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  1. Obviously, it's not a song anyone would choose to listen to, but imagine how good this will be in the future? Will we ever be able to trust songwriting/producing credits? We barely can these days already
  2. She's been banned for four years, and her gold medals have been annulled. This means that the US team will probably take gold medals nowRussian cheaters finally getting punished.
  3. Germany sees second day of large protests against far right An estimated 1.4 million people in Germany demonstrated against the far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD) from Friday to Sunday, according to the organizers of the events. From Friday through the weekend, demonstrations were called in about 100 locations across Germany. On Sunday, rallies were held in major cities such as Cologne, Munich and Berlin. Several other German cities, including Cottbus, Dresden and Chemnitz in the east, also planned to hold demonstrations. In Berlin, around 100,000 gathered outside the Bundestag, or the lower house of parliament, according to police figures. Police in Munich said that some 80,000 people participated in the march, while organizers put the figure at 200,000. The march had to be called off due to overcrowding and attendees were asked to disperse. Meanwhile, in Cologne, police sources put the number of demonstrators at around 10,000. Why are so many people protesting now? The wave of mobilization against the far-right party was sparked by a January 10 report from investigative outlet Correctiv, which revealed that AfD members had met with extremists in Potsdam in November to discuss expelling immigrants and "non-assimilated citizens." Members of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the main opposition party, were reportedly also present. Participants in the meeting discussed "remigration," a term often used in far-right circles as a euphemism for the expulsion of immigrants and minorities. News of the meeting shocked many in Germany at a time when the AfD is riding high in opinion polls ahead of three major regional elections in eastern Germany, where the party's support is strongest. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who joined a demonstration last weekend, said any plan to expel immigrants or citizens alike amounted to "an attack against our democracy, and in turn, on all of us". AfD confirmed the presence of its members at the meeting but maintained that its remigration proposals, which were part of its last election manifesto, do not include naturalized German citizens. These comments at the meeting were made by an Austrian far-right figure, Martin Sellner, who is not a member of the AfD. https://www.dw.com/en/germany-second-day-of-anti-far-right-protests-sweeps-major-cities/a-68045396
  4. the United States has bombed Yemen, Somalia, Syria & Iraq and helped Israel bomb Gaza, the west bank & Lebanon all in the first 3 weeks of 2024, great achievement for the US administration that promised to not continue the US t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶m̶ wars
  5. ZeroSuitBritney

    Israel-Palestine Conflict 2023/ 2024 Mega Thread

    Do you ever ask yourself how we have gotten here as a country?
  6. Thoughts about this year Semana Santa poster?
  7. https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24049050/microsoft-activision-blizzard-layoffs
  8. The far right leader who has been elected as president in Argentina, whose economic measures took the country to the worst monthly inflation in decades just a month after his inauguration, announced that his cloned dogs will finally be moving to the presidential house now that the cages he's building for them to live in are almost finished. Congratulations for this noteworthy achievement Translation of the tweet: "Fortunately we're advancing in the construction of the cages... soon my BABIES will come to live with me at Quinta De Olivos. LONG LIVE FREEDOM, DAMN!" The aforementioned message celebrating freedom goes along with pictures of the cages he pretends to trap his dogs in
  9. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/23/conde-nast-walkout-union-layoffs-new-york We love to see it
  10. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/polls-open-taiwans-critical-elections-watched-closely-by-china-2024-01-13/
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