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  1. Will Gaga have her signature romantic classic with the Top Gun soundtrack?
  2. Soap Operas can be so messy. post some of the ridiculous here! for example; a girl falling down the stairs for over 45 seconds
  3. Russia trying to do everything possible to block Ukraine from joining NATO teas, wtf
  4. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220420-respect-religious-beliefs-of-muslims-china-tells-sweden/
  5. I've struggled with suicidal thoughts all my life for various reasons, and they've amplified many, many fold recently. Even as I type this. Perhaps this is just me, but I find the idea of what lies beyond both appealing, and simultaneously a deterrent to acting on those thoughts. And reading across testimonies of survivors (as in, those who failed their attempts), it seems a lot of the times ideas of the beyond can govern behaviour...a lot of the times, people have distinct ideas and expectations. So, what do you personally believe lies beyond death? Is it just... Nothing? Like existing pre-birth? Or do you think there is something more/less?
  6. tl;dr Republicans in Florida are passing a bill to punish Disney for opposing the "Don't Say Gay" bill but the provisions of the bill make it so that Disney's $2 billion tax debt will be shifted onto the taxpayers.
  7. Work From Home is being rejected/frowned by corporate and government, why? WFH should be mandatory to companies that dont need face to face work, to avoid the following waste of time in commuting ridiculous gas prices clogged heavy traffic destruction of the planet unnecessary waste of time, money, clothing, resources so why is Work From Home is being rejected/frowned by corporate and government?
  8. _________________________________________________________________________ For those of you who are interested, do read these links shared by "mystery". Front Matter | Origins, Worlds, and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032 |The National Academies Press
  9. Alright, it is happening... AGAIN! The heteronormative order has been rattled for long enough and now there's an international anti-LGBTQ backlash taking the form of repressive laws and reactionary discourse mostly aimed at invalidating and making life harder for transgender/gender non-conforming people and further creating a consensus that LGBTQ people are sick deviations that should be patiently tolerated at best and violently squashed at worst. Some might brush this aside as irrelevant "culture wars" and not a "real issue", but being discriminated by your government/community and being slandered as a "predator" does have significant economic, social and psychological consequences that could eventually affect a lot of us, even if, for now, your community/government has not be poisoned by this phenomenon. So what should we do to combat this without undermining our own humanity? Again, this is happening in many parts of the world in many different ways, so all perspectives are welcomed.
  10. Marry Illusion Glory

    Lady Gaga Heardle

    Lady Gaga Heardle #2 ??⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lady-gaga-heardle.glitch.me/ Rules: Listen to the intro, then search the correct Lady Gaga song from the list. Skipped or incorrect attempts unlock more of the intro. Answer in as few tries as you can and share your score. Post your results! If the track is unavailable in your location, use a VPN.
  11. Most viewed movie trailers: 1.Spider-Man: No Way Home Teaser - 355.5M views 2. Avengers: Endgame Teaser Trailer - 289M views 3. Avengers: Endgame Trailer - 268M views 4. Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer - 230M views 5. The Lion King Teaser Trailer - 224.6M views 6. Thor: Love and Thunder Teaser Trailer, 209M views Natalie Portman her power
  12. I’ve been seeing a lot of femme-shaming this year directed at me and other users. It’s weird how someone in a position of passing as a straight man to enjoy straight male privilege somehow thinks they can shame people who don’t have the privilege? Do you masc gays not understand that’s a bit sociopathic to enjoy straight male privilege and put down others who don’t? Extremely sociopathic if we’re being honest.
  13. Kevin Parker

    Hottest Avenger?

    Black Widow Iron Man http://31.media.tumblr.com/cc62c8aa8bc1877a9305ea6118c43fe6/tumblr_mt2vb7FJPm1sirwlfo1_500.gif Captain America Black Panther Captain Marvel Thor Doctor Strange Vision Spider-Man Hawkeye Wanda
  14. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/netflix-q1-2022-earnings-1235132028/
  15. In a very rare move, the #2 movie of the weekend (Sonic) beat the #1 movie (Secrets of Dumbledore) on the Monday right after. This means Secrets of Dumbledore's first Monday in theaters made less money than Sonic 2's second Monday in theaters. Imagine telling someone a decade ago that a Sonic the Hedgehog movie will make more money than a new movie in the Harry Potter franchise. Congratulations to JKR and the team for accomplishing this
  16. Just had my first 503 error or whatever since the big ATRL thread purge. Why? Is there a big pop event going on rn that crashed the servers? Are you surprised? Has it happened to you yet since we've gotten back?
  17. I was giving this Shawn Mendes breakup song a try and I thought I'd heard something similar, then it clicked. Am I hearing this correctly?
  18. Hey besties, I hope this is the right place to post it, if not feel free to remove it I am trying to start a music blog based in Berlin. I know there are plenty of music blogs out there but I haven't found one that is simply focused on Berlin and it's music scene. Currently I am mostly posting about recent music news, reviews or try to recommend some non-mainstream music. Once I have some more visitors on the blog I will post about the Berlin club scene or some underrated artists having a concert here. But I need your help! If you are from Berlin, love music and writing feel free to contact me. I am posting some short news on Twitter to my non-existent followers as well, where some musicians evens retweeted my tweets lol. Let's create something cool together. Here is my blog. I recently changed the design to something more striking. Please be nice
  19. I have to give it up to checkers with the new fry seasoning chicken tenders. OMG SO good with the fries and some buffalo sauce
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