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  1. Gorjesspazze9

    Venom 3 in development

    Sony revealed that Venom 3 is in development at cinemacon this week. Tom Hardy & His Symbiotic Bestie will officially have thier own trilogy. how do you want this film to play out? Who will be the Villain/Hero? And will the Multiverse play a major role in the film?
  2. I feel ******* unsafe here!!! I cannot stand this **** anymore
  3. Truly disgusting. Imagine if Germans celebrated the Holocaust every year on Holocaust Remembrance Day.. these people are equivalent to that. But unlike Germany, that made Holocaust denial illegal, Turkey and Azerbaijan have a policy of simultaneously denying the Armenian Genocide, celebrating the killing of 1.5 million Armenians, and even claiming Armenians are the ones who committed genocide against Turks. This results in generations of people growing up hateful and brainwashed.
  4. Cleanromantic

    What was your first phone?

    This legend right here was all the rage in middle school when we all started asking our parents to buy us phones . If you didn't own one, you were looked down upon basically ( Samsung was the it girl, but the cool girls always had Nokia phones for some reason) But one drawback is that the slider was so fragile and broke frequently, so I ended up probably owning 3 or 4 phones like it.
  5. So my very close white friend recently told me he wishes black artists could erase the n-word from their dictionary so they could stop getting mad when white people use it/sing it in songs. This friend is a big R&B and hip-hip fan and we both skip the n-word (I’m white too) when we sing along so that statement threw me off so much that I kinda don’t wanna see him right now Have you been in a similar situation? Should I take the time to explain why he’s wrong? Should I come to terms with the fact that I can’t change people’s opinions and try to accept them for who they are? Help.
  6. For me, I hope to have a loving husband and a family (two or three kids) A lovely home, a job I enjoy and a nice income of living. Supporting family and group of friends. How about you?
  7. I’ve been living in the Chicago Northalsted (formally and more famously known as Boystown) area now for close to five years and in those years have seen this area deteriorate; mainly on weekend nights during the summer months. There’s always fights breaking out in the streets and just chaos! Those who live in the area suggest people from the south side / west side areas come up and cause havoc out in the streets and are turning the neighborhood into an unsafe place to live. However, we just had our first hot day of the year, reaching 80 degrees this past Saturday, and the girlies (including myself) were OUT!
  8. They'll only stop after everyone is on debt I fear Check out the tour's base for more!
  9. for the long time in Philippine history there will be one candidate that does not come from a political family or showbiz popularity that does not have hidden wealth and questionable assets managed to get an ISO certification and highest government audit gets celebrity endorsements that ranges for $2M for free which is Leni Robredo is close enough to win the president but seems the major frontrunner, the son of the dictator and biggest government robbers Bongbong Marcos might win the world is watching, if Leni Robredo win then other dictators or corrupt might be careful but if Bongbong wins then this might fuel and entice more of the corrupt to utilize brainwashing and historical revisionism through social media trends will your country be affected or are they doing the same tactics the Marcos is doing through social media? the fact that MARCOSES are RICHER than most of the main pop girls combined
  10. The Alpha kids will be the kids of mostly Millenials and early Gen Z’ers. Right now they are mostly known for being the ‘iPad generation’ and their addiction to Roblox. What do you predict they will be like when they grow up? Will they be as concerned about the environment, racial inequality and social causes like Gen Z? Will they listen to the same alt pop artists like Lana, Billie etc? Discuss!
  11. Bloodflowers.

    Coming out to family members?

    I've been thinking about coming out to my older brother, he would be the first family member I would ever come out, but I am scared as hell...... Any experience, how and when did y'all came out and if you didn't yet, do you plan in the future?
  12. princedonte

    Ha Funky butt Lost

    She lost. No Presidency for ha
  13. PieceByPiece_KC

    Best Doritos Flavor

    My favorite is Cool Ranch! What's yours? Let's see who has... taste
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