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  1. As you know, Central and Eastern Europeans warned for years about Russia's true nature. But France thought they were Russophobic and Germany continued to buy more and more Russian gas. Should we start listening to the other half of Europe more instead of viewing them as backwards and paranoid? Discuss.
  2. ... and to buy your silence the secret scientists let you choose one place in time (future or past) to travel to for a month. You are also given a ''safe pod'' meaning that if you choose to go somewhere violent you can always scape to that pod with food, shower and a bed to stay safe during the month. Also your absence will be only of a couple hours in your timeline, while you get one free month. So what time and place are you choosing? What are the reasons?
  3. So i had to take her and her friends to the theater and they were all talking about txt stacy aespa and other Groups i never heard of, they told me they were all korean . They are around 16-17 year old. It would seem that’s the current trend. What should i do to make them listen to Latin music as they’re supposed to? I love bts and the psy songs but that’s it. help guys
  4. Currently streaming on Netflix. Viola's story is incredible. I wish the interview went a little more in depth about her life and how she overcame certain struggles especially as her fame skyrocketed. I'm not familiar with Oprah's interviews but does she interrupt her guests so often? Every time Viola tried to piece her response together, Oprah butts in. Its frustrating to watch.
  5. Take this with a massive grain of salt, and I’ll believe it when I see it, but if so…….how would y’all feel about this?
  6. The not tipping Uber eats drivers… The way his whole demeanor shifts with the last person. Eat the rich hennies
  7. Are we? This is to show to one of my friends that keep saying it and states that it’s only bad when a white person says it. He is even a white latino lol
  8. A lot of Democrats / wokists are crying right now. Are u happy with Twitter being 100% free speech ?
  9. Gorjesspazze9

    Venom 3 in development

    Sony revealed that Venom 3 is in development at cinemacon this week. Tom Hardy & His Symbiotic Bestie will officially have thier own trilogy. how do you want this film to play out? Who will be the Villain/Hero? And will the Multiverse play a major role in the film?
  10. I feel ******* unsafe here!!! I cannot stand this **** anymore
  11. Truly disgusting. Imagine if Germans celebrated the Holocaust every year on Holocaust Remembrance Day.. these people are equivalent to that. But unlike Germany, that made Holocaust denial illegal, Turkey and Azerbaijan have a policy of simultaneously denying the Armenian Genocide, celebrating the killing of 1.5 million Armenians, and even claiming Armenians are the ones who committed genocide against Turks. This results in generations of people growing up hateful and brainwashed.
  12. Cleanromantic

    What was your first phone?

    This legend right here was all the rage in middle school when we all started asking our parents to buy us phones . If you didn't own one, you were looked down upon basically ( Samsung was the it girl, but the cool girls always had Nokia phones for some reason) But one drawback is that the slider was so fragile and broke frequently, so I ended up probably owning 3 or 4 phones like it.
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