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  1. Omg - the way every host is putting on an Oscar performance like THE RENT WAS DUE Tamar: saying I look like a muppet Tamera: Lemme see (pushes Tamar's hair to the side, wants a better look) Loni: Trying not to laugh, gurl u can't be serious, I need to hold it together Jeannie: fake sympathizing - tears why aren't you coming out! Adrienne: I went to 8 years of acting school I can do this
  2. A solid decade of numerous #1’s, the first artist that’s managed real, genuine consecutive back to back smash eras with real genuine hits and not fizzling out like almost every MPG the past 15 yrs (whether or not some managed a comeback), does Ari have anything left to prove? If she quit music would she have had anything left she should have done to make an impact or have had more success?
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but this is the biggest Pokemon clone so far I've been playing on Xbox and the game is so addictive.
  4. https://www.thegamer.com/gaming-needs-expand-its-roster-of-male-voice-actors/ Troy Baker is the voice of Indiana Jones in the new game. Per Wiki: Baker is known for his video game roles, including Joel Miller in The Last of Us franchise, Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite (2013), Samuel "Sam" Drake in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016) and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017), Rhys Strongfork in Tales from the Borderlands (2014), Snow Villiers in Final Fantasy XIII (2010), Kanji Tatsumi in Persona 4 (2008), Talion in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014), and Middle-earth: Shadow of War (2017), Pagan Min in Far Cry 4 (2014), Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) and Higgs Monaghan in Death Stranding (2019). Baker has also voiced Batman, The Joker, Hawkeye, and Loki in various media, and has provided voices for a number of English dubs of anime, including Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Naruto: Shippuden, Code Geass, and Soul Eater. His voice as Jones may as well be AI and we won't be able to tell because the AI has so much material to pull from.
  5. https://www.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter/?ref_=nv_mv_mpm also still #1 on Letterboxd and rotten tomatoes on their weekly chart. before the police comes in here, this is just online popularity, nothing to do with box office or streaming numbers. although the movie has been #1 on streaming for 3 weeks, then neck and neck with netflix's Lift for the past week https://flixpatrol.com/top10/ also new peak today #20 (+6) for "Murder on the dance Floor" on US Spotify, #2 UK, #13 Global deserved? overrated?
  6. I just saw this tweet and I was shocked, she was such a beauty…
  7. What is the least appealing trait in a romantic interest?
  8. This guy I met isn't masturbating constantly throughout the day like chronic masturbators so I do not think he suffers from chronic masturbation BUT every time he does masturbate, he does it at least 3 times in a row with 10 minute breaks in between. Is this common or should this be concerning?
  9. for school… which do you prefer?
  10. Back in the day, straight men were known to be fat slobs with unwashed asses, but now that Gen-Z and late-Millennial men are grown, a lot of the straight ones are showing effeminate / baby-girl/ E-lordi behavior. While that is great and everything, it gives cultural appropriation and could be misleading to gays. I feel that straight men should be men so gays can clock bis and other gays easily. Opinions?
  11. Sorry for opening a whole thread but i just feel like i am at wits end with dealing with issues. i am currently in counseling for the last six months and have gotten solid guidance from her. At times, i just feel like ive relapsed in some of the things we talk about (to be specific — my career, my relationship with my mother). I also go through the whole “I don’t want to be a burden to anyone because everyone has things going on,” so it limits me from reaching out to my close friends. It’s also been ten years to the date when I first became homeless and lived on the streets in DC for almost 4-5 months until I was able to find a place to live and, most importantly, become gainfully employed again. i just wanted to know how you all are able to go through bouts of depression because it’s really starting to hit me hard. Thank you.
  12. "Videos on YouTube, like Netflix, will be available on Vision Pro via the built-in web browser, but there won’t be a dedicated app for the headset, according to the video platform." "A Spotify rep confirmed that the music and audio streamer hasn’t announced any plans for a Vision Pro app but declined to comment further." https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/apples-vision-pro-netflix-youtube-spotify-1235877784/ Anyway, I wait for the Google/Samsung version.
  13. I was just thinking the other day of a few movie/TV show quotes that made me kinda emotional ngl. They didn't necessarily spoil the plot & some fans of these shows might not even remember the context of these quotes (but the ones who know, know). But what are some that make you feel like this from your fave TV show or movie? So these are some out of context quotes that's been kinda messing me up lately: The Handmaid's Tale: June. We can beat the train dummy! Glee: Mr Schue: Did he really say that? Rachel Berry: Laughs through her tears How To Get Away With Murder: Frank: Tell Anneliese.... Bonnie: crying No Frank. You can tell her...
  14. Is it predatory if a gay baits a str8 dude online? By bait i mean pretends to be a girl in order to get the str8 guy to send him nudes. Something like how james charles did to his rival school soccer team where he pretended to be a girl and used girls pics in order to get the soccers team boys to send him nudes.
  15. I have noticed that many people do this. Do you?
  16. Going to make this short: Why is it that Cubans end up being these extremist Trumpanzees and rabid America #1 fanatics ? At least the ones I (kinda) know in my life
  17. It’s bothering me lately. What are some ways to cope with it? Edit with some details: I’m pretty much in the closet and don’t plan on coming out. It’s just not an option for me right now. I know it’s crucial but would also love to find ways to be okay with it as much as possible.
  18. Distantconstellation

    "Our community"??? You are on your own.

    Whats up with a lot of gays always going on about "our community" and thinking just because someone is lgbtq they should be supported. Yeah it doesnt work that way. I would not support someone like Pette Buttigieg because hes a corporate dem and his beliefs are not it. Him being gay makes no difference to me.
  19. Tell me because I would like to know. Okay? Okay! I am studying Freakonomics
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