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  1. Do you think a big celebrity is behind an atrl account ? Do you think it's possible ?
  2. On 12th July 1979 at the end of a Baseball game in Chicago, a box containing disco records was blown up on the pitch to a crowd of 50,000 people. The White Sox pulled the stunt in an attempt to attract more people to the game and partnered with anti-disco campaigner, DJ Steve Dahl, to pull of the stunt. Attendees were offered discounted tickets if they brought along a disco record to be destroyed as part of the event. This was the culmination of a wider backlash against Disco music in the United Sates, especially by Rock music fans. In the following years the genre declined in popularity and many artists started instead referring to their music as "Dance" music. Arguably the impact is still felt in the US music scene to this day.
  3. After years of finally wanting to go, I finally get to eat at Joanne Trattoria this weekend, famously known as the restaurant owned by Gaga's parents. For those of you who have dined there, do you have any recommendations? I'm planning to get an appetizer and dessert along with the main course.
  4. Okay I was not sure about posting this but I find it really weird/interesting and ATRL is the only place where I can talk to hundreds of gays so I'll do it. My whole life I identified myself as a "bottom" and I never tried topping, wasn't even interested on it. To give some info about myself I always had a masc look tbh and people that met me for the first time would never guess i was a bottom from the outside probably (had to say this because stereotypes are still a thing in my country sadly) but still, I never thought about topping and was only a bottom for YEARS. Anyways literally something suddenly shifted a few days ago and I want to top SO BAD now. like suddenly literally nothing about bottoming turns me on anymore. i didn't change anything in my lifestyle too, just turned 21 last month but i don't think that has to do with anything. I woke up a few days ago and suddenly I was a top. Like I changed my bio and preferences on dating apps etc too to give another examples related to this i always had interest in footplay too, but now i want to be the dominant one, while in the past i was always the one that was worshipping. suddenly everything's changed and flipped.... Can someone tell me what could be the explanation for this and why it was such a sudden change? am i a verse now or will i never bottom again? have you experienced such a thing? it feels like i'm having a gay awakening for the second time which is really weird..... BTW, i didn't post this in "The Roof" because it doesn't have anything directly explicit, but it can be moved there if needed.
  5. For me it's "Grass is always greener on the other side", especially now with social media, where I have constantly run into people who show a "reality" very different from the one they really have most recent example was a not-so-close friend who always brags about her job on ig (daily stories) and then when I met her, she told me she's currently with a two-week medical leave because of stress So now I just focus on what I have and try to be grateful everyday
  6. Be respectful. If it gets too explicit or messy, I’ll ask them to move this to The Roof Gay men are just as misogynistic as straight men and are just as blatant. Just because you hide behind pop girl avis, successes, pretend to hate male music and like dick too doesn’t mean you’re exempt from displaying and benefiting off of misogyny. The “Regina George” gay, is absolutely insufferable. It’s even worse when you’re over the age of 30. Being gay doesn’t have to determine your interest. One recent example is when the GTA VI trailer came out and I saw several RuPaul gays asking “sInCe wHen DiD gAy pEoPle cAre AbOuT gTA” and almost mocking them for doing so. Gay men can have other interests like sports, video games, or whatever outside of other stereotypical activities without it being an attempt to appear “different” or a pick me. Deflecting by saying “well straight people do it too!!!” to justify weird and gross behavior doesn’t make your behavior and less weird or gross. you’re nasty and they’re nasty too. Asking who’s the top and who's the bottom or just overall forcing heteronormativity on relationships where you don’t see an overly masculine men is weird and the fact that gay men can’t wrap their heads around this is just yes, “traditional” top/bottom couples exists with a masculine and feminine partner, but that’s not the standard. masculine men can be bottoms, feminine tops exist, people can be vers, sides exist and gay men can asexual. not everything is black and white
  7. Devin


    Click Here Click Here
  8. What are some places to buy the best quality wigs? I'm currently wearing one of my mom's Amazon return wigs and it has too many knots. 🪢 I'm open to suggestions.
  9. I was recently invited to an influencer brunch by one of my good friends, it was in downtown la. I arrived 30 mins early, around 5:30 pm or so, it was at a bar and grill I believe. When I went in they had someone serving drinks and I tried a Bloody Mary for the first time ever, it was alright, but I was expecting a little more. My friend told me that I should expect around 40 influencers or so, I was a little nervous, because I'm just starting out in the influencer scene. It was sort of intimidating. A few minutes later a few women arrived, I believe one of them gave me a dirty look, I wanted to go up to them and ask them to have some manners and respect for me. My friend said it's not worth it. Mind you there was loud music playing, so it made sense to just let it go. I'm mentally crippled so I'm not good at managing my emotions. Around 30 minutes later the bar was full, overwhelmingly full, I don't do well in crowded spaces. At one point I posed for a picture with a few girls, and it was embarrassing because my wig was practically falling out. I had makeup caked on, it was all bad. As someone with a degree in Makeup & Beauty, I knew I could do better but I was in a rush, it was very last-minute. For the brunch I had chicken fingers, unsalted French fries, and a Diet Coke. I don't do well with sugar. After about 2 hours everyone started leaving, we exchanged our @'s and whatnot. I feel like this scene was made for me, although it can be a bit intimidating. I would 100% go to an influencer brunch again, that is if my wig is willing to cooperate next time!
