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  1. Currently streaming on Netflix. Viola's story is incredible. I wish the interview went a little more in depth about her life and how she overcame certain struggles especially as her fame skyrocketed. I'm not familiar with Oprah's interviews but does she interrupt her guests so often? Every time Viola tried to piece her response together, Oprah butts in. Its frustrating to watch.
  2. Are we? This is to show to one of my friends that keep saying it and states that it’s only bad when a white person says it. He is even a white latino lol
  3. I’ve been living in the Chicago Northalsted (formally and more famously known as Boystown) area now for close to five years and in those years have seen this area deteriorate; mainly on weekend nights during the summer months. There’s always fights breaking out in the streets and just chaos! Those who live in the area suggest people from the south side / west side areas come up and cause havoc out in the streets and are turning the neighborhood into an unsafe place to live. However, we just had our first hot day of the year, reaching 80 degrees this past Saturday, and the girlies (including myself) were OUT!
  4. Game of Thrones was once considered Must See TV and it's final season left something to be desired. What happened?
  5. Truly disgusting. Imagine if Germans celebrated the Holocaust every year on Holocaust Remembrance Day.. these people are equivalent to that. But unlike Germany, that made Holocaust denial illegal, Turkey and Azerbaijan have a policy of simultaneously denying the Armenian Genocide, celebrating the killing of 1.5 million Armenians, and even claiming Armenians are the ones who committed genocide against Turks. This results in generations of people growing up hateful and brainwashed.
  6. Bloodflowers.

    Coming out to family members?

    I've been thinking about coming out to my older brother, he would be the first family member I would ever come out, but I am scared as hell...... Any experience, how and when did y'all came out and if you didn't yet, do you plan in the future?
  7. So my very close white friend recently told me he wishes black artists could erase the n-word from their dictionary so they could stop getting mad when white people use it/sing it in songs. This friend is a big R&B and hip-hip fan and we both skip the n-word (I’m white too) when we sing along so that statement threw me off so much that I kinda don’t wanna see him right now Have you been in a similar situation? Should I take the time to explain why he’s wrong? Should I come to terms with the fact that I can’t change people’s opinions and try to accept them for who they are? Help.
  8. Curious to know. I've recently discovered that its much better do DL on back day since its an exercise that puts weight on your spinal discs and when you do other exercised back after it helps de-compress the spine; like pull ups, etc. I used to do them on leg day this way I would do all the heavy lifting in one day but I was experimenting some back pinching, so I stopped DL for a couple months and now I'm back at it again for back days. Feels good. What about you? When do you deadlift?
  9. Symmetra

    Would you take immortality?

    Say you were offered a pill that gave you immortality, would you take the pill?
  10. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/04/16/florida-education-officials-reject-54-math-textbooks-for-attempts-to-indoctrinate-students/ yes, you heard that right, math textbooks
  11. Well the question says it all. Usually on social networks where you are not identifiable or in forums people love to show their worst part (or maybe it's their real face): they insult, threaten, mock etc. even in our small community a similar phenomenon occurs. Each fanbase has its own "crazy / troll" users, but I think you will agree that there is one fanbase in particular that likes to spread nasty, insulting, mocking and so on. I don't wanna mention names, but there are users who have spent at least the last 5 years of their life on this forum insulting others more than supporting theirs. Every reason is good to mock them, they even act in groups in topics that the administration should close more often. Wouldn't it be better to ban these people? we all love being shady sometimes, but if a user makes 25 threads where he just tries to mock / provoke and / or 20 of their 30 posts are insulting / flame for X what is the point of still being in this community? it just hurts and ruins the mood, it's like hate is a part of them and they can't live it in the quiet / fun way that being shady is supposed to be.
  12. They'll only stop after everyone is on debt I fear Check out the tour's base for more!
  13. https://deadline.com/2022/04/box-office-northman-bad-guys-unbearable-weight-of-massive-talent-1235007973/ Billie Eilish's Bad Guys predicted to have a great OW while TERF's movie will have a ~70% drop and falls to #3 behind Sonic.
  14. Kevin Parker

    Hottest Avenger?

    Black Widow Iron Man http://31.media.tumblr.com/cc62c8aa8bc1877a9305ea6118c43fe6/tumblr_mt2vb7FJPm1sirwlfo1_500.gif Captain America Black Panther Captain Marvel Thor Doctor Strange Vision Spider-Man Hawkeye Wanda
  15. princedonte

    Ha Funky butt Lost

    She lost. No Presidency for ha
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