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  1. Ok so guys (anyone that has followed my thread history) plz y'all, don't get @ me . This might be my 6534248th thread about a gay country, but I can explain! Someone made a comment on a thread here on a lot of world governments slowly turning away from left wing to right wing. I don't really follow politics much, especially internationally, since it just does nothing but stir up negative and anxiety-inducing feelings in me, so please excuse any ignorance. I get that there's SO many drawbacks to attempting to form a Floptropica. The birth rate might be absolutely unsustainable (although if enough gays & bis have kids, I don't see the issue). Russia could attempt to hack us EN MASSE to no end. Any right wing country with a nuke could try it & we'd be gonzo. But in the end, do you think it would be worth it? I mean if we're gonna go out, then we might as well go out SWINGING with VERVE & TENACITY. Should we stay & wait it out in our liberal countries (for those of us that already have the luxury to do so?) All this theocracy talk & project 2025 manifestos kinda has me a little spooked. It's like all these red-pill losers from every country in the world are collectively snapping & will stop at nothing to keep their ideologies in power. I'm sure there are a number of LGBT (or at least closeted) billionaires out there who would still want a place to indulge in their ish & be themselves if our rights end up going haywire (universe forbid) globally. Do you think they could band together & maybe buy up some land somewhere & at least get as far as a refuge town/city for LGBT? Let's discuss (for the 6547765th time ).
  2. From TasteAtlas: Full list with photos here Some notable ones featured: 4. Pizza Napoletana 7. Butter Garlic Naan 23. Karaage 28. Tonkotsu Ramen 34. Pierogi 36. Carnitas 39. Hot Pot 44. Shawarma 59. Pasta Carbonara 60. Döner Kebab 84. Guacamole 85. Nigiri What are your thoughts? Do you agree with the majority, or no? How many have you tried before?
  3. Honestly not sure if this is the right section (mods please move if not). However, who's your favorite current late night talk show host? I'm currently watching a lot of Seth Meyer's interviews and I think he has to take it for me. I absolutely cannot stand Jimmy Fallon and the way he cuts his guests off with his fake laughs and interruptions. So who are you guys favorite hosts?
  4. People say that it's hard to leard new skills or languages as an adult (18+), so I wanted to ask if you've learned any new things as an adult, could be things like painting, instruments, languages ...
  5. thedeathbymusic

    ATRL Twitter/X Thread

    Are ya'll still on X/Twitter? I feel like I remember a thread like this back in the day? Wanted to start a thread to follow people on ATRL and find mutuals to yap about pop music and gay stuff on there more Mods feel free to close if this already exists / isn't allowed
  6. What do you think about it ? Edit :
  7. Well, this is unfortunate. The context is tricky because we don't know much so I'm only going by the few info on the post. Thoughts?
  8. I am looking for a good horror movie to watch tonight. Any recommendations anything from the 2020-now
  9. Britney / Selena / Ari / Dua / Justin T - Served us with the worst comeback singles. Beyonce lost any direction of music at this point. Nicki's album is forgettable at this point. all eyes are towards Rihanna to save us from this.... mess.. HISS was the only good song coming nowadays. Even in the g listers: Kim Petras **** Pop Miami sounds like a recycled version of Ayesha (dumpster version of H4U). And Im saying it a stan of all of them, Its just sad seeing how bad pop music spiral. I just don't get what happened tbh
  10. A Men's Health survey in 2018 found "that 68 per cent of the 4,044 readers questioned trimmed their armpit hair, with only 1 in 10 admitting they never trim it." So ATRL, do you shave or trim your armpits, or do you just leave it au naturale.
  11. I really can't listen to music for a long time. I get bored fast. Even when I love an album, I only listen to it in parts. And I don't like to have music in the background. I love music and I like to talk about music and the artists, but Iistening to music I can only do in short bursts. I maybe only listen to max 5 songs per day. What about you?
  12. UPDATE: https://www.metacritic.com/tv/avatar-the-last-airbender-2024/ https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/avatar_the_last_airbender_2024/s01
  13. I know someone that lies about the dumest, most unimportant stuff and always gaslights me into believing its true. for example, its half past 8 but he lies and says its a quarter past 8. just dumb stuff that can be easily proven wrong but he still lies about it. the lies go further where they will tell stories that happened to them which you just know are manipulated and stuff that was completely made up. i like this person a lot but i cant trust them because of this anymore. I never understand why people who are pathalogical liars lie and it seems that there is no solid reason why they do it. What is your theory why people do this and if you dealt with pathalogical liars / narcissists in your life… how did you deal with them?
  14. I don't know what to do I work since I finished my BA but I don't want to work here my whole life. I wanted to study part-time and get MA (Visual Communication), It's the only course that might interest me even tho some people told me that I won't learn much there. Studying part-time for MA just seems like a total waste of money and time. It's on the weekends and it's mostly remote so I don't think I'll even make any connections there. But on the other hand, I kinda don't know what else to do to not end up at my job forever! I'm wondering if people here regret getting their Master's or think it's better to have one and sacrifice those 2 years. Or should I keep that money to myself and find another way for a better job
  15. Lana Banana