  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-05-30/disney-s-inside-out-2-could-hold-key-to-pixar-restoring-movie-magic?srnd=businessweek-v2&sref=BvMchGq4 They will also stop producing personal stories and focus in "concepts with mass appeal". Thoughts?
  11. He's right and he should say it.
  12. Why does this site consist overwhelmingly of gay men? Str8 girls listen to pop girls too. In fact, our faves have more girl fans than gay fans sheer # wise. So why don't we see more of the divine feminine here?
  13. I was in la and I bumped into Monica Tilly at a Victoria's Secret. And last year I had dinner with Loretta Jones. Have you met any celebs recently?
  14. 2024-2025 Awards Season A new year means new movies that will be coming out, many of whom will premiere at film festivals and go on to be considered during awards season. This thread will also host nominations and award ceremonies. Film festival dates: Palm Springs International Film Festival: Jan 4-15 Sundance Film Festival: Jan 18-28 International Film Festival Rotterdam: Jan 25 - Feb 4 Santa Barbara International Film Festival: Feb 8-17 Berlin International Film Festival: Feb 15-25 Dublin International Film Festival: Feb 22 - Mar 2 Glasgow Film Festival: Feb 28 - Mar 10 SXSW: Mar 8-16 Hong Kong International Film Festival: Mar 28 - Apr 8 Cannes Film Festival: May 14-25 Tribeca Film Festival: June 5-16 Sydney Film Festival: June 5-16 Venice International Film Festival: Aug 28 - Sep 7 Telluride Film Festival: Aug 29 - Sep 2 Toronto International Film Festival: Sep 9-19 San Sebastian International Film Festival: Sep 20-28 New York Film Festival: Sep 27 - Oct 13 Woodstock Film Festival: Oct 15-20 More festivals: 2024 film festivals and markets calendar: latest dates | News | Screen (screendaily.com) 2024 Film Festival Dates — Film Fest Report (film-fest-report.com) What films are you eager to see this year? ____ Berlin - Golden Bear: Dahomey by Mati Diop Cannes - Palme d'or: Anora by Sean Baker
  15. This can be a feature or duet of a Tinashe album track, non-album single, or DJ collab where she takes lead vocals. My favorite right now is Play Fight that she did with THEY. Love the guitar and early 2000s R&B production and melodies. She always know how to set a proper vibe. Other favorites at the moment: Save Room for Us (MAKJ) Need to add that this is genuinely one of the best songs of the 2010s. I can write a thesis on this one. Way too short for its own good. HMU for a Good Time (Channel Tres) + all the 333 collabs Her voice was made for house music. Love the way the song feels unstructured, just takes its own direction. Really wish BB/ANG3L had picked up where this song left off. Bet (Devonté Hynes) You know Dev will bring an entrancing and heavenly guitar solo to a song and it will always devour. Vulnerable (Travis Scott) One of my favorites off Black Water. Her early alt-trap tracks are excellent. Savannah Sunset (Made in Tokyo) Criminally underrated collab. Lots of atmosphere, reverb, and sultriness on her vocals. Might Die Young (Bobby Brackins and Olivia O'Brien) The distorted electric guitar with the trap drums work really well. Wish it would have been a Tinashe feature only. Her vocals sound amazing.
  16. Coming next Wednesday June 5, so mysterious! Literally can't wait for whatever he's premiering
  17. write your last.fm nick in here http://nicholast.fm and choose the befitting month
  18. There's almost an expectation for celebrities now to talk about social and political issues on social media. If they're silent on social media you have celebrity obsessed stans calling them out for being 'complicit'. But why do we expect celebrities, often times vacuous ones like Kim Kardashian, to talk about issues that are unrelated to their work? It doesn't make a big difference or at least not to the same extent as putting pressure on your local government officials. For me, it seems virtue signalling and at worse performative activism. If you think otherwise I'm open to hearing your thoughts. But the current trend of online 'activism', if you can even call it that, seems shallow and hypocritical.
  19. Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries Newsweek / Marni Rose McFall / May 31, 2024 Source
  20. I didn't get the promotion I was hoping for, and honestly, I feel pretty unmotivated and sad. I've been hitting all my targets and getting great feedback from clients, so this was a real blow. Working in the tech industry is tough right now, and with the job market as tight as it is, I can't just leave, even though I've thought about threatening to quit. To make things more complicated, I kinda have a crush on my boss. He's always been a mentor to me and promised he'd vouch for me, which makes it hard to walk away. I feel like it's time to step up and not rely on him to make my case anymore. The worst part is, he's straight, so this crush is unrealistic, to say the least. I know I need to focus on my career and not let my feelings get in the way, but it's easier said than done. I feel stuck and don't know how to move forward. What would you do in my situation? And seriously, how do you stop having a crush on your boss?
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