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  1. https://www.newsweek.com/conservative-womens-swimsuit-calendar-angers-christians-demonic-1855774 Conservative Dad's Ultra Right Beer released its "Real Women of America 2024 Calendar" earlier this month in "celebration of conservative women who are fighting woke [extremists] to preserve real women." It features several well-known conservatives, such as swimmer Riley Gaines, radio host Dana Loesch, former House candidate Kim Klacik and author Ashley St. Clair, among others. But the beer calendar has been heavily criticized by conservatives, some of whom have called the calendar "demonic" for sexualizing women (including some who are married) and lacking images of women with children, as well as for being marketed to conservative dads.
  2. Carry My Heart

    Gypsy Rose has been released from prison

  3. A 14-year-old Florida teen fatally shot his sister in an argument over Christmas gifts, only to be shot moments later by his own teenage brother, authorities said. The argument started when the brothers, ages 14 and 15, were out shopping on Christmas Eve Sunday with their mother and sister, and got into a spat over who was receiving more Christmas gifts, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said during a news conference. After shopping, the boys, their mother, their 23-year-old sister Abrielle Baldwin, and Baldwin's two young children, ages 6 and 11 months, went to their grandmother's home in Largo where the argument continued. That's when the 14-year-old brother "stood in the doorway, he took out his .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun, and he pointed it at [his brother] and told him he was going to shoot him in the head,” Gualtieri said. The 14-year-old tried to get his 15-year-old brother to fight and an uncle ended up separating them and moving the 14-year-old outside into the driveway area. That’s where he found Abrielle carrying her 11-month-old baby in a carrier. She told him: “You all need to leave that stuff alone. Why are you trying to start it? It’s Christmas,” Gualtieri said. The 14-year-old ensued to argue with her, called her “derogatory” terms, and shot her in the chest as she was holding her infant in the carrier, the sheriff said. She fell, and the baby fell too, but was unharmed. The 15-year-old brother then came outside, and brought out a .45 caliber semi-automatic handgun, and exclaimed, "You shot my motherf------ sister!" and shot the 14-year-old one time in the stomach, according to the sheriff's office. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-teen-accused-fatally-shooting-sister-argument-christmas-gifts-rcna131280 Omg so sad
  4. She deleted the original video, but you can watch it here with informative breakdowns: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLcC2JNy/ https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLcCAFnM/ Scary. The university has yet to make a statement about it.
  5. The early 1970s were the real heyday of beef in the US. It was the era of stroganoff, stews, and casseroles, steak lunches and 60-cent hamburgers. It was also the beginning of a long decline for the all-American meat. In 1975, Americans on average ate close to 90 pounds of beef each year. That has now dipped to around 57 pounds, and chicken has assumed beef’s place as the most-consumed meat in the US. Falling appetite for beef is good news for the environment. Beef produces 10 times the greenhouse gas emissions of poultry or pig meat and between 20 and 60 times more than many plant-based forms of protein. But to really work out where beef consumption might be headed, you need to look at who exactly is really into eating cows, and that’s where things get interesting. Earlier this year a study from Tulane University in New Orleans found that a relatively small number of Americans are responsible for the lion’s share of beef consumption—and those eaters tend to skew older and male. But the beef industry isn’t content with the narrowing demographics of its customers—it has its eyes on creating a whole new generation of beef-eating stalwarts Diego Rose is the director of Tulane University’s nutrition program and one of the authors of the paper examining beef habits in the US. The research took data from a nationwide study conducted from 2015 through 2018 that asked adult Americans to recall which foods they had eaten in the previous 24 hours. The authors defined anyone who ate more than 4 ounces of beef a day—a little more than a single cooked hamburger—as a high consumer of beef, since US dietary guidelines recommend that adults eat no more than 4 ounces of meat, poultry, and eggs per day. Over half of the survey respondents had eaten beef in the previous 24 hours, but what surprised Rose was just how few people were responsible for most of the beef consumption. According to his data, just 12 percent of people surveyed accounted for half of the total beef consumed. People who ate a lot of beef were more likely to be male and aged 50 to 65—roughly correlating with the baby boomer generation. Today’s high consumers of beef likely grew up in the golden era of beef in the US, before rising prices and health fears associated with red meat made beef a less central part of the diet. “In general your dietary habits are inelastic,” says Rose. From around the age of young adulthood people tend to stick to foods they already know they like. People aged 66 or older were also less likely to be high consumers of beef—something that Rose says may be due to people cutting down due to advice from doctors. “My hunch is that life catches up with them,” he says. Read More: https://www.wired.com/story/beef-consumption-boomers/
  6. google translate: "In Waechtersbach a house burned down completely. The family has lost everything. I receive pictures where “Foreigners out” can be seen on the walls. Not in one room, but in several rooms. Dear @Polizei_soh , I hope you have these pictures and I seriously hope that this doesn't remain at "cause of fire unclear". It obviously looks like a hate crime. We are waiting for the investigation and will monitor the progress closely."