    Looking for a song

    Hi guys! I really can’t find this song.. I heard it at a gas station in California. I think the title is “One Love” and god knows how many songs titled like that there are. I remember there was a full woman’s body on the cover, the chorus pretty much repeats “one love” throughout. It sounds like it could be a Paula Abdul song from the 80s or 90s. Much appreciated!
  16. - How do you feel about Britney not taking Telephone and her demo being #1 most illegally downloaded song of 2011? - Can you tell me more about your relation to Britney, considering she was in a terrible conservatorship for 13 years and you did songs for her during that time i.e. Telephone, Quicksand. There must be more songs that we don’t know about, right? - When is the continuation of Telephone coming? - Did you like when Madonna performed BTW as a part of her tour, remixing it with Express Yourself, to prove that you bluntly plagiarized it, across the world? Or do you think she was just spreading love awareness with that number? - Do you still stand by your performance where you were puked on? - Did you know Tony was reaching his end so you decided to make the best out of it? - Was the whole Joanne thing not an attempt at regaining/seeking attention back? - Why record a song with BLACKPINK and not release a video for that song? Was it fun doing this to your fans, who expected it, hence why you put this song on the album? - Music?
  17. Is there a kind way of asking a regular hookup/date to have new bedsheets put on & have good oral hygiene (ft. floss) without struggling to find their profile on your feed the next day ? Have you ever ran into this scenario in your dating/hookup experience?
  18. Do you have this? And is it worth giving up carbs and bread?
  19. Reason I ask is because there is an old/ex friend who wants to reconnect. But tbh we didn’t end our friendship in the best of terms. He was massively flaky and I was taken advantage a lot and disrespected. Not too mention this friend talked a lot of **** about me in the past. Btw this is a old high school friend. We haven’t talked in 10 years. I recently reconnected with a lot former high school friends and I have manage to catch up too some of them. Anyway one of my old high school friends sent a friend request on Instagram and been sending private messages asking how I been etc. him and I always had a rivalry of some kind. I envied him a lot for many things. Mostly because he was an extrovert and had it easy to be social and make friends. We always competed in together in a lot of things sports, grades, appearance, dating etc.. but we never were malicious about it for years. At least I thought for a while. But towards senior year one of other friends exposed him and revealed he been talking **** about me and another close high school friend behind our backs for months now. Even made personal attacks about me. Anyways too keep it short our friend group sorta broke apart. With time I eventually moved on from everyone in high school and we all went our supérate ways. But now many of us have reconnected and tbh I don’t how to feel. sorry if I went off lol but the reason I ask is because I still feel angry with some of the **** he said about me and the way he treated me for a while and I always felt like I wanted too get back at this friend. But tbh idk if this is healthy at all. I just want to know if you guys ever went through anything like this and got revenge on a friend or someone who really mistreated you in the past. should I reconnect with this friend or leave it in the past?
  20. Do you believe in the spirit box videos where YouTubers contact celebrities in the afterlife? Can it be faked? I'm skeptical it's interesting to think about. I deffo believe in an afterlife.
  21. Lose yourself in a movie or a great book and forget all about your life and your personal situation. I find that I like to do it but it is addictive.
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