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  1. The Federal Aviation is ordering the grounding of the model of Boeing plane involved in the Alaska Airlines blowout incident. The FAA said the planes must be parked until emergency inspections are performed, which will “take around four to eight hours per aircraft.” The order impacts 171 Boeing 737 MAX 9 jets, the agency approximates. https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/alaska-airlines-boeing-01-06-24/index.html
  2. Are you ready for the meltdowns?
  3. Delirious

    Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread

    83K likes. Twitter needs to be shut down Jesus Christ. Thank god for context (which was posted wayyyy too late) She actually talks about the Hamas eyeraping here And she OBVIOUSLY never said it and the fact that people actually believe she did speaks volumes. Goes to show how much people hate not only Israeli people but their victims. She should sue for defamation against that disgusting creep
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/04/world/middleeast/us-isis-iran-general-suleimani.html
  5. Muslim leaders announced on Saturday that they are going national with an effort to dissuade voters from reelecting President Joe Biden in 2024 due to his failure to call for a cease-fire in Gaza. The #AbandonBiden campaign officially began earlier in December, led by Muslim leaders in swing states like Michigan, Minnesota and Arizona, who disapproved of Biden’s support for Israel’s counterattacks against Hamas. More than 22,000 people have been killed in Gaza since the war began, according to the Hamas-run health ministry there. Now, the coalition intends to expand the pressure campaign to all 50 states. “We will save America from itself, by punishing Biden at the ballot box,” said lead organizer Jaylani Hussein in a statement. The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The coalition plans to endorse an independent presidential candidate, Hussein told CNBC. He added that the campaign does not support former President Donald Trump, the current Republican frontrunner, though it is aware of the risks of depleting Biden’s voter base. “There is a likelihood that our votes may weaken the Democrats that the Republicans may win,” Hussein said. “We’re not fools about that.” The #AbandonBiden campaign is willing to take that risk, he said: “We will risk an unknown four years of Trump.” Trump’s track record on protecting Muslim freedoms does not garner optimism though and the former president has been vocal about his plans to pick up where he left off. Should Trump win a second term, he said he wants to reintroduce and expand his Muslim ban, which prohibited U.S. entry of people from seven Muslim-majority countries. Still, Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war has been a blight to his reelection campaign so far, especially among key voter demographics that helped put him in office four years ago. Young voters sunk Biden’s approval rating to an all-time low in a November NBC poll, due centrally to his foreign policy actions in the war. And Muslim-Americans in battleground states, who helped win Biden his thin margin of victory in 2020, have said they would rather vote for a third-party candidate or not vote at all this time around. That is not exclusive to Muslim-Americans. An October Gallup poll found that a majority of voters are so dissatisfied with the Republican and Democratic parties that they think an independent party candidate is needed. Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/30/muslim-leaders-expand-campaign-to-abandon-biden-over-israel-hamas-war.html
  6. Carry My Heart

    The Epstein files have been released

    Link: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc Link #2 (backup): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6250471-Epstein-Docs Update: Notable people who've been named in the filings include Bill Clinton and Donald Trump
  7. do lebanon and syria "have the right to defend themselves"?
  8. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/01/asia/japan-earthquake-tsunami-warning-intl-hnk/index.html
  9. “I don’t believe in welfare,” Republican Gov. Jim Pillen said of declining a federal program that would feed food-insecure children in the summer of 2024. The Republican governor of Nebraska is standing by his decision to reject a federal program that would give the state $18 million to help feed food-insecure children next summer. Gov. Jim Pillen reiterated his stance in a statement Friday on why the state won’t be participating in the 2024 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children or Summer EBT program. At a rally on Friday in front of the Governor’s Residence, advocates for the federal program argued the Summer Food Service Program doesn’t reach thousands of kids who aren’t able to participate in those on-site programs, the Nebraska Examiner reported. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nebraska-governor-reject-summer-electronic-benefits-transfer-children-federal-program_n_65906194e4b0cd3cf0e57a6c
  10. the 84-page application: https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf
  11. President Joe Biden's current approval rating is lower than that of the last four presidents who failed to win a second term, according to polling data. Biden's popularity among voters has been a major talking point in the 2024 campaign. His approval rating percentage has steadily been in the low 40s for most of his presidency. It was at its highest when Biden first took office in January 2021 at 53.1 percent and at its lowest in July 2022 at 38.2 percent, according to poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight. A recent poll conducted by the American Research Group from December 17-20 found that 37 percent of Americans approve of Biden's handling of his presidency, while 57 percent disapprove. The poll surveyed 1,100 adults living in the continental U.S. and had a margin of error of 3 percentage points. Looking at how Biden's popularity fares compared to past incumbents who lost their reelection campaigns, he has a lower approval rating than Donald Trump, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford at the same point in their presidencies. Biden's approval rating is about 10 points behind former Democratic President Jimmy Carter's at this point in their presidencies. On the 1,074th day of the Carter administration, the president had a 49.2 percent approval rating. Carter lost to Republican candidate Ronald Reagan in the 1980 election. Read more: https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-less-popular-last-4-presidents-who-failed-win-second-term-1856574
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