  7. https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/nigerian-villagers-missing-two-days-after-suspected-nomadic-herders-kill-140-2023-12-26/ https://time.com/6551014/nigeria-farmer-herder-mass-killing/ https://punchng.com/outrage-as-plateau-massacre-claims-150-over-10000-displaced/
  8. This is a new study from Pew Research. It shows that those people who say religion is most important in their lives support gay marriage the least. Check out the graph below. They did not make distinctions between different religions, they just asked how important religion is to people in different places. You see Sweden being perhaps the least religious country in the world and also the most supportive of gay marriage (nearly 100%), and then Nigeria and Indonesia being totally opposite (nearly 0%). Link to the whole study: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/27/how-people-around-the-world-view-same-sex-marriage/
  9. OMG. Gay DC Twitter knew about this. A Second Gay Congressional Staffer Was Filmed Having Sex in a Capitol Building A Senate staffer made headlines earlier this week after a leaked video showed him engaging in sexual acts with another maninside a Senate building. As it turns out, he wasn't the first. News broke on Wednesday of a second investigation into a congressional staffer, who allegedly filmed himself performing sex acts with another man inside the U.S. Capitol in the summer of 2022. The videos first circulated on Snapchat from a user with the screen name "Adam J," according to Semafor, which first reported the story. In one of the videos, a man masturbates inside a House office building, which the outlet identified through the furniture and a mouse pad branded with a congressional seal. In the second video, two men — whose faces were not visible — engaged in sexual acts in another office. The staffer has not been named but was identified by Semafor as a former senior House staffer of Republican U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington. A spokesperson told the outlet that they launched an investigation into “purported, unbecoming behavior” last year, but that it found “no conclusive evidence.” “As soon as the office was alerted, we immediately contacted the appropriate House entities to conduct an independent investigation,” the spokesperson said. "The office will not be providing further comment on personnel matters.” https://www.advocate.com/politics/capitol-hill-second-gay-sex
  10. https://euromedrights.org/publication/eu-migration-pact-to-impose-sweeping-new-human-rights-rollback/
  11. Biden expands pardons for marijuana possession and grants clemency to 11 NPR / Deepa Shivaram / December 22, 2023 Statement from President Joe Biden on Clemency Actions The White House / December 22, 2023
  12. According to Grindr’s data, more than 100 billion messages were sent on that platform in 2023. Not all countries have the same types of users, though: Trinidad and Tobago have the most self-identified tops, while South Korea has the most self-identified bottoms. All the twinks are apparently in the Netherlands and all the daddies are in the U.S. The countries with users who were most often looking for trans partners were also in the U.S., followed by the U.K. and India. The most commonly displayed song on profiles was “WAP” by Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B, followed by “7 Rings” by Ariana Grande, and “Happier than Ever” by Billie Elish. Clearly, we felt empowered in 2023. The app also surveyed 10,000 users to figure out what the biggest gag-worthy pop-culture moments of 2023 were. Coming in hot at No. 1 was Troye Sivan’s “One of Your Girls” music video, in which he transformed himself into a beautiful, yearning girl. The song of the year was Kylie Minogue’s “Padam Padam.” Obviously. The biggest movie of the year for the gays was “Barbie.” Duh. “Mother of the Year” was awarded to Beyoncé. And “Biggest Babygirl” of the year was handed to Harry Styles. Thankfully, Grindr collectively agreed that the biggest serve of the year were all of Beyoncé’s outfits on the Renaissance tour. And, despite the fact that “Pink Friday 2” has been out for less than two weeks, it made the top five albums of the year. We gotta give it to the Barbz — they’re committed. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/these-are-some-big-takeaways-from-grindrs-unwrapped-report_uk_6581696de4b036ecab467bb1
  13. Doesn’t look like he’ll get out The Hacker has previously been involved in hacking other companies: Link to Article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66549159.amp
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