscle gay?

    ? (Also, if u r a bottom, please help me here.)
  19. So there's been a mass awakening among gays who are now realizing their rightful gripes with hookup/dating culture. And that's good and all & let's keep this discussion going onward in 2024. But when it comes down to it, do you personally have any room to complain? Do you ghost people? Do you flake on meetups without following up with a "Sorry, can't meet up today" heads-up message? Be honest y'all, let's really dissect this. When it comes to me, I'd say yeah I have enough of a ground to stand on to earn having a gripe with all the mess. I try to reach out to people I make plans with on any hookup/dating apps I'm on, but ONLY if they message me first asking if I'm still due to meet at their place. If neither of us bite the bullet on the day, or hour, of the planned meetup, I just brush it off & chalk it up to "just not the right time." And I only ever ghost anyone if their profile gives me a creepy, narcissistic or overly-thirsty, vibe (don't know if it's a good thing, but I try my best to be intuitive to avoid creeps).
  20. Never been to either of them and I'm planning to visit next month in February to take advantage of my sudden vacation eligibility at work! Which city is prettier/offer more? I'll be staying for around 2 weeks.
  21. As we all know, the housing market is God awful and doesn’t seem to be getting any better any time soon. I moved back in with my parents a year ago because I’ve started going back to grad school. I spent the first year paying off all my debts and did just that. Of course, now I’m racking up more for school but wtf am I to do (that’s not an invitation for a “don’t go to college if you can’t pay out of pocket” platitude) Now, I’ve started saving for a home. In about 2 months I’ve managed to set aside over $6,600. However, my car could go at any time so I’m assuming I’ll have to spend what I’ve saved eventually anyway. - I’m 26 years old. - I’m single and that won’t change any time soon. I enjoy living at home but really want to own my own place, it’s time (and I hate the idea of renting ever again). - I make about $65,000 a year with benefits and also made a couple thousand a month from content creation over the past few months but I won’t account for that in my pay cuz it’s far too unreliable. - I’ve been able to and hope to be able to keep putting $1,000 aside each paycheck ($2,000 a month) for my house, but also I have to account for the fact that other expenses will arise, like a need for a new car. My initial goal was to have enough saved up for a 20% down payment on a home by October/November of 2024 but this looks less and less possible the more I think about it. Living with my parents is just fine but I really crave my independence again. I sometimes feel like a failure and I just want my own space and the fact that owning a home at 26 when I work so hard just seems bleak af but that’s how it is. I guess what I’m really seeking is any financial advice for saving up for a 20% down payment on a decent but very modest home and honestly just some reassurance. It sounds silly but I’ve been so depressed about this lately, it actually is beginning to scare me.
  22. I don't know many animes, but my boyfriend has been showing me a few and one of them is "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" and omg it's so boring is very cute visually but it feels so dull and lifeless, nothing really happens in the main story (16 episodes so far) which tbh, I'm not even sure what the main story is What about you?
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